Wanted to state that I added Lee as an admin for our Facebook page and group. We'll be talking about things to do over there for you social media peeps.
I just did a shit ton of pinning of popular threads and unpinning of year old/no activity threads.
Also, any thoughts on possible sub forums for FIFA and Rocket League in the Sports (gaming) section?
Before classes start i'm going to have some free time, so if you guys need help with anything, let me know. I'd love it if we could have a darker theme.
I love Bob's Burgers. I'm actually 3 episodes away from being caught up with it. [emoji14]
Comedies nowadays just don't compare to older ones. I'll constantly go back to old ones and replay them over and over. Wish I could say the same about modern ones.
Sorry, but if you can't play an ONLINE game due to its crappy connection, then it's shit. Lol sure it corrected things, but what's the point if it played horrible?
Can someone please explain what aspergers is? Once upon a time, I had a friend that had that and she always said she was crazy and had papers to prove it. Didn't know if she was referring to the aspergers or if she was just being a dramatic teenager.
Cool and they have an app now. I will make it a point to update the game today. Hell, I might just update it now!
I promise i'll bless everyone with my presence on LoL soon.
I'm a nerd and put reminders on my calendars for TV shows. Or i'm forgetful as fuck! Or both...
But yeah, just started this tonight with my girlfriend. Good so far.
Me when I see the Punisher: