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Everything posted by Commander_Undies

  1. NA, you probably have to make another account to play NA though. I know a few members here have NA accounts to play with Tommy and I. And thank you
  2. Yes, that would be why. My name is CommanderUndies!
  3. And this is why I'm not wasting money on even buying the game. Sounds like a headache.
  4. Diamonds as high as mountains? *Dies*
  5. Happy New Year!
  6. Hated it. Glad it's gone.
  7. I want the South Park game. But I'm broke!
  8. I'm max level and I still hear people say, "I've never played this champion", including myself. So max level people still have learning to do. They keep releasing new champions too. So someone always has to learn something. While people make secondary accounts, or even third accounts, there are real noobs out there. You will play with people on level 1, not level 30. Playing against bots will help you understand the dynamics of the game. Every holiday they temporarily release a new game mode or bring back a game mode and it's the same thing. "What do I do?", "I have no idea what I'm doing.", "Can someone explain to me what to do?". So if you jump on playing the game mode day one, you will be one up on them!
  9. Oh and people see all the champions and they get baffled because there are so many to learn. I only have like 40 champions. I'm still far away from having them. But all 40 champions I have learned. I've only bought champions I was comfortable with or have a good time with. I won't spend my IP on a champion I don't know how to play. I play them when they are free, if I don't like them, I don't buy them. If I like them, I save up for them. I wouldn't buy a champion bundle, because I'm not playing with champions I don't enjoy. So really, you pick what you want to learn. I think the community sucks, but not the whole community. I'd like to be one of those people that actually help people instead of saying 'Your Mom'. And if you guys decide to play with us, you won't have to hear from the shit community anyways. You can turn off the enemy team chat and call it a day.
  10. I didn't want to make an LoL account because there was so many Champions to learn and so many different builds. I didn't want to put the time into learning everything. But talking to people who play the game helped. I sucked with Cassiopeia when I got her and I got a penta with her the other night. I couldn't have done that without help. So if people don't want to make an account because of learning things, it's really not that difficult. Especially, if you have us here to help you. I find Summoners Rift, the main game to be boring. The only thing exciting about Summoners Rift is watching ranked games. ARAMS are quick and full of fights. While it might be unbalanced at times, such is life. Get over it, and who knows, you might just win.
  11. League is like my new CoD. ARAMS that is. It's quick. I don't have to play super long games and it can feel very rewarding.
  12. I got State of Decay and Batman Arkham Origins. I heard Origins wasn't that good, but I didn't wanna pass up the price. Once I get my PC controller for Christmas I will be gone for a really long time. xD
  13. State of Decay. I might have to get myself that.
  14. I need socks, underwear and a car. I want a PS4.
  15. Says $57 for me.
  16. I'm learning some things about you guys that I didn't even know!
  17. So I got my BETA key for Don't Starve Together a few days ago. Finally gave it a go with a friend of mine and we had a blast together. If you like the game alone, you will DEFIANTLY love it with friends.
  18. Greetings! We have new members and they obviously don't know everyone, so I thought this would be a good thread for us 'old members' to have a compiled introduction thread so they can learn about who they are talking to on here as well as learn more about the people they are gaming with. New members, I am Capn_Underpants. My name is Mike. I'm 23. I'm a summer baby. I currently am a caregiver for my mom, but she's been getting better over the year, so I'm hoping to get away from that this coming year to pursue my goals. I'd like to go back to school and try and find a job in a bakery, just one of my passions. Another one of my passions is music, I enjoy playing guitar and singing. I've been apart of this little community here for a long time. Probably 8 years now? Something like that. I've been a moderator for probably 7 of them. I enjoy my little job here, always have. I appreciate the love that my friends (members) have given me over the years, i'm forever grateful for having them in my life. I'm sure if you like a tight knit group of guys and the odd girl, you will just love it here. I game on the PS3, PC, and I have an Xbox but I only play single player games on there really. I plan on getting a PS4 in my future and I wouldn't mind adding you of course. I don't know what kind of games I'd like for the PS4, especially with the cross game chat... Personally, I'd love to get back into sports games. I have fun playing FPS, I just don't wanna play that kind of game alone. YA KNO? My names on Steam, PS3, and Xbox are all on the side bar, feel free to add me. Hopefully, with more older members contributing to this thread you will get a better idea of who you are gaming with and perhaps you will stick around long enough to become an oldie like us!
  19. I owned Sony portable CD players when I was younger and was satisfied. I'm sure they did the MP3 player justice.
  20. ^ Thank you. Someone said it. xD
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