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Everything posted by J4MES OX4D

  1. Big sticking point for me is that they've failed to meet demand for 18 months straight by a ridiculous margin and now stock is miraculously flowing, the price has gone up to they are really maximising income on people that have been waiting since almost day one. Quest 2 has gone up by £100 yet it's on devices that have been in retail circulation for over 12 months so the inflation excuse on already produced units does not wash and that's the card Sony are playing right now. Soon they will use the line 'it's gone up but at least it's not as expensive as what the scalpers have been charging'🤣
  2. From what I gather after digging a bit deeper, this is basically a reboot. Really not sure why they are doing this because it never went down as a good or popular game but it may be their chance to correct all the wrongs in which there were plenty of. They definitely have a good grasp on the artistic side but the gameplay aspect was abominable. Also very risky retaining the same name to a game which isn't even a decade old however it could overwrite all of that if this version is better.
  3. As there is nothing much worth playing for me right now, I've spent the last couple of weeks revisiting (and finishing) some classics which has been great fun:- Max Payne (2001) Max Payne 2 (2003) Alan Wake (2010) All these are Remedy titles who are a popular developer of the past two decades and have really unique titles that have really stood the test of time. Next on my list is Condemned: Criminal Origins (2006) which was title from the early Xbox 360 days which I've picked up on PC. Didn't get around to playing it back in the day but it's made by the same team that did FEAR so I'm definitely looking forward to it despite its age. Anyone got any old games on the go that they are working through right now or recently? I'm enjoying doing this than forcing myself to play some generic new release.
  4. Major public event going on right now across 4 days or so - one of the first in-person showcases since Covid and interest seems so minimal. Considering this is the PS5/Series X era, you'd expect projects aplenty and huge intrigue yet all we seem to be getting is free updates, DLC, space games galore and the same titles we've known for almost 18 months being promoted still. There really isn't much on the horizon to be excited about in the gaming landscape it seems. A couple of big names like God of War and then others that have style but questionable substance like Forspoken. It's just staggering to see interest so flat and a really mediocre line-up. Maybe there will be a few sleeper hits but other than that, we may be 4 years away from anything truly next gen and original. The Matrix tech demo from last year is about as good as it's gotten of late.
  5. 25th anniversary today and still not a peep about the remaster. Such a shame - there's already a good enough game to go and this has been the case for 15 years now..
  6. My house is in the game now so I may try and land a helicopter in the garden😎
  7. I'm sure there was a thread somewhere but it's probably buried seeing that this game has been in development for seemingly ever and we haven't heard a peep for almost a year. New trailer has dropped though and it looks good - supposed to be out this year but we've heard that all before with this game
  8. This game has been in development since the early PS4 days. Cannot believe they are still persisting with it especially after the original devs moved on to Dying Light and this game must be on its third developer by now. At least it looks like it will release this time but whether it was worth the effort or expense remains to be seen. Original game was great but that was Techland.
  9. Really not an encouraging start if gamers can’t tell whether it’s a remaster or brand new game. The original for me is the worst souls-like ever created with clunky controls, floaty mechanics, cumbersome movement and the most dissatisfying combat I have ever seen in a third person melee game. I’m actually shocked this brand is still seeing the light. It did look nice visually but even the boss fights were lame with scripted windows of opportunity to win fights rather than dynamic battles. When developers don’t have a fundamental grasp of the title they are trying to rip-off, it really shows and this game was a devastating example.
  10. They have people by the balls so why not. It’s insane how many people are desperately trying to get one when there’s really nothing worth buying for it. May as well milk your own customers for as much as possible in this case.
  11. It's finally happened although you now still need a supposedly less intrusive Meta account. Too bad they put the devices up by £100 last month - people were in limbo because they wanted to get one before the increase but didn't want to be left in the dark as to when Facebook would finally remove the login. As per scummy practice as usual, they leave people in the dark on the cheap and then bait people as the price rockets Finally, the Quest 2 no longer requires a Facebook login | PC Gamer WWW.PCGAMER.COM A simple email address will suffice.
  12. Alan Wake (2010)
  13. Reviews are coming in and most put the game average at best with some severe bugs and generic, outdated gameplay Looks like a PS3 era game
  14. I find videos like this fascinating
  15. Funny how 12 hours before it was a drought everywhere!
  16. Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne (2003)
  17. Max Payne (2001)
  18. Man Utd currently losing 4-0 to Brentford and we've only played 35 minutes
  19. Cook Serve Delicious 3 FREE on Epic until the 18th https://store.epicgames.com/en-US/p/cook-serve-delicious-3-fb9aae
  20. Delayed until February 2023
  21. This really didn't click for me when I tried the demo. Will still keep my eyes on it and consider it down the line though.
  22. Not much to go on but it really does look exactly the same as MW2019
  23. I didn't like Dark Souls 2 - horrendous hitboxes, worse movement and combat mechanics, terrible enemy placement and quantity in many areas, some really poor level design in some locations and losing health on death felt brutally unfair. The absence of Hidetaka Miyazaki in a game director role really showed and the senior game designers that oversaw the project missed the key points of what made the original so special and instead infuriated players with cheap difficulty aspects on top of sloppy mechanics.
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