I'm having huge doubts about whether I should get this game. It just doesn't look very refined and the amount of content is disgraceful really. It'll probably be a case of 3 years down the line the game will be fairly polished and we'll get the quantity content and quality we should've got day one. It'll likely be yet another occasion where DICE and EA have failed to capitalise on Call of Duty's woes.
If I do get the game, it will primarily be due to a lack of other titles this holiday season. I could see myself definitely putting in some hours of BF2042 but I'm not even sure if it'll keep me interested up to and beyond Christmas - something that every COD game since 2013 has failed to do.
It's just laughable that there is more content in Portal than the main game. For all its technical problems, Battlefield 4 just nailed so much and I don't think it was fully appreciated until years down the line. The amount of guns, high quality maps and core gameplay were all outstanding. No matter what 2042 does, I can already tell they wont even come close to that.