I've been wanting to do the USB sockets for a while now as well. I just know that as soon as I install them, some fancy new tech will come along and make them irrelevant. lol
She really loved my mechanical keyboard at home though, so that's why I'm leaning toward that. I'll take a look at the Steelseries Apex 100 though. Thank you. She works in her own office area away from everyone else, the noise wouldn't be an issue for her. I'll definitely give the Steelseries a look though. Thanks, Dave.
My wife has crap keyboards and mice in her office at work. She hates them. She loves working on my computer because I've got a Razer Blackwidow Ultimate Stealth keyboard and Logitech G203 mouse. These aren't the top of the line but they're much nicer than her office stuff.
I want to buy her a nice keyboard and mouse for her office. I don't want it to look like a gamer setup, just nice looking office stuff. It needs to be a mechanical keyboard, similar to mine in function. It's got to have the number keyboard on the side. The mouse just needs to have a scroll wheel and a couple of side thumb buttons. It needs to look nice and professional.
Any recommendations?