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Everything posted by J4MES OX4D

  1. The game was fucked as soon as they announced 6v6+bots! Xbox One gamers are lapping it up but on PC this game would be straight in the bargain bin. The only way it will do well is if it gets modded to fuck
  2. I'd love to see World at War 2 or something. A COD game from a real era and not some dumbed-down fantasty title aimed at the younger gamer. Call of Duty used to be a serious shooter back in the day and I hope that Treyarch can take it back to its roots. WAW had the best maps in the series, best design, no quickscope nonsense or petty politics like we get today. It was a solid MP game; not overly-spectacular with ludicrous killstreaks but the core gameplay was memorable and enjoyable.
  3. I'd rather have a Treyarch game in all honesty than pin the hopes of a franchise on company that has had merely a backseat input on a couple of mediocre games. IW drove COD back to the stone age with Ghosts as it omitted everything positive about the franchise going forward and now we have to rely on a void being filled to suit Activisions annual charade. I feel it's just plugging the gap for a quick cash-grab and it wouldn't surprise me if they cling on to the MW aspect and drive on with Modern Warfare 4. I am glad Treyarch have more time to invest in their latest outing though - it could save the franchise. Sledgehammer may surprise us and earn their place on the cycle but I wouldn't get my hopes up too much particularly as the 'next gen' forward-port of Ghosts well below-par. I bet Neversoft will soon worm they way onto the full-time hit-list too. Does anyone on here acutally bother with Ghosts now?
  4. Vidic confirmed to be leaving United at the end of the season. He has gone completely off the boil this season and does look like a man that doesn't care. He's had a fine career there though winning 15 trophies and only cost Man Utd £7m which was an absolute bargain. They just need to off Rio now..
  5. Love this guys one-liners http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=00dFzPbzOws
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vxW4CgzUUL8
  7. I don't like modern films very much nowadays. Too much reliance on special effects and A-list actors with no skill or personalities. Remakes make me cringe at the thought of destroying the classic. I also hate franchise reboots such as Indiana Jones whereby you had a near-perfect trilogy and then a fucking dreadful and shameful fourth installment with an ageing actor and the most mind-numbing tedious story ever. Certainly made a fair few $$$$$ and there's talk about a fifth film but for every new one; they are killing the films and the name as a whole. Fucking Hollywood!
  8. Here is the text info http://mp1st.com/2014/02/06/next-call-duty-developers-sledgehammer-games/#.UvS9S_l_vKc
  9. Borderlands 2 free weekend coming up and £9.99 for the full game
  10. We are living in a fast-moving and growing technology era with wearable tech being the new gimmick on the horizon. I don't know whether the products in the pipeline are fundamentally essential in day to day life or if they are just status items for people, and companies to demonstrate future possibilities in 'fad' form. Either way; I don't like most of the products that are inching ever closer to mainstream and am finding this sector becoming intrusive along with technology today in general. Google Glass for me was the first product that caught my eye (no pun intended) and I immediately hated the concept. It looks fucking ridiculous, someone can easily swipe it off your head in a heartbeat and the fact that it can record anything and everything at any time leaves me inclined to the possibility of punching someone in the face that I see operating one. If someone walks down the street with their phone ahoy and filming people; it would make me uncomfortable but someone using GG could easily use the device under the radar for malicious purposes undetected. If you want to record something; use a phone or a recognized mainstream device which is built for the correct purpose. I can't see someone looking a complete twat with these glasses on walking down the street and thinking they need to record something at the spur of the moment. Yeah you might see a nice arse but this could be considered as outraging public decency in the courts. Google Glass could be used to enhance chip and pin fraud by using techniques that have been around since phones were built with cameras but with the glasses, you could be more discreet in your attempts to commit fraud. Football clubs are also greatly concerned at the legal ramifications if someone was to enter a football ground with these devices on and breach TV rights by recording matches. Clubs can be responsible for 60,000 fans and if one dick smuggles in Google Glass with ease which is easily done; they can be severely punished more than the person with the device. Smart Watches are another buzz word on the technology street. I have a watch, it tells the time; why the fuck would I want a watch that is smarter if the point of a watch is to tell the fucking time eh? Do I really give a shite about my pulse or how many calories I've burned walking around trying to find a bin to put my Red Bull can in? Why the hell would I need to access my emails through a watch if I have a better, more appropriate, compatible device? Seems like they trying to enhance miniaturization or design a needless functionality. Do I really need to access Facebook/Twitter in such an emergency that I don't have time to pull out my phone out of my pocket? Smartphones have excelled and people can run their tech-dependent lives from one hand but I don't think a watched-based device is going to be rendering them obsolete anytime soon. The worrying thing is that all the above technologies are unnecessarily networked and no doubt put your privacy at a greater risk. There are watches and wrist devices out there that are standalone and record things like heart-rate but adding the internet compatibility to connect to devices and record your personal information is not required in my opinion. We've already seen fridges that can send spam emails and attack sophisticated PC's this year and last year we saw cars being electronically hijacked. If you leave your house with 4-5 devices; you're treading a fine line for trouble. Fingerprints, voice-recognition, movements, internet; everything is tracked. Hackers will have a field day in years to come too. I just find future technology concepts very uncomforting and needless. Too many obsessive idiots jump on the bandwagons of these companies to fuel the demand and more claws dig in to the public's rights. I'd rather be secure and protected from crime and surveillance at the expense of 'looking cool' in the public domain.
  11. Haha that's brilliant!
  12. Can't wait! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fo4_r5RlBII
  13. Funny reaction to 'failed' driving test
  14. I am not the only one to accidentally get the Laudrup brothers mixed up - The Belfast Telegraph made the same mistake last night Does anyone remember Michael missed Euro 92 to go on holiday before Denmark were reinstated to the competition after Yugoslavia were kicked out and they went on to win it without him?
  15. Brian Laudrup sacked as Swansea manager! Didn't see this coming although there were rumours aplenty last couple of days. Swansea have had a disappointing season so far but I am surprised at this and they are still in Europe too.
  16. Even if you haven't sold anything before and have no seller feedback; it's not a problem. If you were selling 100 PS4's for £250 and were a new seller, then people may be a little suspicious but if you're just selling some items off then as long as you deliver accurate and detailed information and good pictures of the products; you'll have some good prospects of gaining some cash and solid feedback. Everyone has to start off somewhere on eBay after all. Just don't balls-up the postage
  17. Great to see Joe Kinnear has stepped down as Director of Football at Newcastle United. Can't believe he was ahead of Alan Pardew in the Toon Army hierarchy! He really should have been sacked after this happened http://www.express.co.uk/sport/football/440798/EXCLUSIVE-Joe-Kinnear-in-Newcastle-gaffe-as-he-tries-to-sign-one-of-his-own-players
  18. ReRoll is a open-world survival RPG that takes place on a full-sized planet earth. I can't see them pulling this off but the concept sounds interesting http://www.polygon.com/2014/2/3/5374012/reroll-drone-sourcing-planet-earth-pixyul-pc Could also just be a major surveillance operation disguised as a game
  19. Another good one from the same channel http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iAu8fnXPuzw&feature=c4-overview&list=UUJM0ZIGPX2pad8IzopUkbIg
  20. Thanks for the heads-up! Here we are
  21. Can't wait for City v Chelski tonight! Looking at how Chelsea have played against the likes of Man Utd and Arsenal this year; I reckon it will be a shit game and Mourinho will become a hypocrite and park the bus just like West Ham did last week. 0-0
  22. Haha! Well I'm confident I'll pass Southend UNITED for starters but Man United will prove tricky to overlap on anything other than beginner Does anyone know who this keeper is? Could be an ideal signing right off the bat
  23. Early indications suggest it will be available around June-September time but information is rather sparse at the minute but at least we know a version is in the works. Also a Vita edition is in the pipeline. Hopefully they have some form of upgrade discount if you already have it on your account but I expect we'll have to pay for the next gen version full-whack.
  24. Amazing achievement!! Can't wait to see this on PS4. First screenshot leaked http://i1.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/292/274/586.jpg
  25. You're girlfriend is right; get it! Got mine last week with FIFA and Killzone and it's mint; well worth the money if you've got some pugged away. FIFA 14 is a massive leap forward and it looks and plays incredible. I'm not online with it yet as there isn't any titles at this time which I need a PSN for and I already have BF4 and Ghosts on PC. Will defo be gaming online in the future though! I've just gotta concentrate getting Oxford United into the Champions League on career mode now - something that I guarantee will not happen in real life
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