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Just Cal

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Everything posted by Just Cal

  1. How do you add points of interest man? Is it just a waypoint or does it stay there forever?
  2. He's played his brothers copy so......no hugs. If there was anyone who I'd give a copy to, it's you two lads. I still won't though, let's be honest.
  3. lol Animal! (unless you aren't and were just humoring me) Euan, my mate sitting next to me hasn't got his delivered in the post yet so he sympathizes with you. I take the piss out of him though.
  4. Oh, and Dave. When you get the game, will you be doing live comms? Please say yes you cock.
  5. Euan's gonna be taking on err'body until he gets his GTA
  6. I have Now 3 at home. Old skool pop xD EDIT: Had. That bitch got it in the divorce. EDIT of my EDIT: Twas hers anyway.
  7. Did you google that one too? Hahahaha!
  8. I just want to say.................hahahahahaha! I was right!!!!!! Remember in the trailer I said "That fella is Packie McCreary!"? Well it was! I was driving around minding my own business when I stumble across one of the random events (A store robbery where the lads have no getaway vehicle) So playing as Michael, I rob a 4 door car and collect them. I then hear that horrible fake Irish accent and he tells me his name. It's fucking Packie!! So I now have him to choose for my heist crews, I've only done the first heist too so I've loads left to use him in.
  9. I'll join when I'm home. Good question about multiple crews.
  10. Only twice I've had issues with the map loading after I've reached a point. I was bulleting down the motorway though......seamlessly weaving traffic.
  11. I have Franklin's Buffalo all did up. Also, whilst playing as Franklin, I had to fix Amanda's car and without realising, spent all my cash doing in up. Bitch didn't even say thank you. Pictures will be posted later........maybe. I'm busy up in me cousins gaff and also playing GTA. I JUST WANT TO PLAY NOW BUT I CAN'T!!!!!!
  12. I had a feeling Brede would get kicked out of the strip club hahahaha
  13. Strategy guides. EDIT: That seemed short. The cheats came out before the game man. They don't work in missions and there's no Health, armour, weapons or money cheats. Successful cheats I think.
  14. Dave already said it man, muggings are easier.
  15. Everyone who has a PVR, feel like trying this challenge thing we got going on? You don't have to do a comm, they're just bonuses. I've set up an account for youtube but just waiting on verification. Will be sorted by the time I get home in........50 minutes.
  16. Get over yourself then and just buy it. Think about man, you're not buying the biggest game evar because you plan on getting a PS4. Spock thinks that's not logical.
  17. My bad, apparently it's 16 players for both games. Although Rockstar themselves have said that 18 people can fit into a movie theater at once. I can't find any reliable sources in college.
  18. 18 players per lobby for both games man
  19. Ah man, I haven't slept yet so I'm the same. I was thinking along the lines of someone parking a bus or something, somewhere. Then everyone fucks off the mountain, building, etc, and see who lands closest or on the target. I dunno, with this game, we'll always have ideas xD Tennis tourneys and what not haha
  20. I'm going to record a few live comms today whilst trying this challenge. Hopefully I can make a success without too many retrys. Rich, how does base jumping challenges sound? Online of course.
  21. Attention you scallywags! As you may have seen but also probably not, We are starting a Forever Gaming YouTube account. As we're not tied to a certain genre by our forum tile anymore, this extends an olive branch of sorts. Now all gameplay from all games is welcome. This ties in nicely with the release of GTA V soooooooooo...............I gots an idea. "Community Runs" The idea for this is you start your video by gaining your 1st star in the wanted level. You then proceed to fight it out with these bastards and do whatever you want. Rules: 1 - You CANNOT be arrested. Only cocks get arrested in GTA. 2 - You CANNOT use cheats. 3 - The forumers run should end in either death, or escape. 4 - In order to end your video by ways of escape, you MUST have a minimum wanted level of 4. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- So there you have it. Let me know what you think, and let me know if you think there should be additional rules. Can't wait to see peoples thoughts. *EDIT!* This thread doesn't mean that this is the only series we'll be doing, Series suggestions are most welcome so please spit at us.......respectively.
  22. Who? me? If so, then no. I haven't received any messages or PMs. I don't have WiFi so if you used whatsapp, I'll reply at 4pm haha
  23. He's too busy playing GTA V. I wish I was...........
  24. This is from the first link, Can't access the second.
  25. Sorry d00d. Only gonna be looking for funtage clips. Comms suck balls to me.
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