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  1. Love
    Tove got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in Show us your recent retro purchases!   
    I loved pandemonium that game was just pure amazing. I spent many hours as kid playing that one and it’s sequel
  2. Sad
    Tove got a reaction from Lurchzy in DMZ   
    the exfil campers are out in force tonight :( trying to extract mission objectives is just impossible at the moment
  3. Love
    Tove got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in Share your DMZ Pro Gamer moments   
    DMZ Has given me so many memorable epic gamer moments in the 6 weeks that I have been playing it. Let’s here your stories too.
    As someone here said previously in DMZ the journey is often more important than the extraction or the reward.
    I’ll start with my first special moment which was extracting the M13B, I had been trying for a little while to extract the m13b I had downed the Chemist a couple of times but had never managed to get away with the gun. It was Christmas Eve and I was planning on having one more go! I’ve copied the story from the other thread so you may have heard this one before though it would be nice to have a single space for DMZ stories
    I did a setup run extracted a self revive, medium backpack, durable gas mask, and 2 plate vest, 
    I then spawned in with the MCPR-300 (Body Count Blueprint with the 5 round mag removed (for a 10 mag) and a Kastov 74u then went straight for the Radiation Zone, got a message right away saying the chemist was in the area, sometimes I've had to run around the outside of the area to get that message. then took the high ground and was able to take some enemies out one by one, then I ventured into the gas and started collecting gas masks, plates and stims, it took around 20 minutes but I didn't really get any large clusters of enemies like I have on previous attempts so I was able to take them down successfully. I found the chemist a couple of times, got a headshot on the first and destroyed his helmet, finally I found him close by a building looking in the opposite direction and was able to finish him off with the 74u, there wasn't really any other enemies nearby so I grabbed the m13b and legged it to my vehicle, found a sensible extraction a little while away the radiation was about to start expanding and I didn't want to take any chances. I did get downed at the extraction but was fortunate to still have the self revive. 
  4. Like
    Tove got a reaction from Lurchzy in Show us your recent retro purchases!   
    I loved pandemonium that game was just pure amazing. I spent many hours as kid playing that one and it’s sequel
  5. Like
    Tove reacted to GazzaGarratt in Show us your recent retro purchases!   
    I've been recently reconciling my PS1 games as I did have quite a few naughty copied discs back in the day (hey, not my fault my parents clearly didn't want me to have the proper ones!) so I thought it was time to fix that. There's a few new ones below though as a few half decent deals came up with the game I needed so picked them up at the same time.
    Looking forward to trying out all teh football games later in the year and hopefully with others here face to face when I've sorted my space out.
    Fun useless fact. I could never beat Tenchu properly as it was rock hard when I was young. Couldn't even get past the first level boss! I ended up using the infinite health cheat to help me complete it instead. I'll go back soon to see if my skills have actually done anything in the past 25 years 😅
  6. Like
    Tove reacted to IRaMPaGe in Show us your recent retro purchases!   
    A nice line up there Lee, think I've played them all aside from the Brian Lara Cricket. 
    I have no interest in Cricket. 
    My favourites from that pile would be. 
    Destruction Derby
    The Tomb Raiders
  7. Love
    Tove reacted to IRaMPaGe in Man Flies To Italy And Buys Pizza, Cheaper Than Domino's   
    Absolutely brilliant. 😂
    Man flies all the way to Italy and gets pizza for less than the cost of a Domino’s - Bristol Live
    WWW.BRISTOLPOST.CO.UK His entire trip costs less than buying a pizza from Domino’s  
  8. Like
    Tove got a reaction from IRaMPaGe in DMZ Season 2   
    So I'm 100% in favour of the wipe I think its a good thing providing that you get new missions at the same time. I'm indifferent about whether we keep the insured slots I could go either way on that one, but I don't like the argument put forward that DMZ should wipe because Tarkov does, just because Tarkov does it doesn't mean that DMZ should do it too. 
  9. Like
    Tove got a reaction from IRaMPaGe in DMZ Tips Thread   
    Got another tip for players on Steam, Don't do anything risky on a Tuesday as at some point throughout the evening the game will crash during Steam maintenance and you will lose your loadout and mission progress from that match. 
  10. Haha
    Tove reacted to cyberninja2601 in DMZ Season 2   
    From the PC gamer article
    It should be said, however, that it's always easy to find COD players complaining about something, and there's plenty of more reasoned reaction too: Not least because server wipes are common in games that are like DMZ
    Escape from Tarkov which resets everything roughly twice a year
    " Either way the wipe is coming February 15, so get ready for much wailing, gnashing of teeth, and Youtubers with aghast faces asking "Greedy Activision did WHAT?!?"
    Sounds familiar. 
  11. Like
    Tove got a reaction from Lurchzy in DMZ Season 2   
    I'm really excited for Season 2!
    It seems that its very likely that a full wipe is happening. Contraband, Keys, Faction Missions and Insured Slots and honestly it makes sense and I'm all up for it! getting brand new missions from Tier 1 will be great. If they were to add additional Tiers to the existing missions this would feel like an impossible task for many players. I'm on Tier 3 missions so I would be stuck with these into Season 2 until I completed them. I'm looking forward to having a new set of missions to get stuck into!
    However I have changed my current goals. I was going for Tier 3 across all factions to get that second insured slot but now I am focusing on Tier 3 and Tier 4 of the Black Mous faction as I really want to unlock the Relentless Skin for Roze! lets hope that I can get this done before season 2 drops!
  12. Like
    Tove got a reaction from IRaMPaGe in DMZ Season 2   
    Insured slots are no longer being reset with Season 2
  13. Love
    Tove reacted to cyberninja2601 in DMZ Tips Thread   
    My list
    - Bring in a sniper riffle with thermal and silencer when ever you can. You will be able to see the enemy from far away and mark them for you and team. The can also spot enemy operators easily. The back pack is very noticable. You can count on picking up the RPK quickly or shotguns.
    - Look at your team mates challenges. I often see they have the same as me, so then say hey guys we all need to air strike 10 guys. If they don't say great idea you know you are in for a shit match and likely to all die because you are stuck with dumb people. Just saying
    - Get an easy contract immediately (radio actives are the best). Then think of you extraction strategy. You get extraction streaks in this game and if you build up 5 or more you can become pretty godly. Play the long game
    - When using a vehicle to go extract. Have someone leave early at the other side of the extraction point you will use. Use your thermal or spoting scope to look for exfil campers. Having a UAV or recon drone is also helpful. If they are there, they probably do not have your best interest in mind and decide what you want to do
    - If another team is extracting, friend them without saying anything. If they refuse just let them extract and get the next one only you are prepared to lose than fight, might win but you might lose. I tend to not be a dick because some kids new to the game might just be trying to get their 2 plate vest or extract with their stims
    - Assume that the AIs are PC players with wall hacks and aimbots. Because that pretty much how effective they are right now. The can see you while inside a building a throw a grenade through the window at you. 
    - Go to gas stations to fuel and fix you vehicles. Be prepared for the 6-8 AIs however that patrol the station
    - use the radio towers and building to parachute around to "fast travel". Be prepared for operators camping the climb however. Don't all go up at the same time. See if you get shot at
    - If your team mates fail to revive you don't leave. They can still revive you as long as your dog tag is still there. It just takes longer
    - Be prepared for operator dog fights at Quarry, havid port, mall, airport. There are a number of missions that you have to do there. So there is a good likelyhood that other operators are trying to do them too. Try to friend them, if they don' respond immediately assume they are hostile
    - Roll as a 6 operator team when ever you can. If you can find people who co-operate friend them in game and for future games. 
    - I would get an an AR over a LMG when I can. You want to be able to reload quickly. As I said the other gun should be a sniper
    - Remember there is another slot in the medium/large backpack to carry a 3rd weapon. Don't drop something good if you haven't used the slot
    - Put some proximity mines in your vehicles if you can. If another team tries to steal them while you are doing something. Kaboom 🙂 if you drive around and into their vehicle Kaboom. Miraculously you will survive the kaboom and get a lot a kind comments and complements on your strategy 😉
    - After I die I think to spend the next mission looking for better backpack and plate vests and self revives. If I get them I extract to get ready for real missions
    - keep an eye on the timer. Once the gas starts you want to have your extraction strategy and be close to an extraction point. Don't mill around the gas because it will overcome you quickly and the chopper ain't coming for you
    - you can rescue the hostage to extract. A chopper will come for you and its not an extraction point on the map. However the mission is not a gimmie and some of the rescues can be pretty hard. Shoot the guards through the windows before you breach the door if you can. Minimize the number of guards before entering. Find the hostage quickly before the explosive vest blows
    - People will try to kill you at final extraction, kill them first
    - If your team mates go into a restricted area with a single plate vest and not guns, go in a different direction. They are idiots and will get you killed. Unless you got nothing too and just want to go in for the ride
    - If you got nothing and go in without a weapon. Best strategy is dead silence and throwing knife. Its a one it silent kill on the AI. Then pickup a gun and the other shit you are going to need
    - If you get a chance, jump onto the train early. Lots of low risk great loot there. However it drives into dangerous AI areas so don't stay there too long
    - Learn the extraction points you should avoid. The caves and observatory for example. Just too many armoured AI there. the likelyhood of getting out is low. Get a vehicle and drive to a safer spot instead
  14. Like
    Tove got a reaction from IRaMPaGe in DMZ Tips Thread   
    Only if you was running your insured weapon at the time, so maybe it’s your first game of the day, when I get wiped I always take in no weapons and run straight for the high risk high rewards areas such as the train, you can often get a 3/3 vest/backpack, then I’ll go for a gas mask and self revive, then go for the early extract to get my insured gun, or if my insured is on cool-down I’ll go do some basic missions, and dead drop some cash. 50k is around 1:40 so add in your game time and you are good to go next round. 
    That’s my exact point!
    Yup my focus for the next couple of weeks is Black Mous tier 4 I want the relentless skin for Roze 
    some fantastic tips @cyberninja2601
  15. Like
    Tove got a reaction from IRaMPaGe in DMZ Season 2   
    I'm really excited for Season 2!
    It seems that its very likely that a full wipe is happening. Contraband, Keys, Faction Missions and Insured Slots and honestly it makes sense and I'm all up for it! getting brand new missions from Tier 1 will be great. If they were to add additional Tiers to the existing missions this would feel like an impossible task for many players. I'm on Tier 3 missions so I would be stuck with these into Season 2 until I completed them. I'm looking forward to having a new set of missions to get stuck into!
    However I have changed my current goals. I was going for Tier 3 across all factions to get that second insured slot but now I am focusing on Tier 3 and Tier 4 of the Black Mous faction as I really want to unlock the Relentless Skin for Roze! lets hope that I can get this done before season 2 drops!
  16. Love
    Tove got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in DMZ Tips Thread   
    I thought it could be a nice idea to collect some DMZ tips in the same space. Please post your DMZ tips below!! 
    I'll start. 
    After dying when starting a fresh deployment never take your insured gun in with you. You have no gear so you have nothing to lose take a basic contraband gun if you have to but wait until you have at least a 2 plate vest to take your insured gun into the game.
  17. Like
    Tove got a reaction from Lurchzy in UI Getting Fixed For Season 2   
    From what they have told us so far I’m not too sure they are making many changes, I’d expect it to mostly look the same with a couple of key areas being optimised
  18. Like
    Tove got a reaction from IRaMPaGe in Season 2 Delayed   
    I don't think its fair to hate on them for Tier 1 I actually admire them for trying something different with Tier 1, OK so it didn't work and they are bring back Hardcore but if you don't try these things you'll never know they will work right? 
  19. Like
    Tove got a reaction from IRaMPaGe in DMZ Season 2   
    What's everyones thoughts on Season 2 for DMZ?
  20. Love
    Tove reacted to GazzaGarratt in Season 2 Delayed   
    Like I said before, I think sometimes we are sitting only on one side of the fence and thinking 'they just held it back so they could deliver it as new content' which I don't think is exactly true. Sometimes we have to at least try and put ourselves in other people's shoes to try and understand decisions and thought processes (crazy, I know, thinking of others rather than ourselves). My logical reasoning would be that they created a brand new gamemode Tier 1, and needed to test it in the water with a large playerbase. They knew that if it went out straight off the bat against Hardcore mode, most people would go to their comfort zone and ignore Tier 1. This is literally one of the main reasons loads of games have rotational playlists so all content is being played at some point which gives them valuable feedback in what players like and dislike - they can then pull it out and rework it where possible or even just leave it out if players hate it that much.
    Now they have the unanimous feedback so far on Tier 1 that it hasn't quite worked, we're now seeing HC back. I'm cool with that and don't be surprised if Tier 1 gets a little rework in the future because its something new and they now have some feedback on the mode from more constructive players rather than the large majority moaning about just wanted HC back. I don't think they've done a fanfare about HC returning. They haven't said 'New mode incoming which is HC!'. The tweet above just says, HC is back and thats it.
  21. Like
    Tove got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in DMZ Players what is your PvP etiquette?   
    You are spot on @GazzaGarrattin DMZ you really can't be too attached to your kit sooner or later you will die and lose it all and to be honest its extremely easy to find a 2 plate and a medium backpack, and 3 plates and large backpacks aren't exactly difficult to come across also. Getting your insured weapon back is a bit more difficult but you can do reasonably well with the guns dropped by the AI you really don't need a meta loadout in DMZ to have fun. 
    I played a game last night and someone got extremely angry as I killed him, but if you look at the circumstances he could have avoided it, he was looting within the Weapons case area my squad was hunting the juggernaut and I had popped a UAV tower in the area, he should have left he knew that an enemy squad had a UAV nearby but still choose to remain moving from building to building looting yet expected us to just let him get on with it. Its a PvP game mode and many of the missions in the game require you too kill other operators.
    I don't quite fit the poll conditions anymore as my playstyle. I'm still at the "I'm not afraid - I don't look for a fight but if I come across an enemy squad I will seek to take them out" but with the exception that I know which fights to avoid taking if possible. My example above being one if a squad pops a UAV in the area I'm gonna bounce as they have the advantage. I probably need an "I'm Sensible - I know when to avoid or engage
  22. Like
    Tove got a reaction from Lurchzy in DMZ   
    Got two more weapons crates this evening! I really wish I'd stopped playing solo exclusively much sooner. Even if you get a bad squad who just run off in opposite directions you can utilise the plea for help if you get downed and maybe an enemy squad will let you join their team. 
  23. Like
    Tove reacted to cyberninja2601 in DMZ   
    Yah. Got two crates yesterday as well. Some kind wanted level up is weapon and we just started doing contracts casually and squad came up and announced they were friendly so we joined up. Wanted to do the weapons cases so we rolled with them. Went really well first time. The kid and I went in again and found another squad  and did the same
    We were particularly lucky. The extraction was almost right next to the case so we didn't get anyone chasing us. His gun went up like crazy
  24. Like
    Tove got a reaction from IRaMPaGe in DMZ Players what is your PvP etiquette?   
    You are spot on @GazzaGarrattin DMZ you really can't be too attached to your kit sooner or later you will die and lose it all and to be honest its extremely easy to find a 2 plate and a medium backpack, and 3 plates and large backpacks aren't exactly difficult to come across also. Getting your insured weapon back is a bit more difficult but you can do reasonably well with the guns dropped by the AI you really don't need a meta loadout in DMZ to have fun. 
    I played a game last night and someone got extremely angry as I killed him, but if you look at the circumstances he could have avoided it, he was looting within the Weapons case area my squad was hunting the juggernaut and I had popped a UAV tower in the area, he should have left he knew that an enemy squad had a UAV nearby but still choose to remain moving from building to building looting yet expected us to just let him get on with it. Its a PvP game mode and many of the missions in the game require you too kill other operators.
    I don't quite fit the poll conditions anymore as my playstyle. I'm still at the "I'm not afraid - I don't look for a fight but if I come across an enemy squad I will seek to take them out" but with the exception that I know which fights to avoid taking if possible. My example above being one if a squad pops a UAV in the area I'm gonna bounce as they have the advantage. I probably need an "I'm Sensible - I know when to avoid or engage
  25. Like
    Tove reacted to GazzaGarratt in DMZ Players what is your PvP etiquette?   
    Great thread @Tove . I think sometimes these gamemodes can be really intense, so to ensure that fun is actually had rather be anxious of the impending stress caused by getting angry at the game, I just go for squads when we see them 9/10. The off chance the common sense decision is to do whatever the other thing you are doing instead because maybe its extracting, etc. But other than that, its better to set yourself up not getting too attached to all the stuff you get because thats when the game hurts you most.
    People who run Warzone with me already know I like to set our own little fun mini goals such as 'Top 10 squad with 15 total squad kills and complete 6 contracts!' or something like that. To win those modes is a small %, so why get down about it? Make up your own rules of fun and the win becomes a great bonus if you get near the end. Similar with DMZ imo.
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