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Everything posted by Commander_Undies

  1. Welcome aboard!
  2. Jeez Jason. Subtract the alcohol and that's how I feel all of the time.
  3. Nice to finally meet you! There are some great posts already. Volunteering, matching sites, and being the designated driver all sounds like great things for you to try and do socially. I can definitely relate to the same shit, different day routine. The thing that helped me at home and getting over the SSDD routine, was by simply trying new things. These things don't need to be spontaneous, expensive, or something you need a group of people for either (which is a plus if you're introverted like myself). And you might just find a new favorite hobby too. I started reading, which is something that I never really did. I always loved arts and crafts and by doing those I felt really accomplished. I play guitar a lot, learning new songs and just taking care of my guitar is a nice change up from the everyday 'work, home, dogs, eat, wash, social media, bed'. Just by adding one new thing a day can really change your mood. That really helped me. Even if you think you might not like certain hobbies, you need to give them a chance if the opportunity shows itself or you think you might be interested in something. I know plenty of people, myself included, never wanted to do/play a certain thing before and now it's their favorite thing. As far as the gym goes... I can't be confined to a few rooms of exercise equipment. I need to be out riding a bike, bowling... hell if I had money i'd probably be doing some airsoft. I don't know if any of these things will help you, but just know that I read every word in your intro and every word you say means something. So spill your guts to us, we will always be here to listen. No one should go without not having anyone to confide in.
  4. That was EVGA. They said to reach out to Newegg and see if they can help get me the serial number.I understand. I just wanted to get so much done yesterday and I didn't have time to phone at the end of the day and just wanted to see if I could get anywhere with an email. Sent you a text!
  5. So I contacted customer support, explained to them the story, to which I got a bullshit sentence of them telling me to register my product with a link. So that leads me to believe that they didn't even read what I said. Sent them a response stating that he didn't read what I said. We'll see if they actually read it this time.
  6. I'll check today! Thanks!
  7. Just sent the email. We'll see what they say. That'd be cool, let me know buddy.
  8. Ok, I made my USB Bootable. Started up BIOS, made my USB the primary and then it wanted to install Windows 7. This is when it told me it couldn't install to my hard drive because the disk may fail soon. So i'm just leaving it be for the night to hear what you guys to have to say. I've been working with it for about 7 plus hours today. I'm going to email EVGA and explain my situation and see what they have to say about the GPU before I go to bed though.
  9. Nope! Never heard of it. Sounds fun though.
  10. I've been burnt pretty damn bad from the sun before. And it looked a hell of a lot worse then that!
  11. So in regard to my steam games, I figured out that some games save to their Steam Cloud. It looks like Batman and Skyrim are saved there. So i'm keeping my fingers crossed that they really are! Working on all of this now. I'm waiting for the USB to be formatted. So i'm almost done with that. Then I can dig into the BIOS stuff.
  12. Oh ok thanks pat! I wouldn't want to lose all my Skyrim playtime. I did so much!
  13. Ok, it's no problem I'll just copy and paste my text in a PM for you.
  14. I sent you a text earlier, did you get it? I talked to Dids and I'm going to do this process probably tomorrow, following his guide. I just want to figure out how to move my saved games from steam to my flash drive before I do that. Particularly Skyrim and Batman.
  15. Good editing for sure. Took away from the game play though. Looked like she was just shooting at no one most of the time and numbers kept popping up.
  16. Put cheap GPU in, no screen tear and played a long HD documentary. Dusted and put the 660 back in 30 seconds into the Fallout 4 trailer, screen tear. Seems like it's my GPU. I have 2 sata ports on my motherboard. I switched my hard drive to that port and it still doesn't work. So it looks like it's something with my hard drive. So what's the plan now? I need to try and re-download Windows 7 on Saturday. Call to see if my warranty is still there for the 660? And return the cheap GPU. If the warranty is still there, i'll be super surprised. So it looks like i'll have to buy a new GPU when I get the funds.
  17. Ok, hopefully we will figure this stuff out in the coming days.
  18. How will I be able to get Windows 10? Pirated also? I'd love to have it. Anyways, looking forward to Saturday. I get the cheap GPU tomorrow (Friday), shall I wait until after this Windows stuff on Saturday?
  19. Ok cool, I'll go find a USB stick. Hopefully, I have one of that size. If not, I'll ask my sister.
  20. I'm pretty sure my Windows 7 is pirated. That's one of the reasons I want to upgrade to Windows 8. I don't have a lot on my hard drive. Would it be beneficial to do a restore? How does that even work on a custom PC?
  21. Do you guys think that my hard drive problems are totally separate from the potential video card problems? I can't really do much for the video card until Friday. But I was wondering if there was anything I could do in regards to the hard drive until then? So my goals for this week is to install the cheap GPU on Friday and see if that solves any problems. If so, we will have to call the manufacturer correct? To check potential warranties? Then I want to send the cheap GPU back before I go on vacation. Installation, update you guys on if it improved or not (get input), and to call if the GPU is the problem. Then send back cheap GPU. Sounds like some good reachable goals this week. Then when I get back from vacation i'll go from there.
  22. Nope :/
  23. So I bought the GeForce 210 (I think that's what it was). Should be here in 2 days. Gonna put that in and see if things fix.
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