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Everything posted by Commander_Undies

  1. Alright, guess I'm no one.
  2. Nope doesn't fit :/
  3. The one currently plugged into my graphics card is too big and looks different. And the other cable that I never used is the exact same size at the one on the motherboard. Thanks for your help though. Looks like I'll need some kind of special cord?
  4. This set of cords came with the monitor but I haven't used them.
  5. This is what's on the back.
  6. Ok, I think I see what you're saying now. Let me look.
  7. Looked for D-Sub on the newegg site that Bart linked with the motherboard and didn't see anything like that.
  8. Does the Portal up top not work anymore?
  9. Here's my monitor.
  10. Amazon is supposed to be having a 'better then black Friday deals' (I think tomorrow) so if I see price drops on things for my computer I'd like to get some things.
  11. When I get the chance I'll post my monitor for you guys. I can always buy a new motherboard with those capabilities so we can get these tests going. I remember my monitor doesn't have hdmi that's why I wanna show you guys so I can buy the right thing.
  12. Great!
  13. So I can't use the monitor without it?
  14. Sam and I ended up just putting everything to the side and drank instead. So maybe I'll be able do more with the help of you guys tomorrow.
  15. So I have a question. I was gonna take out that baby but my monitor is hooked into it. How am I supposed to use my monitor without it?
  16. That all looks right and that's my motherboard.
  17. I'll check the motherboard when I get upstairs then, I'll take the graphics card out. Luckily Sam's smaller hands are coming over for dinner so she can help pull the stuff out. XD
  18. I can try and check the connections. However, I don't have another monitor or monitor cords to test these things on. The rest I'd have to look into. I still want to update my OS and figure out what's wrong with my hard drive. The start up with the hard drive constantly popping up is annoying. The screen tear for YouTube is annoying but I usually watch videos on my phone anyways. The main problem I had was with the laggy games and that's been resolved.
  19. Does everyone have beta access or something?
  20. No I didn't update the OS. I'd like to update the OS. The game lag was resolved, but the screen tearing still isn't. I really don't have the time to rebuild at this time. Shit, i'll just pack it up and ship it to you. lol
  21. this
  22. The screen tearing when I watch YouTube videos is horrible. Just watched the Fallout 4 trailer and the panning of the rooms in the beginning just showed off how bad it is. But LoL seems to be working fine, so that's good. So many things to sort out with this thing. I have Batman Arkham Orgins installed so I wanna give that a go and see how that looks. So far I gotta get the hard drive sorted, Windows 8, and fix the screen tearing.
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