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Everything posted by cyberninja2601

  1. I don't have an XBox so I can't speak to the ability to change to that platform easily but I do have a Sennheiser U320 headset. I needed to use a Sennheiser for the noise cancellation capabilities of the mic for work projects. It works on the PC, Mac, PS4 by simply plugging in the USB. I think you need an adapter (which provided) to plug your controller into the hearphone control to work with the USB I know that Sennheiser has a number of other headphones that are more capable the those but if the issue is multi platform it works quite well.
  2. This tread got me thinking a bit 1) Can Linux be installed over Win7 on a machine and essentially scrub Win7? In other words if my laptop is win7, how to I install Linux on it instead. I know that I cannot format or scrub the disk because it is write protected. I suspect there is a way since PCs usually come with win pre-installed. I've never had to re-install in my case 2) Diddums mentioned 64 bit linux. Does it actually work on a 32 bit machine? I don't remember where PCs became 64 bits but some older machines may not be. 3) Does 32 bit software run on 64 bit linux. A number of Win softwares are still 32 bits and run on a 64 bit machine. Some do not. You actually need 32 bit windows. Those are older programs that were not written well but they still are around. It's usually applications that were never updated. I run into them once in a while. The versions of linux that I am use to seeing supported in my working environment are the following • Red Hat Enterprise Workstation 7.0 (64-bit) • Red Hat Enterprise Workstation 6.5-6.6 (64-bit)\ • Red Hat Enterprise Workstation 5.10 (64-bit) • SUSE Linux Enterprise 11.3 and 12.0 (64-bit) • Cent OS 6.6 and 7.0 (64-bit) • Ubuntu Linux 14.04.2 LTS (64-bit) But that doesn't mean that the others mentioned here are not good for other applications.
  3. Hi, Ubuntu is the one I encounter the most. It's free and you can actually operate an emulator on your PC (windows) to make it look like a linux desktop. You can find the information here. http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop It's also free The applications that we run on it are rather complex. I've been using unix (which is basically Linux now) forever so I may not be the best to evaluate the worth of that OS but as I said I encounter this one in the working world a lot. Mostly with software companies that want a user to be able to do powerfull stuff on their systems when they are stuck with windows.
  4. The show won't be the same without him wasn't some other person on the show also arrested for sex assault last year? I think it was one of the "experts"
  5. That's one of the reasons why you want to look at other players when in the DZ. If they don't have anything in the contaminated canister (what ever it's called), there is a good chance they are up to no good. If they got stuff and wanting to extract they probably are not as much of threat I'm still concern about it being unbalanced however. But since I have not tried it I can comment much further. Seems to me like this will only make solo players and marginal player's life harder.
  6. Well I caved and I got it. I had not played the beta so I don't have a frame of reference but I go to level 5 and did some of the side missions and stuff. The interface is screwing me up at the moment. I need to get use to that. The missions and side missions so far are ok. Everything I have done so far is solo so I am looking forward to running as a party. The biggest issue there is that most of us do party chat and that might not be the best thing to do for this game since other people in game will not be able to hear us. The map and the mission selection is nice. You pick your missions and then you know where to go. You just might run into other stuff on the way however. Right now the story stuff is decent. I can see putting in enough time to get my moneys worth. I haven't encountered many problems so I am happy about that
  7. I think his nephew uses his account and will ignore people that he does not know
  8. Well that's awful news. What rotten luck as well. I'm sure people think they're pretty safe when they are standing on a balcony
  9. What it sounds like to me is like one of the files is mounted on something and causing problems. Can you just rename the database or files then delete? a 90G database should not be too large to do anything from within win7
  10. Did you try to delete in the command line? What about doing it in safe mode?
  11. A number of us still play on the PS4. Probably more out of habit than anything else. It still seems to be the go to game to party up with other people The new map pack is ok. Zombies isn't quite doing it for me. I much preferred Zombies in AW
  12. Good question. I think the cost looks expensive at first glance but it isn't quite as bad as it seems sometimes If you look at movies, it's about $12 to see a movie or $7 to rent one. So for $7 you get about 2hrs of entertainment Games are about $70 on average. So as long as you get about 20 hours worth of entertainment then I would say its decent. Anything above that you probably come out ahead. If it's a game one of the kids like then that's even better (both are over 18 now)
  13. You're right. I'll cancel my order today
  14. I also tried it again this morning. I agree with Tommy, it's like a completely different game Did the Vor's set of missions.
  15. Got windows 7 by anychance? My computer started crashing a lot. I couldn't find anything wrong with it and I'm pretty technically savy. The operating system was the issue and some of the updates fucked things up When I updated to win10, the problems went away. I think it's MS underhanded way to get people to upgrade to win10 so that their numbers go up.
  16. Well I saw it with my son today. I rather enjoyed it. It captured the essence of deadpool
  17. I remember this news cast. The company I worked for at the time at the technical training that week and we were all flying in on that day. This highlites that most reporters aren't particularly bright nor do they check their sources very well. There was another news cast that got the same info and the reporter got the prank while reading the second name and just plain didn't know what to do. I think he said mid report we will be checking these names again and get back to you.
  18. the shotgun pistols owns. I played a lobby where one guy was just getting crazy scores with it. You have to make sure you are out of range to win a gun fight. Have not noticed the others. Since it's all black market stuff, it could be a while before I actually get my hands on my own as opposed to picking it up from from a dead guy
  19. I wonder what that expression means Not that there is anything wrong with that deadpool is probably the movie I most looking forward to. I don't think my wife will be into it. I might go see it with one of the kids. It premiers during reading week so the will both be home Then suicide squad Superman v Batman just doesn't seem to interest me however
  20. Yep, Margo is absolutely Gorgeous. However it was talking about the Harley character. But Margo is certainly easy on the eyes
  21. That one looks great. I think Harley is going to steal the show.
  22. Does this help Log Name: System Source: Microsoft-Windows-Kernel-Power Date: 2/1/2016 8:58:54 PM Event ID: 41 Task Category: (63) Level: Critical Keywords: (2) User: SYSTEM Description: The system has rebooted without cleanly shutting down first. This error could be caused if the system stopped responding, crashed, or lost power unexpectedly. Event Xml: <Event xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/win/2004/08/events/event"> <System> <Provider Name="Microsoft-Windows-Kernel-Power" Guid="{331C3B3A-2005-44C2-AC5E-77220C37D6B4}" /> <EventID>41</EventID> <Version>2</Version> <Level>1</Level> <Task>63</Task> <Opcode>0</Opcode> <Keywords>0x8000000000000002</Keywords> <TimeCreated SystemTime="2016-02-02T01:58:54.833611100Z" /> <EventRecordID>40745</EventRecordID> <Correlation /> <Execution ProcessID="4" ThreadID="8" /> <Channel>System</Channel> <Computer>Transilient-PC</Computer> <Security UserID="S-1-5-18" /> </System> <EventData> <Data Name="BugcheckCode">26</Data> <Data Name="BugcheckParameter1">0x5003</Data> <Data Name="BugcheckParameter2">0xfffff70001080000</Data> <Data Name="BugcheckParameter3">0x991</Data> <Data Name="BugcheckParameter4">0x99300001722</Data> <Data Name="SleepInProgress">false</Data> <Data Name="PowerButtonTimestamp">0</Data> </EventData> </Event>
  23. It could be I did not install a repair option if that is what was necessary. I was rather surprised also since the disk does provide me with the repair option. Will creating a repair disk help? I have a 1 TB hard disk which is about 15% full so it not because the HD space was not there. I think win only needs about 30 MB to install and have scratch space. I don't get it either, which is why I hate windows. Everything is a menu cluster fuck, but unfortunately most business apps aren't available for linux. Most engineer apps are available on Mac OS
  24. I've look at a lot of different logs. Which ones would be helpful? As for the memtests, they are the ones supplied with my ASUS motherboard, which is a ROG rampage IV board. Not a window Utility. I also had a look at the win7 repair option on the disk. Apparently my version of win is not compatible with repair? I have win7 home premium 64 bit? I might just suffer through this until the project is done and then upgrade to win10. If win10 fails then that would point to a hardware failure. if not, it would confirm that win7 needs repairing Can you upgrade to win10 and make the system dual boot?
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