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Everything posted by cyberninja2601

  1. Are they still in business?
  2. That is failure on so many levels. Who tests code on their servers? Who has backups for their stuff on the same server What enterprise has backup in the same fucking building has their servers? If if there is a fire or theft? This is just a guy who was out of his league trying to make a business.
  3. And I guess that's why you guys keep electing them "insert rimshot"
  4. Could the computer be uploading or upgrading something? You test bandwidth will go down if the computer is already downloading or doing something that is resource intensive. Do you know how to look at the resource manager (ctl-alt-del) and see what process are running and what is using up memory? Because you said that reset the router and disconnecting the computer has no effect, I beleive the issue is something that is running on the computer that is slowing it down. Also since wireless is running consistent, it's not the quality of you connection to the outside world
  5. That's because they want you to see their fat ass in cycling shorts again. In case you missed it the first few times
  6. I would much rather play most sports than watch. Baseball to me has too much of nothing interesting happening until something interesting does happen. And then it's pretty easy to miss what was interesting because it happens so quickly and so far away. If I had to pick a sport it probably would be Hockey. I know it's a shocker for the French Canadian to pick Hockey. Ottawa has had 3 minor league ball teams that have gone bankrupt. It's just not part of our culture or upbringing.
  7. Common what's hotter than watching a group of women who are using brooms screaming "hard, hard, hard" all the time wasn't the site called fpsshooter or something like that
  8. I guess you are the kind of guy who said that people who use windows 7 are holding back 8 and was the version of the future I don't want to be that type of person . So there
  9. I disagree There are a few minor downsides to 3, such as slightly worse library support, and the fact that most current Linux distributions and Macs are still using 2.x as default However, there are some key issues that may require you to use Python 2 rather than Python 3. Firstly, if you're deploying to an environment you don't control, that may impose a specific version, rather than allowing you a free selection from the available versions. So if you are going to write apps for people they might not run in 3 Secondly, if you want to use a specific third party package or utility that doesn't yet have a released version that is compatible with Python 3, and porting that package is a non-trivial task, you may choose to use Python 2 in order to retain access to that package. For something for your own use that always runs on windows however, 3 is probably better to use because it is newer
  10. Just as a note, Python is a high level interpreted programming language which means it is not compiled. That means that any programming you write on Windows will run on anything else as long as your libraries are compatible. If you use python 2.7, you should be ok as long as you are trying to access specific hardware which will potentially have different drivers between operating systems You guys should also look at https://www.python.org/
  11. How do you plan to use it? Do you plan to install wine and then Notepad++ on the your linux system? Notepad++ is native to Windows. However it can be installed on Linux On Ubuntu its sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install wine then you install it wine which is the windows program loader You can also use notepadqq which is native to Linux instead
  12. You are right. However since it is open source some of the Libraries may different depending on what users have developed. Anyways, I installed ubuntu which is Linux today on one of my laptops. I chose it because many engineering programs I used are supported on that platform. It also looks a lot like MacOs for the basic stuff. I have the Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (long Term Support, which means it will be available for a while). I have the 64 bit version installed. I also have python 2.7 and 3.4 and tool kits installed. I also have code editors installed. You guys don't need any of that do to Python programming. However if you don't want to re-invent the wheel and feel free to ask me how and what I did I am running "brackets" as my code editor. Vim would be another good one I am doing pretty much everything command line if you want to learn out to do that using the GNOME terminal
  13. OK, My point was more when learn Linux while learning to code. That's 2 variables as opposed to 1. Since most people here a familiar with a Windows environment, it would simply learning the coding because they would have to worry about the Linux stuff as well. Admittedly I don't know much about linux at the client level. I am use to getting into the system as an admin and do everything command line because I learnt Unix, Solaris and IBM AIX. So it might be a lot simpler now with everything being open sourced so commands I am use to would look something like this $mkdir -p /tmp/diddums/project $cd /tmp/diddums/project $chmod 555 /tmp/diddums/project Which is something else that people would need to learn but that's fine. It's just more learning
  14. Here is a free course. It requires high commitment but it is complete It starts in JUne https://www.edx.org/course/cs-all-introduction-computer-science-harveymuddx-cs005x-0?gclid=Cj0KEQjwrZ24BRC098fr-OqnuMkBEiQAKQ9lgGJcEFp8D0i-VTztjcfSVHnlJNcehHdEOVopbTz5P8UaAjQv8P8HAQ
  15. I would be ok with it. Python works on about any platform. Is there a reason you want linux as well? Python is one of the languages that I would like to learn and I know a number of them already. So I can work on some of the stuff.
  16. The FPGAs are used everywhere. Even in TVs (in order to make them regional and to control Digital rights managements). It's about 3-4 Billion dollar industry. The card is an evaluation card so it doesn't get that much use. People use it to prototype designs and get an early software start while the proprietary hardware is being design. It's also useful to develop software and drivers because the form factor isn't important for software development. The part on that board would be big enough to write the Chip design for an older generation Graphics chip. Because of their flexibility and capabilities these chips are quite expensive so a lot of people end up designing ASICs instead. For example AMD and nVidia GPU designs are believed to be on the Samsung process at 16 nm using FinFet (a weird 3D transistor).
  17. Speaking of MIA. How have you been?
  18. Ok thanks. At least they put the messaging capability within the game.
  19. When I look at the recruitment tab on warframe (in game) I can see a bunch of people that say they are hosting void missions. Do you guys know how the hell you join them? Is is it something as stupid as having to message them? I can't seem to figure it out
  20. It's a Xilinx (my former employer) evaluation board that I use to prototype designs for customers. The edge connector is PCIE GEN3 (which most graphics cards use these days) and it's capable of the PCIE GEN4 (However I would need to write the chip design to do it and my PC isn't capable of handling GEN4 anyways). That's why it looks like a Graphics card. The metal cage is where the optics go. The metal is a heat sink because the things gets real hot. The DDR4 memory is below the device with the fan so again it looks like a graphics card. The chip under the fan is what is called a Field Programmable Gate Array. It's essentially an ASIC which can be reprogrammed at will. Specifically this one is an XCVU095-2FFVA2104E which is a 20 nm device. This is the class of device that you often find in communications equipment from people like Cisco, Alcatel, Nokia, Ericsson. They have to be programmed using either VHDL or Verilog which are known as HDLs (Hardware description logic). There's two main Vendors Altera which was acquired by Intel and Xilinx . I've worked for all 3 companies The devices are now a staple in most commercial electronics equipment. The main reason is that they are re-programmable so they can be adapted to regional standard (Video signals for example are different between Europe, Asia and America). They can also be used on emerging standards and upgrading the field when a standard changes. And I have paypal, however I think the last time I used it was 2013 because that's when my credit card expired
  21. Hey, the technology that I work on is used to develop SDI. HDMI and Display Port broadcasting systems as well as to communicate over the internet. This card for example can 400 Gbps optical (about 10,000 times faster than most peoples connections these days). Fuck the BO3 lag Since video gamers are always looking for something faster, this is purely for promotional purpose Please pay special attention to the eeyor mouse pad in the picture I still do not see a way to donate however. Perhaps my security software is blocking it
  22. Ok fine. I'll have a look. I was just thinking of having the corporation make a donation since I can write some of it off anyways
  23. How much do you need and how?
  24. About 6 inches fell yesterday for us. Not impressed Bit then again we didn't have snow until about January 10th which is also pretty unusual
  25. I think that's something that people outside of the USA mostly don't get. My son is a big fan, he cheers for the Yankees and we've gone to see them play a few times. He use to be an awesome center fielder until he developed something called a bone cyst and broke his arm 3 times in 1 year. I mostly watch to keep him company while we are having a couple of beers but that's about it
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