I suffer from mild insomnia. Nothing like you suffer with though. In fact, It's bullshit to say I suffer at all compared.
What helps me is turning on the most boring documentaries on the PS3 youtube app. I take off my glasses so I can't see the TV and the strain on my eyes forces me to close them, I then also have the white noise that ain't so white if ya get me.
My other technique is having a joint but that's only on the odd occasion that I actually have stuff. I'm not recommending starting that though. That just works for me.
Alcohol always worked but I've cut down on that this year because I was becoming dependent again. I don't know if you remember me saying but years back I was a bit of an alcoholic, I didn't realise at the time because I was very young and Irish. I was led to believe that's what the Irish do so I done it. Nearly got kicked out of my house because of it. I was 16-17.
All of this post is random mutterings except for the first paragraph. I highly recommend falling asleep with a big ol' boring doc. Boring is different for everyone so just pick a subject that you were never interested in. Algebra for me. I find most docs interesting so that's what I go with.