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Everything posted by Commander_Undies

  1. PS4 has a E3 App that can be downloaded to watch the stream.
  2. A weight that you can lift!
  3. I got it for 360 too and didn't even touch it. I'll have to try it though since the third one looked sick last year at E3.
  4. I like everything, it just depends on the mood I'm in, like Megan said.
  5. Rejoice, happy-go-lucky and environmentally conscious Coca-Cola lovers. Thanks to this new "2nd Lives" kit from the brand, you can now transform your Coke into something even more delightful. Is that just an empty soda bottle? Nope, it's a squirt gun. Useless piece of trash? Nope, it's a pencil sharpener, or the perfect rattle for your baby. Make your children happy. Give them Coca-Cola, and toys made from Coca-Cola. And if you have two empty Coke bottles, you can even make a dumbbell to burn off some of the calories you gained by guzzling both. Created with the help of Ogilvy & Mather China, the campaign features a line of 16 innovative caps that can be screwed on to bottles when they're empty, transforming them into useful objects like water guns, whistles, paint brushes, bubble makers and pencil sharpeners. It's all part of a clever effort to encourage consumers in Vietnam to recycle, and a rare success at the sort of alchemy that seeks to reincarnate garbage as advertising (even if such attempts are a cornerstone of the marketing industry). Coke will give away 40,000 of these modified caps, which come in 16 different varieties, to start. It's not clear if the add-ons themselves are made from recycled material. Even if they are, producing more plastic parts might not be the best way to reduce plastic waste. But that's beside the point. While the caps might not quite hit the sharing chord as clearly as the it-takes-two-to-open bottles, they're a smart bit of advertising. "What if empty Coke bottles were never thrown away?" the campaign asks. Clearly, it would mean people everywhere could finally live in a utopia where everything was made of Coke products. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rWgCQgzJOU4 I thought this was an interesting idea and wanted to share. Oh and the far right coca-cola bottle looks like a dildo.
  6. I think all Call of Duties are the same shit with the exception of guns and maps. I've seen James talk about the small amount of people online playing Ghosts and guess what? Still laggy. You'd think they'd get better over the years, but they don't. That's why I'm kind of over this franchise. Ghosts has been a joke and I probably will not show excitement for another CoD until it's only next gen. CoD 4, MW2 and hell even W@W were a hell of a lot better than the crap they've put out the past few years. I shall try this Favela remake whenever I'm free. But it certainly won't make me like the game any better.
  7. Never had a connection problem as bad as Black Ops, Black Ops 2, MW3, or Ghosts. CoD 4 & MW2 had the perfect connection for me. That's why it beats the rest. /topic
  8. Don't make me put this signature back on. Don't.
  9. I didn't read the shout box. I personally will talk to person 1, 2, and 3. If any of them have a problem with that, fuck them. That's childish high school crap. Yeah.
  10. Anyome get Watch Dogs for PC? Or hear how it is?
  11. Reinforce game mode, a new mode Infinity Ward introduced a few weeks ago for Private match only on Ghosts, is now available to play in the Public Playlists. The mode is available on PS4, PS3, Xbox One, Xbox 360, and PC. "Reinforce is a round-based game mode that takes elements from Domination and Search and Rescue. There are three objective markers for teams to capture and respawns are disabled. If a team captures a point, they are “reinforced” and all dead teammates are allowed back into the round. There are multiple ways to win a round: Wipe out the entire enemy team, control two objective points when the time limit runs out, or capture all three flags for an instant victory. The first team to win four rounds wins the match." Honestly, what is the point of only having these game modes in private matches only? I don't have enough people online playing Ghosts to even make a private lobby, unless I wanted to play alone of course.
  12. A new video from AliA has released details that a brand new Gold Knife and a Gold Pistol are coming to Call of Duty: Ghosts on June 3rd, alongside Invasion’s release on Xbox platforms. Gold Knife will be available to those who are 5th prestige and higher in Call of Duty: Ghosts. Gold Pistol will be available to those who are 10th prestige in Call of Duty: Ghosts. Source
  13. It's a good game, if you guys wanna game let me know and i'll hop on one night. We can all have a sesh!
  14. Details Invasion DLC for Call of Duty: Ghosts have been leaked via the official Call of Duty website earlier today. We got the maps of the 3 new maps part of the DLC pack. One of them, Pharaoh, could possibly be a remake a MW2′s Favela map. MW2′s Favela map has a similar point of entrance, pathway, and background to the image of Pharaoh. This is not confirmed yet and we’ll update when we get more information on this. http://www.charlieintel.com/2014/05/28/pharaoh-mp-map-from-invasion-dlc-could-be-a-remake-of-mw2s-favela/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=facebook
  15. As one of the few people who don't have one. I'm happy I haven't gotten one. I most likely won't buy until there is a slim available. I don't see a game that I just have to have for it.
  16. I watched everything, the dialog wasn't too long and I did walk around and looked around but it was always in root to the next objective.
  17. Honestly, I think it took me like 8-9 hours. 10 tops.
  18. I thought it was a good game. I bought it on release day. I didn't think it was worth $60. The game didn't take long to finish. But you can get it for cheap nowadays so it would be worth it. Combat was just like the Batman games so that was easy to use. The driving was nice. Overall, I thought it was a good game but GTA V is king to me. I'll have to find my original review somewhere.
  19. I'm friends with wobble on Facebook. haha
  20. Ever try Selsun Blue? Never used it but I know some people who use it and never complained about it.
  21. LMAO you need to make your own thread for your car stories.
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