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Just Cal

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Everything posted by Just Cal

  1. Definitely the forum channel man. We need to use this one haha. I'm disappointed nobody's asked to submit anything. Although we still need Lee to make that intro........
  2. After patch 1.02 I got on with no hassle. I know I got pissed off but my constant failure ended in a great little session before the kids got on. Me and Matt demolished my mate in a drug runner game xD Just keep trying lads, chin up and all that shiz.
  3. I created an account on Steam. Exact same as on here.
  4. They need to sort that shiz out. We have 5 slots and we need to do that same shit over and over? Why not just have your first scumbag meet your second scumbag at the airport? Yeah they'd have to mime at eachother but jesus that tutorial is annoying.
  5. I'm gonna make a female tonight. Do you have to sit through the tutorial again when you have a second scumbag?
  6. Oh......I see. I'll have a look at steam when I get home. Might as well make a new account on there too seeing as it's been about a year since I last logged in......on my old laptop. Yeah, new account it is.
  7. The game was telling me last night that I wasn't a member of a crew. I sent a request but it could've been just the social club acting up. I'll try accept my own invite later hahaha Sam! Add me too! FG_Cal
  8. That's racist and I love it! Hahahaha! I jest. It sucks not being able to sleep though. You should give the YouTube thing a try though. Even watch minecraft comms. http://www.youtube.com/user/YogscastSips‎ I always go to sleep listening to this fucker, He's not boring but he has a soothing voice, even when he's swearing xD
  9. I suffer from mild insomnia. Nothing like you suffer with though. In fact, It's bullshit to say I suffer at all compared. What helps me is turning on the most boring documentaries on the PS3 youtube app. I take off my glasses so I can't see the TV and the strain on my eyes forces me to close them, I then also have the white noise that ain't so white if ya get me. My other technique is having a joint but that's only on the odd occasion that I actually have stuff. I'm not recommending starting that though. That just works for me. Alcohol always worked but I've cut down on that this year because I was becoming dependent again. I don't know if you remember me saying but years back I was a bit of an alcoholic, I didn't realise at the time because I was very young and Irish. I was led to believe that's what the Irish do so I done it. Nearly got kicked out of my house because of it. I was 16-17. All of this post is random mutterings except for the first paragraph. I highly recommend falling asleep with a big ol' boring doc. Boring is different for everyone so just pick a subject that you were never interested in. Algebra for me. I find most docs interesting so that's what I go with.
  10. Oh and Jonny, I had to make about 5 characters as well :/
  11. I finally got online! Rank 4 and I've won a bike race against a randomer. I came across 2 lads who were robbing a liquor store so I...........moved their car across the street xD The cops then showed up and I watched a fire fight. One of them hurled abuse at me for not helping so I helped.......the cops. I then finished of the police and took the takings for myself. While hiding in an alleyway, I deposited the cash into my bank using the phone and escaped. I saw the lads trying to join my game but I kept getting kicked into a different lobby Can't wait to get on with a mic and have the banter. Airport was locked for me too
  12. Inorite? It fit my personality xD
  13. Ugh...I forgot my old password so couldn't connect to Social Club. When I signed out on the PS3 so I could click the "forgot your password" button, I then found out I gave a bullshit DoB to save time while signing up. After going through every day in 1988 and 1989 I gave up and created an account. Then I could join Social Club. EDIT: That ugh is from memories of trawling through every day of 2 years. Not directed at you baby.
  14. I sent another man. I thought you deleted it by accident or something. I didn't take offense though cause I know you love me
  15. I'll try it again when I get home. I'm not expecting anything though. Tree days now it hasn't worked for me. (I tried again this morning before college, probably a good thing it didn't work then haha) I'd like to add as well that not 1 of you fuckers sent me a friend request on my new account. Fuck you all
  16. http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/games/gtav/snapmatic/photo/0CMp02rhDkur7DCG4vGw6A I just can't get it working Does anyone wanna sort a homie out? You'll love the photo.
  17. I understand 100% man. Could be playable by Sunday hahaha Now Microsoft is giving everyone a free to play weekend.........smart move giving the rockstar servers more assholes to try log on. Thank god that probably won't affect us.
  18. I can't wait til PS3's online is working. This is the kind of shit I want to do. Keep it up man.
  19. I set my PS3 settings to just accept 720p last night and the game looks crisper. Only very slightly though. Could be a placebo.
  20. Are you sure it isn't cause we forgot to talk for awhile? Hahahahaha!
  21. never mind, can't quote from shoutbox. Harrison know's what I'm talking about hahahahahaha
  22. Thought you weren't gonna let it get you down? Solo means fuck all anyway. It's online. It should be online. That's why I haven't tried doing it solo since getting the tutorial done. The fact that it even works solo is a piss take. Not only did they have 2 weeks after the game was released but what about when they made their money back on pre orders alone? They say they weren't expecting so many people to buy it, so people just pre order a game to leave it in a shop? I love the single player game but this is a joke. 2 days now and the reviewers and a selection of people can play it. Ironic eh?
  23. I think he means can you only play with your crew.
  24. If I was bigger, stronger and braver....You'd be in trouble.
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