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Just Cal

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Everything posted by Just Cal

  1. My bad xD I created a really short intro to test out that shiz but it's shiz. I'm nowhere good enough to make the community channels intro. Uploading now anyway. It's not from last night though. From a recording I got a while back with Sebba. Short little yoke. Ste! You feature at the end in my usual overspeech clip.
  2. It was quite hilarious. And we didn't even kill eachother!
  3. GTA Online | Ep.2 rendering now
  4. I had issues joining Palle last night and my mate from college. No worries man, you really should do the trolling with us. I wouldn't even call it trolling actually cause everyone I've met seems to want to kill me. It's the same in GTA.
  5. Well. That answer wins the internet today. Bravo my friend.
  6. The iron golems. Are they mods or vanilla?
  7. I'm getting my Minecraft sorted when I get home. After the last update, my mods and texture packs disappeared so I put it aside. Not today.
  8. Yeah the galactic one would be too advanced for me. As I said, they're only on episode 4, they haven't really started yet and it's bewildering xD
  9. It's gotten a bit rancid at this stage but he used to be xD
  10. My brain doesn't stop til it hurts
  11. Maybe the Gov had Milton working on a cure, but instead created a virus by accident. Then the Gov snuck into the prison and unleashed it?
  12. Onto my best pet ever! Twas a cat named Cleo. Found out he was a fella a year after we named him so we just stuck with it. He was actually my sisters cat but despised her. I'm not even messing, he damaged her. Nearly blinded her one day when she was following him under the living room table. He loved me though and I loved him. The way he'd act was sometimes like a dog. I'd pretend to fall down the stairs or play dead and he'd come over and keep meowing and nudging my head until I "woke up" and gave him cuddles (I was about 6). He'd only ever sleep on my lap. One day he ran away (more like just went exploring) but came back a week later with a limp and he was blind in one eye. Vet says that he got hit by a car. He came back anyway and just wouldn't stop cuddling up to me and meowing. Poor little bugger. About a year later when he got his confidence back up and got rid of his limp.......he fucked off again and didn't come back for about 2 weeks this time. Could be less but when your animal companion goes astray, time drags. He had another limp and was completely blind this time. He was also very frail so we took him to the vet again and found out he had the cat version of aids (the little pimp). Alas, he was put down a few days later and I cried so much you wouldn't believe. I still look at the 2 photos I have left after the surprise move to Ireland and I miss him so much. I love cats. Fucking love them. I'd love to get another one but the scumbags around my area hate cats and will go out of there way just to hurt them, especially around Halloween time. So I'm petless now although in my old house before my split, we had 2 Guinea Pigs (I've another mini story about their offspring), 2 rabbits and a budgie who I used to have arguments with. The kids look after them for me now but the budgie doesn't like me anymore because I abandoned her
  13. I use Shergar in me tea.
  14. I've been watching a series on the Yogscast and they're using Galacticraft. You can get to the moon apparently, they haven't got there yet as they're only on episode 4 as of now but there's NASA crafting tables and shiz. Looks interesting and they're using the lots of biomes mod. I think that's what it's called. You mentioned it above.
  15. I do wake up in the morning and occasionally find a horse eating the grass in my front garden. (insert Ireland joke here) It's not as bad as it used to be though. Less and less people have horses around here now cause they get taken off the scumbags (good) In fact, it's been nearly a year since there was one in the garden. I miss seeing them.
  16. The best cars I have online right now are the Shyster Fusilade and the Ubermacht Zion Cabrio. Beautiful creatures.
  17. The hookers are shit Tommy. What you need is to get a strippers like bar filled by breathing heavily into your mic while getting a private dance. If you own an apartment, you can then bring her back to bump uglies. Unless it's Fufu. Fufu's shit.
  18. The lad who tried to sneak out of his garage xD Someone had a bounty on him for stealing Stretches car. No one saw the theft but me and I had my mic turned off at this point. So we all chased him into his apartment while he hid there. I proceeded to set his doorstop on fire as you do. No one noticed his garage door open and he just bulleted out. I got him through his back window though. There's no escaping FG13.
  19. Dave, you should record one of your gameplays. Doesn't matter if you die a lot. I'd love to watch it.
  20. So last night was fantastic. Randoms died. We died. Races were won. Races were lost. More randoms died. Bountys were placed. Bountys were collected. Even more randoms died. Brede! You would've loved it!
  21. Ah I'll leave it then. I'll just get wrapped up and get annoyed when it finishes. YouTube will suffice for now. I haven't even watched any gameplay of it yet.
  22. Daryl's after becoming such a fan favorite and now he's the leader of the group. He's going to die this season. I hate to be pessimistic* but his death would be the thing to bring Rick back to full glory (even though he should stay out of it now) It could be that or actually Rick that succumbs to the illness. Either way, still my second favorite program. I just love it.
  23. How long has the beta got left? I'm really tempted to try download it later.
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