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Just Cal

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Everything posted by Just Cal

  1. So here is the first submission
  2. Changed. Hasn't updated yet but these things take a bit of time cause they like to be assholes like that.
  3. I'll do whatever the bigger boys are doing. I'm easily moulded.
  4. Well the art is up, There's a link to the forum on the channel and our first upload is complete. www.youtube.com/foreverrgaming Visit, subscribe and spam us with likes and comments and shares and beer.
  5. Done My first cop run challenge is uploading as I type. It's an old video and I've tried loads since. Still can't escape xD I won't be spamming with my own videos either. Not until we have a proper intro anyway.....
  6. I nearly killed a dog my first time driving. He was off his leash and the aul bitch of an owner went mad at me. I told her firmly where to go and haven't been back in a car since. I might be scared..... Dylan! Let the instructor speak!
  7. Also, the backgrounds above have the logo in that position because that's the safe zone on all browsers including mobile apparently. It will always be in view there.
  8. Right. Nothing I tried was beautiful so I made 2 basic backgrounds to conform with the new dimensions and logo safe zones. Too big to post here so I'll just link them here and here. They're the same simple design but one has the brightness and contrast heightened. I was thinking that we need to have some mad complex design but I actually like these. Let me know if you think they're suitable.
  9. Thanking you. I'm gonna research the new YouTube dimensions and see if I can make something not too hideous.
  10. "I'll park the getaway car at the corner of Hawick" *proceeds to park in Rockford Hills.
  11. So the avatar change worked on my account?
  12. Hahahahaha! Cheers man! I've got the channel logo done now. Couldn't set it up on the forum channel yet so I have it as my channels avatar right now so peeps can have a look and see if they like it. www.youtube.com/MrNocturnalBanana EDIT: It keeps reverting back to my old shamrock picture on my computer here. I don't know if that's just for me or not though
  13. It's actually whoever grabs the cash whilst doing the job that gets to decide the split What we could do is ask random online people to help out with a job (you know, in case there's not much of us online at the time) Then fuck him over. I'm 100% cool with fucking random people over.
  14. So we still need some artwork for our community channel. This includes the background, avatar and intro video implementing the forum logo. The avatar I can try sort out here and now by just minimizing the logo we're using here if that's what Diddums wants. So does any kind forumer want to throw their expertise in?
  15. I had a little beast of a dominator (GT500) It was Matte black with the racing stripe in chrome. Lost forever thanks to starting a mission and it being taken away from me in place of Michael's shitty little car. I found it in the impound but it was the original car before the customizations. Pissed isn't the word here.
  16. All of it will be available and no I didn't notice the horn. I can't watch videos in here man
  17. So I have a ponder stuck in my head. Who's going to be the first asshole to trait on us? I know we're all brothers here but this is GTA. Someone in our gang will do something that the other take to heart. Taking an extra cut. So who do we think will fuck us over? I don't know why but I think Adam will Me, Matt and Mike can't do it as we're the authoritaaar but I know someone will. I've got my eye on you Ste xD
  18. That's exactly how I got started man xD I'm gonna try make some of these tutorials, I'll record your method man when the online comes out. I'll be a passenger in your vehicle and just record you doing yo thang! ...........while trying to stay alive meself haha
  19. It's like they have a different patrol routine every time I enter. Sometimes they get more violent much quicker haha Have you got a PVR Palle? We need you for the forum channel.
  20. Ho-lee shiz. I want.
  21. You'll never get promoted with that attitude young man hahahahaha
  22. Ohhhh......God dammit Brede. Play the damn game Palle before making a tips thread *Absolutely zero hostility in my posts.
  23. wut spoilers?
  24. I've entered the base twice successfully and about 25374046 times that ended with new holes in my bod. The 2 methods that worked are as so: Smart - Take any helichopper or hairyplane and fly as high as you can above the base. Jump out and whip out your parachute while you're still high but low enough to scope out the different hangers. When you locate the hanger with the jet (assuming that's why you're going there) just glide right in and steal. Loud - Get a nice fast car or jeep and barge right through the front gates. For some reason, this startles the army and they won't pursue you for valuable extra seconds (each one counts) Then drive around like a headless chuck until you find what you're looking for.
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