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Everything posted by Playertd

  1. I replaced my soda pop ( drank 1-2 mtn dews a day) with sweet tea like brisk or whatever you can find at gas stations/stores. Helped me get over sodas. Of course that only works if you like sweet tea!
  2. Some people ride on the dirt! KTM 200xc, tons of two stroke fun I'd love to get into streetbikes one day, only rode one a couple times, I want more haha.
  3. I use head n shoulders for men dandruff shampoo/conditioner...works fine for me. Outside of shampoo I'm not sure what to do to help it.
  4. My dad and I are gunna watch them when he gets back in a couple weeks, kind of can't wait haha.
  5. Cool, can't be worse than that one conan remake a bit ago lol.
  6. I got chubby after finishing highschool (no more sports) Glad I started working our last year, cannot imagine where I would be now if I hadn't!!
  7. Awesome vid. Only sad part is that dog is probably going to die because of shitty owner(s).
  8. Huh...I thought there would be more classes, thanks for the info! Warlock sounds fun, I'll probably start with that.
  9. I'll probably go buy one latter this year...just have to pay for car repairs then its all to video games haha.
  10. I actually didn't mind the IED's I could just use blast shield...what bugged me was the c4 riot shields, there nothing I could do to counter them, besides using that class myself.
  11. I'm seriously thinking about getting this for the 360, with how much I love borderlands I'm sure I'd like this game.
  12. Not much for me...I want infinity ward connection, like mw2 and ghosts, I would like better stats/leaderboards and challenges. I want prestige and unlocking stuff to be more difficult, everything was a bit to easy in Ghosts. I agree with OP, scrap the squad point crap all together, it was a nice idea but I want the old system back. Also please don't add C4. Fuck C4.
  13. I'll get on for a game if you haven't already. Just don't pay attention to my feeding o.o
  14. Nice post man, looking forward to this game. As long as the connection is good and the game is somewhat balanced I'll have a blast.
  15. Been looking onto the game recently, doesn't look like I'll get it. The beta seemed fine to me but I wasn't able to try any reall dungeon fights because I was only level 10 or so. Now that vids are out this game just doesn't seem MMO'y enough for me, the hybrid do all classes, easy dungeons and above average price made me choose not to get it. Back to waiting for a badass MMO to come out
  16. Ohh ok....not sure what to get it on then haha, guess I'll decided whenever it comes out.
  17. This game is next gen only right? If so I might be playing CoD on the PC for the first time o.o
  18. I've been lagging like crazy on LoL, so haven't been playing recently. All my other games work fine so I'm not quite sure what is up. ARAM is a fun mode, a lot more laid back than the three lane map. Also goes a lot faster, in case ya don't have time for an hour long game, which is nice. Nice list of tips by the way.
  19. Nice post, I was practicing dry firing all winter, it paid off for me. First trip to the range this spring I was shooting much better than last fall. I never put a case on top of the slide, that makes sense though, will have to try it!
  20. Anyone seen the new 300? I kind of want to see it, slash em ups are kinda awesome sometimes.
  21. I saw this on their home page a bit ago and did it, is it a one time deal or can I keep doing it?
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