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Everything posted by Commander_Undies

  1. Amen to that, Palle. Hahaha
  2. That's a great idea, thank you! I wonder how many pictures a DVD could hold.
  3. Someone said that they don't understand why the same things are said over and over again in this thread, but quite frankly that's what it's for. If I don't want to read negative posts, then I won't come here. I only read the thread because bees posted and I like reading what he has to say, plus I had some free time to read. Anyways, as long as the same things don't get spilled out into every other thread, I don't care.
  4. I understand wanting things to be like the 'glory days', but that didn't stop me from not playing Black Ops. No reason for a game to get someone so pissed off. Absolutely, no reason. I stopped playing. And to this day think it was the crappiest CoD to date. The thing we can look forward to in CoD is there will always be another one next year. But now I have this mind set especially since MW3, I don't give a fuck. I don't care if my K/D is .01, I just don't care. I'm not as good as I was, I don't take the game as seriously as others and I just don't think it's worth getting pissed off about, especially if people are getting pissed off with real life happenings. No way in hell should we let a game piss us off on top of the bullshit we deal with at work or home. That's exactly what was happening with me, dealing with the death of my grandmother and playing a game that was utter shit. Not a good combo. So what did I do? I waited 'til MW3 and played other games until then. Since I've lightened up while playing CoD, it's easier to play without wanting to rage quit. I know some of you guys break controllers when you're pissed off... Just how? That's sad in my eyes that people have $50 to waste over a game. That just should NOT happen and it completely wows me. And Brede, I'm struggling to find where someone said that you can't complain in the complaint thread? I see a lot of people complaining that there is complaining littered all over the forum, when it should indeed just be in the complaint thread. Right? Perhaps, i'm missing something. Anyways, my whole point in this post is to turn the game off before you get too pissed off, or just plain lighten up. I'm not telling anyone to not play the game, although if it's causing so much stress, then I would advise that not playing it would be the best route since it helped me.
  5. Thanks! I'm going to go through my folders, delete some useless stuff and i could possible put it all on Google Drive. This is great, thanks again!
  6. Probably because complaints are leaving the complaint thread... I've been annoyed to come on here sometimes simply because a lot of the CoD threads I read are bashing the game some how.
  7. I don't mind complaining in one thread. But when you spread it to each thread about the game, that's when I get annoyed. We know you (general) don't like the game, so keep the pointless remarks out of them.
  8. Had some good laughs, watched it for free, I wouldn't pay money for it. If you like Jackass you'll probably like this movie.
  9. Jackass Presents: Bad Grandpa
  10. Hey guys, I have a question. I'm really afraid that my laptop is going to bite the dust soon and I'm afraid of losing all of my pictures on it. I have 29.2 gb of pictures. I have 9 gb of videos and more MP3s. The pictures are the most important to me. I don't have any flash drives or external hard drives that I could put them on. Is there anything I can use on the internet that's free and easy to upload all of these folders to? I'm a bit clueless when it comes to this stuff. Thanks ahead of time, and I appreciate all of the help.
  11. $50 for a year. http://www.amazon.com/1-Year-PlayStation-Plus-Membership-Digital/dp/B004RMK5QG/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1389560945&sr=8-1&keywords=playstation+plus
  12. You guys aren't missing anything... Seriously.
  13. Strikezone didn't make me think of Dome. The only time I think of 'Dome' is when i'm in that diner section. But even then it has a kitchen and some extra things. I wouldn't mind a map that's like Scrapyard. I want some more CQC. Not the stupid Free Fall map that we all got. That map is the worst CQC Dom map that i've ever played.
  14. I loved scrapyard. Would love to see it come back 'reskined'. I do believe there was a little map called Firing Range that was 'reskined' and it was such a break through! Oh and not to mention the fan favorite, Nuketown!
  15. I know you would. That's why you don't count.
  16. Yeah, but I'd rather use the perk then bitch about them... Constantly.
  17. Yeah, I like Cait a lot better.
  18. Platoon. 4 people is your squad.
  19. I like using my FMJs shoot them through walls and blow up the camper next to them. Priceless.
  20. Blast Shield sucks, use SitRep. Haven't died from any IEDs since using it, been using it from the start.
  21. I don't really use the app. Don't know. :/
  22. Hey man welcome back
  23. People camp using support killstreaks. So no. Take the K/D stat out and then maybe it would be better.
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