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Just Cal

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Everything posted by Just Cal

  1. Just Cal

    BF4 Beta

    Dave was lied to basically. I'd be pissed off too.
  2. Yeah done that, then kicks you before starting the first activity >
  3. Only 2 player slots available at the start. I had to do it twice cause of the saving issue.
  4. I'm just finishing up the last few story missions now so it's cool with me. My personal scumbag is created and saved so I'm ready to go.
  5. Must. Not. Correct. I jest pal, congrats on your first lesson! So you didn't kill anyone/thing?
  6. Ah. Well I guess I'm waiting until I complete the story so I know how much moolah I'll have. How much have you got left at this stage? I see money staying low after there's no missions left?
  7. Twitter background is a lot more awkward than youtube so It's gonna take longer than last time man. Every tutorial is different and I can't log on to twitter to study in college. It'll be done though. You want the same kind as the youtube?
  8. I ended up formatting my camera on Saturday night. Just some rational Irish thinking
  9. Everything that's in the offline map is in the online. Ballas is a good idea because that will attract the cops too.
  10. Prison bus with a chinook.......I am so intrigued it hurts. I haven't even gone near the prison yet. Is this a personal goal?
  11. GTA will be my shooter. I might pick it up for PS4 along with Battlefield but I don't even know if I'll get either. What about Killzone? That might trump all of them. KZ3 was beast but I never gave it much of a chance
  12. We're gonna have to start fresh with guns so the first thing I'm gonna do is get in a cop fight, take their guns and die.
  13. About the same for me. I tried play at least 1 mission last night but ended up sleeping til about 11pm I then proceeded to fail at said mission and turn on YouTube. I was in a bad way haha So today will mostly consist of creating our characters and fucking around I assume? Robbing stores with 2-3 people will suffice for me. Then we need to start planning big tings.
  14. I'm nearly finished man. Only got about 10 main story missions left. I'll do them today while the Rockstar servers are crashed xD
  15. Take out the Irish waterfall man. I was......"happy" and wanted to see it on screen completely forgetting that it would be on YouTube hahaha The big happy head on me. I can't wait to watch them back
  16. The milkshake made up for it haha I got pissed off at the station when it was finished.
  17. My personal thoughts are that it can fuck off. I apologize that I have nothing more to add but the only reason I bought the last two a total of 5 fucking times was so I could game with the lads and lassies on here. I despise the game. It's not that I completely suck either because I can pull in good scores. The connection issues and everything you mentioned above are game breaking for me and now that GTA online is out today, I have no need to buy Ghosts. Maybe I did have a little bit to add xD
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