Is it me or are the SNP the ugliest, most miserable and toxic bunch of clowns imaginable? Cancer could be cured yet Sturgeon would be enraged!
The Lib Dems call themselves democratic yet their main policy is to ignore 17m people right off the bat and overturn something they ALL agreed to honoring. They only became relevant again as a protest vote against Corbyn.
Labour is in cookoo land under Corbyn. He's a fence sitter and only tells people what they want to hear and what people in his party tell him to do. He hates the EU, he hates the military, he hates Israel and jews yet he is quite compassionate to terrorists. His plans will nuke the economy, alienate investors, dismantle the country and then the people will have to pay for it on more than one level. He will never disclose his true Brexit position and him in any form of power would be damaging for decades to come. Diane Abbott as home secretary? LMAO!
Tories are a total mess and cannot be trusted. Their plans are very limited and only paper over a fraction of cracks. Normal people will continue to see local services strained and the cost of living skyrocket. So many shady fucks in the party too.
The Brexit Party probably wont have much of an impact and their position is far too weak and although I don't agree with a lot of their sentiments, It's nice to see them fucking up those ignorant EU bureaucrats in Brussels.
Bottom line, the UK is pretty fucked either way.