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Everything posted by Commander_Undies

  1. Sent request for clan.
  2. Ohhh thanks!
  3. O.o I feel your pain. This controller. I need to have a meeting with it and figure out what these middle buttons do.
  4. Oh so there are health bags and health packs. I have the smaller ones right now. I'll have to test the spotting out. I wanna hit select but... It's not there anymore. XD
  5. Oh ok, but these battle packs were free that's why I was confused...
  6. Do you use the money to buy weapons? When I signed in Battlefield 4 the other day I got a LOT of these battle packs and bonus xp card things. Does everyone get those? Or did I do something special on BF3?
  7. I have a few quick questions for the PS4 version. Which button allows me to spot people on this new controller? And when I throw health packs do I have to keep putting them down when they disappear? What exactly are the packs doing now... Or are the same and I didn't even notice.
  8. Oo lala. Did someone say BF domination? My favorite. Now you have me interested!
  9. The story for Hardline looks good, but I don't know about the multiplayer. Let us know how you like it!
  10. That's great! Thanks!
  11. Can't wait to see this built.. XD
  12. Aw, do they have an upgrade fee, like they did for Ghosts?
  13. I didn't know this. I'm intrigued. Thanks! I've never played any of the Far Cry games. Do I need to complete 1-3 if I want to try 4?
  14. I'll have to check out Gone Girl, you're the second person to say that, Dave.
  15. I agree with this. Do you guys still play BF4 or is it dead on the PS4?
  16. Since a vast majority of our community moved over from the PS3 to the PS4, they had to leave GTA V behind. Not many others want to spend $60 on a game they've already beat either. I love R* but the fact that they promised heists for such a long time and now (what 2 years later?) it's finally here just leaves a sour taste in my mouth. Now, I might hop on and try them... but I don't really care about it anymore.
  17. I love building cities. So i'm interested in this game.
  18. Battlefront was the shiz. I look forward to this for sure!
  19. This is a neat site So sorry to hear! Hope he is doing ok!
  20. Most comfortable thing I've ever put on my head.
  21. Wow, now that's cool! Thanks for the link!
  22. I'd love to do these, but they are way too expensive.
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