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Everything posted by Commander_Undies

  1. Yeah, I can't wait to try him out!
  2. Passive: Concussive Blows Braum’s basic attacks apply Concussive Blows. Once the first stack is applied, all basic attacks from Braum and his allies apply further stacks. Targets that sustain four stacks are stunned and suffer bonus magic damage. After being stunned, Braum cannot apply Concussive Blows to his target again for a moderate duration. Q: Winter’s Bite Braum propels freezing ice from his shield in a straight line skillshot, dealing magic damage (based on Braum’s max health), slowing and applying a stack of Concussive Blows to the first target hit. W: Stand Behind Me Braum leaps to the aid of a nearby ally, positioning himself between his target and their nearest enemy champion, and granting both Braum and his target bonus armor and magic resist based on his total armor and magic resist. E: Unbreakable Braum raises his shield in a target direction, negating the damage from the first attack from the shield’s direction and reducing the damage of all subsequent attacks as long as the shield is raised. Braum intercepts projectiles with Unbreakable, causing them to hit him and then be destroyed. He also gains a minor speed boost until he lowers his shield. R: Glacial Fissure Braum slams his shield into the ground, sending out a huge long-range skillshot that knocks up and damages all enemies caught before leaving behind a strong slow field. Read more here. I love supports, I think i'm gonna like this guy.
  3. I see everyone talking about the shows they watch and I can't join them. I only watch a few shows and The Bates Motel is one of them, who can I talk to about the crazy Bates?
  4. Cool, Charlotte and I will be playing on the server that Sennex told us about. We were running around and getting used to the keys together. hahaha
  5. American Hustle and The Dallas Buyers Club, both not as good as I anticipated.
  6. Thanks, i'll respond to your PM.
  7. That'd be cool. I just wanted to try it out when I'm free.
  8. Just wanna play some regular survival.
  9. Any servers you guys can recommend?
  10. Welcome!
  11. Cool site, Tommy!
  12. A lil bit.
  13. Well, I was playing it on the PC and it was good. Then I tried it on PS3 and just couldn't play it. I felt like I was playing on the Wii.
  14. Welcome! We have a steam group but its not well maintained.
  15. I think I'm the only one that blocks out messages from people not on my friends list. Waste of my time, and I don't care what they think. Plus they get the pleasure of seeing "can't send message to this user", which I'm sure in return makes them even more pissed off and then they're left there to suck their thumb and play even worse.
  16. I'm the exact same way. I look 12 without my facial hair.
  17. I took programming in high school. My teacher sucked. He handed us a big book and told us to make such and such everyday. Didn't teach us nothing and when you asked him a question.... LMAO well.... I guess I shouldn't expect much from a washed up football coach. Because of this I absolutely hated programming. Too many hours of headaches.
  18. Nice! Happy birthday!
  19. If I find a server I like it's favorited and I never will have the bad admin problem once I sort that out. I get kicked when i'm whooping ass. That was the only thing that ever pissed me off.
  20. Ohhh that's what I call the high grass map. Hahahahaha
  21. What's Stormfront? Seriously...
  22. The graphics isn't what attracted me to the game in the first place, it was the concept. Something different, so I really don't care. And it's not like I have a PS4 to take advantage of the graphics anyways. So it'll probably look shit for me regardless. Either way, they are taking a long time making the game, so I'm sure it'll be good. Unlike some other games that have a release annually....*nudge nudge* Hahahaha
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