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Everything posted by J4MES OX4D

  1. That is not true. There have been countless bundle exclusive packs plus the battle pass in itself isn't free either. If you believe the guns are just cosmetic only then that just shows how oblivious some of the community have become even after years of these practices. Sym.gg outlined all these under the table methods using datamined content form their API which Activision's couldn't hide from even with DMCA filings. Also players are forced into stifled grinds for some content whereby they have to play the equivalent of 14-18 hours a day and then they are put into a position where they have to keep this up or pay up anyway. That doesn't sound wholly-accessible either and by the time they either complete the grind or pay up, it's nerf time on the bundle to make way for the new content OP bait content. Gotta give credit to Activison though - seems they work their dark arts of amnesia in making people forget how these games function upon every new release🤣
  2. You can do that solo in 1 minute - just get a car, run him over, grab the gear, drive around until extraction arrives and then it's done. EZ cheese.
  3. Can't grind for something that is only available to purchase. Not everything in the store can be earned by playing - that's the point. Come back in a couple of months and we'll see where we are then - it's been this way since 2017 and it wont change now. Should also be more concerned about chronus users than aimbots especially as that can now be masked by the strengthening aim assist - PC has Ricochet whereas console has no detection protection. Activision even allow cheaters to their events especially if they have tits so that's the standard they set for their community and most of their steamer content creators use reverse-boosting techniques, VPN's and radar hacks so it's all about the money and publicity than fostering a fair experience for all.
  4. All these protesters are mostly white, upper class posh twats who are well-travelled, privately educated and have very rich parents. They all look the same, they have no responsibilities and most have never worked in their lives. All brainwashed by Twitter This is the astonishing level of hypocritical degeneracy they exhibit
  5. That is absolutely not true. There is a catalogue of paywalled-only guns and these are conveniently nerfed just in time for the next big bundle to be published. Blueprints, handling and damage are are worthless stats because the game uses artificial connection factors and dynamic performance metrics in play - all of which are patented concepts. Exactly the same as how FIFA utilises live scripting and backend stat-sinks. If it was just skins like we see in proper skill-based games such as CSGO then it wouldn't matter. Even top content creators who sit on Activision's dick 365 days a year have expressed their concerns about this in MWII and this is a big factor as to why COD games fizzle out and are on life support come January. No creators even bother to cover detailed gun stats now because it's all meaningless and further redundant after a couple of months.
  6. Yep, I keep calling Vanguard WWII so if wrong but 50% right at the same time🤣
  7. I think they partially tested this with WWII but no doubt it'll have a monetised roll-out now.
  8. Complaints are perfectly valid - Activision have literally patented several highly manipulative concepts which they have been utlising heavily for years. I'd also rather pay £12.49 for a concrete map pack on a game with 15+ original base maps knowing what future content we'll get set in stone rather than have a game launch with 6-9 (lol) deathmatch maps and then receive one or two maps every 9 weeks after that with many being old-school rehashes stragecially drip-fed when player counts dwindle. Black Ops 4 even manage to sell a season pass with no content described and then sell a blank tier battlepass on top - people paid up to £2250 for NOTHING🤣 This is a multi-billion dollar franchise and they can't even get a basic interface right yet a game like God of War is presented and executed to the highest standard and this is the level of quality we should get. You are literally justifying a company charging £25 on virtual P2W-leaning garbage we used to get in the games for free that didn't adopt this concept because the game was fair. It's not about the gun DMZ either - it's the beginning of a wider problem that has plagued these games since 2019. Infinity Ward also laid out their unstoppable range of P2W shotguns in MW2019 so no matter what Sledgehammer did with their game, the principles are the same between all the games because they are engineered by Activision. CSGO and PUBG do it right because it's purely skins - they don't need to rig matchmaking or the weapons to strengthen retention or manipulate income. People always seem to have short memories when literally every COD game has been the same way for years. I can only assume people duck out after a couple of months and then are totally oblivious as to the goings on of what they've left behind.
  9. We're talking about conceptually especially in the long run. Either forcing people into other modes or buying battle-passes to get superior weapons. The DMZ weapon was bait to get people playing as a proof of concept by numbers but eventually they will release bundles or mode-specific content that gravely impact the core base MP. Activision literally have a concept patent for this too. Sure more and more people will get the current DMZ gun either legitimately or off a friend but down the line it will get nerfed and then they will move to other weapons - either paid or mode related which many people don't wish to play but will be on the brunt receiving end of it. The current weapon will be gone and forgotten about, nerfed and replaced with newer complaints. Sledgehammer said they wanted to keep Vanguard realistic so they would remove most red dots sight reticles and then 3 months later they were releasing laser beam projecticle shotguns at £27.99 which could kill halfway across the map. Let's not even talk about the one hit kill pistols or trickle shot SMGs that were OHK at £20. People either have short memories or don't play the COD games long enough to see the huge shift when monetisation factors really kicks in. The only way these games stop becoming shreadfests is when the developers finally nerf the problematic weapons strategically at the 11th hour to make way for the new bundle(s) regular as clockwork.
  10. Dark Deity FREE on Epic https://store.epicgames.com/en-US/p/dark-deity-0b08d1 Evil Dead also FREE on Epic https://store.epicgames.com/en-US/p/evil-dead-the-game Both expire November 24th
  11. The footstep audio in Warzone is absolutely nuts too. Looks like they’ve brought MP in-line with that. We’re back to where we were in the beta with this - it’s footstep 1.0
  12. They've 'fixed' the killcam weapon pictures - instead of it being a placeholder drawing, they are now using simple gun icons. There is no reason why they can't also add the attachment list on the right even if it doesn't appear as seen in the picture itself. Of course, the community has to spoonfeed obvious things like this back to the devs when it should really be set in stone Also not keen on the killcam presentation - what the hell is that Tanto shite? Looks like a Camcorder from 2003.
  13. Yeah they added it later yesterday along with the challenges. Kinda dumb that one is hidden behind calling cards and the other is on the social menu but that's how shocking the interface is.
  14. This is another thing - they release bundles with OP P2W weapons and then they strategically nerf it so much once content sales and complaints have peaked, it entices people to move onto the next bundle. The cycle is basically:- buy gun bundle > gun shreds > people complain, gun gets nerfed after two months > angry people now happy > gun owners sad > Activi$ion releases new gun bundle > repeat to fade. So ultimately, people's gun bundle purchases become worthless after 10 weeks so they have to re-pop their dosh to get the next lavish weapon. Everyone who invested heavily in Warzone Verdansk and Caldera literally lost everything they purchased.
  15. I see they've added some generic challenges which can be found in the calling card screen. Quite a few to sift through in the background but nothing that will instantly make you strive towards. At least 70% of the calling cards aren't pride flags now. Warzone 2 is absolutely awful - map is way too big and boring. Movement feels sluggish and clunky and the new looting interface is almost back to Blackout. I wasn't a fan of the slide-cancelling sweaty nature that Warzone introduced but that was such a more fluid and refined experience. This is bordering on PUBG 2017 quality.
  16. They could probably reduce the spawn areas by a good 50% either side also. Although I don't dislike the map too much, you're either in empty areas or the hotly contested central building with camp spots galore. Not a fan of the aesthetic - really can't understand why they choose a dusk-style backdrop on a game with poor visibility as it is. Daylight and a bit of colour would've made some difference.
  17. Shoothouse has its own moshpit right now Not too keen on the aesthetic but it's not too bad for short bursts of fun.
  18. It's your standard pay to win model. I don't last on COD games in recent years but come season 3+, some people are literally kitted out with one hit kill AR's. If they ain't baiting people with the battlepass, it's to drive people to modes to bolster wider engagement even if they aren't overly interested in playing them. Activision have their playbook at hand and they also have concept patents and algorithms in play to maximise income, retention and player numbers. They know exactly what they are doing and which buttons to press. Pre-season was pure bait really.
  19. Tried season one and I don't see any improvements or differences aside from the introduction of a shoothouse playlist Prestige. Unless they are hidden, no challenges, combat record or anything. The interface is actually more bloated than ever plus I so love reinstalling shaders that are supposed to be hard-cached....
  20. I'm talking about the season one and Warzone download. What's the point of doing a pre-load if you're going to force users to burden themselves with the entire game file on the content release? Partial compressed installs on the back-end is the answer and how all live services should be ran when the onus is on the users to support all content they may not ever authenticate.
  21. Looks like Warzone 2 is a forced install. I did everything to prevent it but got a 44gb installation this morning pop up. With the AppID being blended, you also can't determine if there is any season 1 stuff in there so stopping it is pointless. Season one content install has also been delayed to make way for Warzone 2 downloads so that's the ultimate middle finger from Cocktivision and the people that actually paid for the base game. The freeloaders get priority downloads basically. Also when Warzone 2 goes live, MWII owners wont be able to get playing that to make way for the delayed season one download. Complete balls-up as always. This should have been a staggered rollout over the course of a week.
  22. PC download for non-MW2 owners is currently 23gb so that's clearly a partial install and not taking into account any core file compression. I've had downloads before that have been 38gb yet the files unpacked total beyond 80gb. The fact Activision haven't said how much the full download and uncompressed file size is clearly has me very concerned and it's just gonna be a painful repeat of the original Warzone. Nobody knows how much they will have to download on release day either and there seems to be a lot of confusion with the MW2-comby. I've blocked the Warzone 2 install for now.
  23. They need to bring back SATCOMS for the Hotel map😎
  24. Not sure about console but they've done some shitty stuff on PC - there was a backdoor pre-load all along for users who already have MWII installed from day one except you will still have to download the whopping remainder and the season one update on the 16th regardless. I've taken out the forced pre-load and hoping it will just install the season one content instead. So much for the pre-load being a substantial standalone portion of the required Warzone 2 install - it's just some shitty under the table authentication and we end up getting hammered on release day on both ends with season one on top. All this experience these developers have and they still can't concoct a simple content rollout. It's bad enough users have to install every file even if its for content they aren't using but they can't even do this shit seamlessly. I was looking forward to trying Warzone 2 but it's just gonna be the same old technical issues and strain and I'm not even holding out much hope for season one either.
  25. 125gb on PC. This will be pushing 200gb come early next year at this rate!
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