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Everything posted by Commander_Undies

  1. I enjoyed last nights episode.
  2. Nice.
  3. Mannnnn. That sucks. It would be great to play it with far away friends.
  4. I've played Trine on the PS3. Is it multiplayer? I'd love to play it with one of you.
  5. Gonna hop on this Sunday to play Black Ops 2 with Dope. Probably sometime after dinner. (East Coast maybe 6pm) Tell me if you are gonna hop on with us! And I'll send you guys a message or a text message when we are getting on.
  6. I agree about the last episode being the best.
  7. How dare you say such things!? I will never sell it. It's my prized possession. I'd love to. Don't go buying me anything mister!
  8. I'm so tempted to sabotage the calender. xD "Capn alone on PS3 7-8pm" LOL
  9. Laughed so much at this.
  10. I've wanted this feature for a long time. There are threads I stay well away from. But that doesn't mean I might not be mentioned in them.
  11. It was really good. Bee's post sums it up for me.
  12. The clown is pretty cool. I can't wait to see where they go with the story.
  13. I saw some Kyle. It was weird, I saw an episode from season 2 and they looked so... clean. xD
  14. Anyone watch this last Wednesday? I love AHS, so i'm looking forward to this season.
  15. Was tapatalk fixed?
  16. I have appointments tomorrow but should be home and able to play then. Or Friday, or Saturday. I think.
  17. ^ Your post. I <3 it.
  18. I'm interested in seeing how the story progresses also. Like yourself, i'm not hooked on any of the characters yet.
  19. I wouldn't mind playing with you! I just never connect with you. I've been itching to play a FPS!
  20. Anyone else been watching this? I've enjoyed it thus far. It's on Mondays on FOX.
  21. I can join TWD club. I did catch up on all the seasons this past September. I loved it. Now about those comics.... I wanna read them. xD
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