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Everything posted by J4MES OX4D

  1. I doubt I'll be getting it anytime soon but when I do, Demon Souls will be the first title I imagine.
  2. The good thing is that reviews will be in before Cold War launches - that 3 day window could be useful in making a decision. I am only level 916 on Destiny 2 so how will that impact my ability to access the new content? Is the levels being raised or all players again or do I have to grind up? I'm so out of the loop I forgotten how it all works😂
  3. Anyone else torn between the two or planning to pick up both or neither? With Cyberpunk being delayed it's given me more time but I still don't think I'll be able to squeeze in both or be willing to buy each at full price. I quite enjoyed Cold War and I may get a month of action out of it but I also enjoy Destiny 2 which is far more relaxed. There hasn't been enough footage of the new expansion for my liking though and I don't want another situation where it's another shoddy Bungie vanilla experience where we have to wait months for extra content and overall improvements. I was gonna make a poll but I'd rather hear people's actual thoughts. Cheers!
  4. Sounds pretty wank and I'm not talking about Rick Astley who is a ginger god.
  5. He had a great run at 90 and what a fantastic career! The Bond movies were iconic and he did some great ones outside that series too. Goldfinger was my personal favourite but all his Bond films were special.
  6. Seems like they've gone for the usual London/British stereotypes and other predictable tropes on top of what was already a cringey direction the series has taken. Watch Dogs 2 had some pretty good humour and likable characters surprisingly but in Legion it seems like they are just painfully exaggerated with the combination. The narrative also seems to have taken a backseat to make way for the more open character system leading to more generic missions. Sounds like typical Ubisoft title! It still looks fun but I've caught a couple of reviews which have highlighted some aspects that kinda put me off. Will probably grab it early next year.
  7. Me neither. I don't think I've even visited the store let alone got an account😎
  8. Blair Witch and Ghostbusters Remastered FREE on the Ephic gaem store.
  9. Released today! This game is frigging awesome - tremendous fun!
  10. They'll probably release the Series S as a freezer😂
  11. Looks good😂
  12. Yeah it's a total PR disaster especially with the announcement coming a mere 24 hours after they once again explicitly stated it wouldn't be delayed which was already off the back of several other statements to this tune in the past 6 weeks. Lots of staff thrown under the bus and whilst the faceless social media team will get away fairly clean minus a bit of Twitter abuse at the company, I feel for any who made that commitment either through interviews or during the livestream as they will face a lot of ridicule even though it wasn't their choice. If they get it out in December then it'll be forgiven and forgotten especially if it's a fantastic game but it seems people aren't convinced by the excuse or confident in the new release either and after what's now happened, I'm also a bit iffy about it. The situation almost mimics that of the original Watch Dogs 7 years ago at the start of the gen - it was due for release as one of the most hyped games in recent memory and a massive launch title for the new gen of consoles and out of the blue it was delayed by 6 months and was nowhere as good as expected. I hope it doesn't repeat with this.
  13. I think the rage that a lot of gamers have expressed (quite a bit childish and extreme in some cases) is mainly born out of sheer frustration after a difficult year but the real aggravating factor that has tipped people over the edge is the sheer amount of lies and broken promises. People have been let down 3 times this year - twice understandable under the circumstances but the third time feels almost unforgivable for some especially when the publishers have expressed countless times that there would be no further delays including an instance 24 hours before the announcement. It's just eroding trust and people aren't confident that the game will even arrive in December - Q1 2021 it may have to be. The other monumental disappointment about the whole situation was CDPR being one of only a few trusted developers and publishers out there and for them to screw up even worse than some common AAA ones, it's a huge confidence dent that could ruin a company for years to come just like BioWare. I am partly relieved that the game is delayed and I'm not as hyped for it as some but the way they've handled it has been shocking really. They would have been better just giving a release window with no promises back in the summer rather than string people along and bullshit them all the way to to the 11th hour.
  14. Fucking disgraceful really. The game has already gone gold, it's being shipped to retailers as I write this yet once again it's delayed despite numerous set in stone guarantees that it would not be delayed again even going back to their livestream last week. This is nothing more than a tactical delay so it doesn't collide with the big releases in the weeks leading up to its launch. I'm not even confident it'll come out in December either because they may then be baited into taking the next gen consoles into consideration based on how those launch and their availability. Looks like I have a window for Black Ops Cold War and/or Destiny 2 at least but this is very disappointing.
  15. Google distanced themselves from him and then his bio immediately changed similar to what their statement indicated his role was. They definitely forced him to do that rather than see him misrepresent himself like many blue checkmark Twitter twats do in this industry. I don't think he ever got ahead with the argument either as he was obliterated right off the bat with his opinion and tone but then just dug a deeper hole for himself. In the usual blue tick hypocrisy that arises with these situations, he went on to Tweet that he'd be streaming Fall Guys in the evening and then everyone piled on him further asking if he'd paid the developers for the licence and their royalties🤣
  16. I think Jose is doing a better job this year than last season because he's finally utilising the players at his disposal properly. Last year there were games where the bus was parked, Spurs were absorbing 70% of possession and playing for a one-goal win - definitely not the type of football you associate with the club or how the players should be playing. Now he's really maximising what's available and is getting the most out of them. It's just a shame points have been dropped at home especially in the manner they were - a pedestrian performance against Everton, should have buried Newcastle way before the controversial penalty and the West Ham capitulation was bizarre. Just need to keep getting those important wins and taking advantage of other teams dropping points. Spurs have a great chance and Jose is in his best form and mindset for years and has the squad to bring success.
  17. Probably not until next year although I will definitely pick it up as I had a blast with Watch Dogs 2. It's a really busy month for games and I don't want to get this and then feel pressured into finishing it or it being left in a state where I abandon it for something like Cyberpunk and then can't get back into it.
  18. I've been listening to some slowed/reverb versions of songs and they really do add a whole new dimension to the music. Here are some examples:-
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