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Everything posted by cyberninja2601

  1. I wonder if them seeing the reveal trailer had anything to do with the decision. It's all about the money any ways. If the game was total garbage but in high demand, I sure that Mountain dew would have no problem sponsoring it. I'm hoping consumers will speak with their wallets. I will be interesting to see what pre-orders are like
  2. Even within a class they are pretty different. Support for example, Mercy is pure support almost no offence. Zenayatta is harder to use needs to target other heroes carefully but has real good offence. Lucio total buff Get tommy on this. It's kind of an FPS LoL
  3. I ended up getting it. I'm enjoying it so far but I've only done bot games with a few characters It's objective based which I like. It gives you the opportunity to play support roles as opposed to just killing opponents which I also like The look of the game is more cartoony but it works. It has a cyber ninja as a character so it has to be good
  4. I bunch of us did buy it. I for one didn't buy it because I expected to see boot prints. I was expecting a game that would be fun to play in a group and offer something new. The problem with the game were numerous. The biggest one for me was that shit got repetitive pretty quick and there were a number of match making problems with the game. There were also a lot of exploits that gave people an advantage in the DZ so people got fed up. It could have been a good game but it lost focus It does had something if the game is interesting but it wasn't.
  5. I think you a pretty spot on. I played a lot of CoD with Kyle, jake and Mike on the same team. When that happened, you had to feel pretty sorry for the other team. In BF not quite as much because the streaks were not there, the maps are huge and you can deplete tickets by playing the objectives. That MW2 mechanics didn't make the game less fun however unless it's all about winning. I personally felt a lot of satisfaction getting a pave low because it simply didn't happen very often.
  6. I don't see why that would be the case. We had cold blooded which was ghost + cold blooded. It wasn't that hard to avoid the streaks. I found the chopper gunner worst because you could spawn kill but it wasn't the end of the world.
  7. Don't get me wrong, I loved MW2 but I guess you have forgotten about 1) Commando + Lightweight + Marathon with a tactical knife 2) Noob tubes with danger close and scavenger 3) claymores with scavenger 4) Death streaks People forget what they complained bitterly about BO1 was a good game with shitty execution in my opinion. Connections were horrible. All 3arc connections have been horrible for me anyways
  8. Common boiled chicken without any seasoning and toast is great . Must not forget the mushy peas
  9. 21 jump was awesome. Especially the car chase in the Peter pan costume
  10. I've been on a few. Those ships are so large that you easily forget you are on a ship. It feels more like being in a massive hotel. I've always enjoyed them because the staff takes real good care of you. You don't even have to pickup your luggage at the airport. It gets transferred for you to your state room. It's a great way to travel for "dad". Don't have to worry about anything.
  11. You got me. That's why they give me the funny hat and broom when I graduated
  12. So the answer is water displacement. The lenght + height of the containing air (which is the buoyancy) has to have a greater force than the force of gravity on the boat. So as long as it long, wide and high enough it will float.
  13. What's next. Making him watch Game of Thrones Like drifter said. It can't be all bad if he told you it's not for him. Too bad about the nightmares. I guess you have to get him a puppy
  14. I wonder if this is an indication of how much Infinite warfare sucks or how scared they are. They have to meet those revenue numbers for the share holders. As you say however, most Xbox owners that want to play MW probably have the game already.
  15. Says the guys who had to be convinced to play ME3, Destiny and Warframe I stopped playing a while back. I almost never see anyone online playing it either. It's one of the more disappointing purchases I've made.
  16. Well I guess they need another franchise to be able to Milk Battlefield doesn't come out every year so they need something else. I don't think Hardline did much I think battlefront did about 11M in sales which is not bad considering.
  17. Could be worst. He could be Cap Britain
  18. We shall see. Everyone is shitting on CoD and excited about BF1 (I know I am) but that doesn't mean anything when it comes to spending your money on a game. BF4 is a much better game than CoD (however it had massive launch issues). BF4 only has a fraction of the sales that CoD has hype means nothing. For instance BF4 has 13M in sales (which is great in general) and AW has 21M in sales yet everyone here pretty says AW is an shit game. AW still made about half a Billion dollars more than BF4 Call of duty ghost (which everyone agrees is about the worst CoD every sold 27M copies (more than 2x times what BF4 sold). Call of duty black ops 3 has sold about 23M copies. So since the release of BF4 CoD has sold 71M copies to BF4s 13M copies even though BF4 is a much better game I'm certain that's all Activision is looking at. They don't give a shit about critical response. They are doing what the share holder want.
  19. Thing is when we bitch about it before it is launched most of the time we a right
  20. I kind of notice the same thing. I think people prefer conquest because that tends to have the vehicles and more people on the map.
  21. WW1 might be a bit boring. You wouldn't have the weapon and vehicle diversity that exists today. Perhaps something like a Lt. Dan family history thing would be cool. For those of you who aren't familiar with the Forest Gump character, Lt. Dan had a familly member involved in every american war and died in combat. I might be kind of cool to have each map and part of the campaign set in a different war. WW1, WW2, Korea, Vietnam, Gulf war and Afganistan. I doubt they would do that however
  22. Couple of things 1) USB 3.0 is supposed to be backwards compatible with USB 2.0 and USB 1.0, much like PCIE 3.0 is backwards compatible with 2.0 and 1.0. It should actually be the USB dongles responsibility to make sure that it works in a 2.0 but companies don't always get shit like that right. 2) Software is now being distributed on USB because a lot of laptops are shipped without DVD drives now. I guess they do that to bring the prices down and since most people use the internet to load software and stream movies it makes a lot of sense.
  23. Glad to hear you were able to overcome the issue
  24. According to the screen shots you provided there is an option to update system BIOS under system diagnostic I think you have to go the HP support site and get the latest BIOS for the HP Folio 9470m
  25. I think you want to upgrade your BIOS People trying to install Ubuntu also had problems. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2126740&page=2 The last entry said some USB vendors had problems with the BIOS. Perhaps that flash drive was manufactured by Verbatim. Here is what it said This was supposed to have been fixed in a recent BIOS update: Version: F.44 (22 May 2013) Fixes - Fixes an issue which causes the system to stop functioning and display a black screen when the system is powered on. - Fixes an intermittent issue where changes cannot be made to the system using the F10 BIOS setup. - Fixes an issue where the shift key or control key do not function properly and are repeatedly activated after being pressed one time while the system is in the preboot environment or in the DOS environment. - Fixes an intermittent issue where a battery that has been fully discharged does not recharge properly. - Fixes an issue which causes the incorrect vendor name for the ADATA memory module to be displayed in the F10 BIOS Setup. - Fixes issue where system does not boot properly from a Verbatim USB 3.0 drive. - Fixes an issue where the system does not power on (boot) correctly after the PXE IPv4 and IPv6 network protocols are disabled in the F10 BIOS Setup. - Fixes an issue where the system stops functioning properly and displays a black screen after the lid is closed while the system is powering on and is then opened. - Fixes an issue where the right alt and right ctrl keys on a USB keyboard connected to the system do not function properly in the preboot operating system environment. (Unfortunately, just for the Verbatim flash drives - I'm still having problems booting from a Lexar P10 flash drive.)
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