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Everything posted by J4MES OX4D

  1. Lacazette yesterday looked gutted he saved Emery's job! That was a very muted goal for a last minute equaliser. Southampton could've been 1-5 up at one point!
  2. People that own Contact DLC should get this for 75% off or free but as this is Bohemia we're talking about, they probably wont even get 25% off or a discount at all. I've only seen a couple of videos and it does look a lot like Chernarus especially with so many reused assets including Arma2/DayZSA buildings and the airstrip. The map doesn't seem as iconic and looks a bit more threadbare too. I hope to pick it up though but any more than £15 would be ludicrous.
  3. Many players seem overwhelmingly disappointed at this update especially considering how big it was talked up. With the Premium Stream expected in a couple of weeks, it's getting very tight for issues and annoyances to be fixed to standard. They are really going to struggle to get people to buy into passes if basic things aren't working properly and then Activision may end up doing a BO4 and bringing supply drops and hugely aggressive microtransactions in. Infinity Ward goofed up by leaving private notes in their published patch notes which has pissed people off more and kinda shows the devs are doing what they want rather than what the wider community would like
  4. J4MES OX4D

    DayZ Livonia

    Wasn't expecting this but after the map appeared in the Arma 3 Contact expansion and it looked like a DayZ one, suddenly it makes sense! May have to give this a reinstall sometime DayZ Livonia on Steam STORE.STEAMPOWERED.COM Livonia is the brand-new DLC map for DayZ, allowing players to experience the hardcore survival hit in a whole new environment. Up to...
  5. They already have a patent in this domain where matchmaking is manipulated to encourage users to spend money. They've had this for 4 years now. I would't put anything past them. If they were willing to do this with supply drops, then they are surely willing to manipulate matchmaking to the same tune with other considerations. Whether this will be done in MW, we don't know as there are no pay 2 win elements yet or supply drops but this something to consider. We'll have to see if anything changes when the premium stream kicks in. I do currently believe content creators get an easy ride and I also believe this patent has also been in effect or at least tested in previous games to a degree. My prediction come December is freemium users will be pitted more against premium stream purchasers in a bid to get them to upgrade their pass or be tempted to any microtransactions. Whilst his may not affect matchmaking, it will give the impression players are being more pitted against sweats and dedicated players in which you may indeed get matched to these type of players regardless. That's what I think will happen.
  6. J4MES OX4D


    Nice windows Elon
  7. You said you 'personally think this (anti-semitism) comes from right wing people who shitting themselves about the thought of socialism' but this clearly isn't the case especially when this is a recognised issue within the party itself and has been for years. It's nothing to do with socialism or what the party stands for - a lot of people simply don't want that type of leader representing their country and 170+ didn't want that 3 years ago.
  8. Being weary of Corbyn doesn't make people right wing. That's one of the biggest problems in politics now = don't agree with someone = YOU'RE A NAZI HITLER FAN. Even longstanding labour supporters and party employees current and former simply don't like him and what he's turned the party into. It was only 3 years ago he lost a monumental no confidence vote by something like 130 votes and refused to resign and because they had no other candidates to challenge, he retained his position. I think the majority of people would vote for labour if he wasn't in charge and expectations were in check. The Tories are at their weakest point and in a shameful state so someone like labour should waltz into power but having someone too far left and with his fantasy polices is not ideal especially for the economy.
  9. I can't back it up concrete but one day it will all come out as it always does. Far more credible than the generic Boris Johnson is a Nazi nonsense. There has been enough people in his party past and present who have raised serious concerns about his views towards certain minorities and I trust them especially when they have very little to gain. As we've seen for the past few decades, it's always these claims which turn out to be the only honest aspect of politics in the long run. The labour party was very clean from this sort of behaviour until he took office and everyone who has been embroiled in this has been people he's employed or drafted into his prospective cabinet. Any normal leader wouldn't need to be told to denounce such views and not say anything public for 18 months against it. That alone tells me he either supports such a view or he just doesn't care - either way, not the person I would want running the country. I used to really like labour and everything they stood for but now it's gone beyond the extreme. Hypocritical, toxic and totally unrealistic.
  10. I think he does behind closed doors and he's been to enough savage anti-Israeli demonstrations over the years before becoming an MP. A lot of this has been swept under the carpet by the media though and with more and more members of his party getting directly implicated in their own anti-semetic behavior, he can swerve any involvement, It took him a good 18 months and much probing just to publicly denounce the behaviour of his members involved in this and even that seemed highly disingenuous, Now such apologies are becoming second nature to him. Allegations like this don't materialise out of nowhere and it was only a couple of years ago he claimed Labour had absolutely no anti-semitic members or recorded incidents and then it all snowballed and over 20 were recorded.
  11. Is it me or are the SNP the ugliest, most miserable and toxic bunch of clowns imaginable? Cancer could be cured yet Sturgeon would be enraged! The Lib Dems call themselves democratic yet their main policy is to ignore 17m people right off the bat and overturn something they ALL agreed to honoring. They only became relevant again as a protest vote against Corbyn. Labour is in cookoo land under Corbyn. He's a fence sitter and only tells people what they want to hear and what people in his party tell him to do. He hates the EU, he hates the military, he hates Israel and jews yet he is quite compassionate to terrorists. His plans will nuke the economy, alienate investors, dismantle the country and then the people will have to pay for it on more than one level. He will never disclose his true Brexit position and him in any form of power would be damaging for decades to come. Diane Abbott as home secretary? LMAO! Tories are a total mess and cannot be trusted. Their plans are very limited and only paper over a fraction of cracks. Normal people will continue to see local services strained and the cost of living skyrocket. So many shady fucks in the party too. The Brexit Party probably wont have much of an impact and their position is far too weak and although I don't agree with a lot of their sentiments, It's nice to see them fucking up those ignorant EU bureaucrats in Brussels. Bottom line, the UK is pretty fucked either way.
  12. That's the Warrior's Code mission - the 7/12 issue was reported on day one along with other bugged missions and challenges yet until now, nothing was done in the 50gb-odd worth of patches, 9 in total. I'm still not even sure if all these bugs have been addressed and it shouldn't take so many weeks just to fix something so simple. I've accepted that the footstep, 725 and other 'balance' things will probably never be addressed to satisfy everyone but the way they've handled simple bug issues has been shockingly bad.
  13. Pretty much my feelings Dave. I love Kojima's previous work - his vision, imagination and writing is quite astonishing but in this one, it feels like he's tried too hard in many aspects and has fallen short in all of them. I've never been on the fence so much with a game but it really has hit me that being on it this much is a bad sign not to get the game after all. I think the game is just too long for me regardless - 60 hours at 2 hours a day for a whole month basically. I usually get burned out in half the time and bear in mind, Death Stranding isn't exactly a hugely varied experience. Transversing the environment is the heart of the experience yet the movement mechanics and physics are very wonky and inconsistent it seems - I have seen someone somersault down a cliff and land on their back alive with no damage to the cargo yet others have tripped on a blade of grass on a flat surface and had to restart the mission because they died. The combat and bosses look really half-arsed filler plus the repetitive cutscenes must really irritate even if they can be skipped. The fact Monster Engergy is also a prominent feature of the game rather than just a one-off promotional placement makes it look extremely tacky and borderline laughable. Kojima also started lashing out at reviewers saying people don't understand his game and American's only get FPS shooters. I thought this was a pretty dreadful comment as his previous work was extremely successful in the states and surely he must have known that even with his reputation, not everyone was going to warm to Death Stranding as a concept. Despite 3 years of mystery, the game isn't all that complex to understand after all and you have to wonder if a lot of it was kept under wraps to mask what the game was in the first place. This game is nowhere as good as he thinks it is and it comes across as quite pretentious. Looks like Konami were right to pull the plug on him all along. Who would have thought! Kojima should probably consider movies because I think he's missed the mark here trying to create a game - it's like he's made an experience for himself whilst forgetting what others would truly enjoy. Anyhow, I bought Disco Elysium the other day and it's one of the best RPG's I have ever played and probably the greatest true RPG out there. This 'strand' genre is just a load of bollocks.
  14. Probably something surrounding money/COD point balance/previous spend. Similar to how YouTuber's like Korean Savage always find themselves in lobbies with the weakest players or even bots even if they are pumping out 3-5 k/d's a match. Content creators tied to Activision seem to always get easy lobbies and I bet there is a underlying system in place where financially dedicated players are more rewarded and ones that aren't are then enticed to spend money in a deluded attempt to improve their experience. This is what they were going for in that patent and I reckon there is probably some sort of system in play which is based on prospective spend or something to that tune. If they aren't operating a strictly connection based system then something shady is awry. In there isn't a hidden thing in place, there certainly will be once the Premium Stream comes into play.
  15. The only thing big about this update that was being touted as the 'big one' is the download size Update 1.09 for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare now live - Patch Notes | Charlie INTEL CHARLIEINTEL.COM Infinity Ward has released the latest patch update for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare overnight on November 22 on PlayStation 4, Xbox... Lots of things still outright broken or neglected. All eyes on 1.1 'the biggest one' I bet..
  16. Serial Cleaner FREE on Humble Bundle https://www.humblebundle.com/store/serial-cleaner-free-game?hmb_source=humble_home&hmb_medium=product_tile&hmb_campaign=mosaic_section_1_layout_index_1_layout_type_twos_tile_index_1_c_freegame_2019_storetile_serialcleaner
  17. Just a guess but I'd say:- - Connection is likely prioritised and the fact they are publishing ping figures rather than just bars or outright hiding such elements knowing they can be caught suggests this may be the case. They have falsified this shit in the past where it was totally removed or masked in later COD titles. - 'Skill' is probably more attributed to form, possibly in 5 game blocks of averages rather than outright k/d. - Clans are being matched against other clans when possible so a low skilled/reverse boosted party leader can't take a team of pub stompers into a low skill lobby. If no other team is available, they are probably being put into high-end form lobbies or ones comparable to the party leaders form. I do think once connection quality is established, then skill becomes a factor for matchmaking so it's possible both of these elements are working hand in hand and are equally important.
  18. I didn't get round to getting the game and then I saw this review yesterday which pretty much answered a lot of questions. Suffice to say, I wont be getting the game anytime soon, if ever
  19. Some of Stadia's Biggest Supporters Are Beginning to Turn Against It - IGN UK.IGN.COM With wide-spread reports of delayed Stadia pre-order access codes, some of the streaming service's biggest supporters are already starting...
  20. I am a bit skeptical about it because it feels more of a cash grab for Activision rather than something to bolster the product especially with the core game still having many fundamental design and technical issues. I'd rather they iron out those before they include yet another tacked on mode which has to be heavily supported. Spec Ops and Trials are still pathetically unfinished and largely neglected so having another aspect to manage will just spread the support and population even more thin of the product. There is still so many bugs and other issues going on, BR will just add and create more problems I reckon.
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