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Just Cal

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Everything posted by Just Cal

  1. Thanks for all the tips lads. Will make sure to update regularly. I know the game is really old now but it gives us something to work on together
  2. www.youtube.com/watch?v=359na4NeaVA Still not sold though.
  3. I used tags. You're even in my tags haha Cheers d00d. I hate those pricks. What if someone DID steal my sweet roll? I'd have to kill them to get it back, then said guard would have to die while attempting to arrest me. Then where would we be?
  4. Just Cal


    That's the only issue with BF3 at this stage of the game. The weapon unlocks. The fact that people can also pay to unlock a lot of shiz is a bit unfair. I just play BF3 like I would a stealthy campaign mode. I sneak into the bases and hide behind skips and shit. If the flag cap counter stops, I sneak a bit and try take the intruding enemy out. TDM is also great for n00bs.
  5. Still looks sexy Dave
  6. Hahaha! Maybe a bit.....
  7. ~ Survival Tips for Tamriel ~ #1 - Don't slaughter towns/villages unless you save first #2 - When a guard patronizes you by saying "Let me guess, somebody stole your sweetroll?", make sure no one is looking when you trap his a$$ in a black soul gem #3 - Companions = Pack mules (fucking dragon bones) #4 - Get your speech up high as you can. You can get out of any situation with it, persuading your way around Skyrim is great and better prices with merchants is a must #5 - Go max stealth and get a good knife. People will actually run into you and not see you. I makes looting dungeons easy. #6 - Complete the Winterhold College questline and get the Arch-Mage's free room. Let's you drop off your stuff somewhere without having to buy a house #7 -
  8. Skyrim!! We can use this place to talk about our experiences, share videos or share our character stats. I'm in college right now so I'll give you all a big stat rundown of Calimír later haha. So what routes did you go down? Species, questlines, distinct weapons and armour, etc, etc. That's the kind of stuff I want to see in here. Also, share what NOT to do in Tamriel. I fucked up quite a few towns and villages in my second characters lifetime and regret it now. Kids tell me I'm mean, I can't build a mansion in Falkreath because I slaughtered the Jarl's housecarl.
  9. Delighted he's here then haha Even though the he has that W*lsh thing going on.....
  10. The point of the game isn't to play the role of a scumbag. It's about the rich storyte........nah fuck it. It's about being a scumbag hahaha. But seriously, The Rockstar games have always had solid writing, characters, cinematics and they're damn funny too. It's cool to just chill around a virtual city too. You can follow the rules of the road if you want (I know we've ALL done it) You should give GTA IV a try J, even just for the story. The main character Niko hates being a scumbag.
  11. Hell yeah I am! I wouldn't mind but the second video happened less than half hour after the first. All of a sudden, my demon horse, whom I got from the Dark Brotherhood questline, started trampoling a little girl. wtf? G'day Mr. Owl, how have you been? Still into zombies?
  12. Sup Joe!!!! How've you been lately?
  13. Yeah I can see where you're coming from. I just think of people like me and Spectre (admittingly different video editing skill levels) who use the cinematic camera. Grenade sticks, tomahawk throws, funny camera angles for comedy videos, etc all gone. The share button does fuck all in that respect. Then we have the technical side. I'm sure I remember something about theater mode causing some issues with lag and connectivity. That could be a huge factor in why they've dropped it.
  14. I'm a huge fan of Eminem. I own every single album, some even twice thanks to CD scratches back in the day. I'm skeptical about this new one though. Survival was shit. It fit in well with the sounds of war in the CoD trailer but falls flat and off beat when listening to the raw song. Now we have Bezerk coming out tomorrow and from the 30 seconds i've heard......it sounds shit. To me personally, it sounds like he can't stick to a fucking beat anymore and it maddens me because I'm such a long running fan. I'm not rating the new album on these songs though, There's nearly always one song that I don't like on his albums so I'm not gonna judge yet. but 2 songs out of 2 releases that don't sound good? I'm nervous about it.
  15. I made the mistake of reading the review this morning when I got into college. I still can't wait to watch it tonight.
  16. So the [media] tag didn't work
  17. I fucking love it man! I had my first character (Kra-toes) up to level 30 and my save got deleted thanks to the same child who blew Diddums' gaff up in Minecraft. S I have a new player now (Calimír.......lol) just about to break 30 again. I've recorded a bit of gameplay using the PVR but haven't watched it back yet. I got 2 clips on my phone though........ Some of the random shit that happens is hilarious.
  18. I love all the talk about trees.
  19. Hallo my friends. What's new? You's still playing blops? Skyrim has had me invested for weeks now.
  20. Awhhh yeah.....
  21. Dat ass......
  22. I'm guilty of thinking it was it's own species. Cheers for the info Steve. Learn something new every day.
  23. Last movie I watched was the 1978 "Halloween". My daughter has really got into scary movies and wants to watch insidious and shit like that. Nope. I'm starting her off like I started. Tame scaries to ease her in ya know? I'm gonna give The place beyond the pines a watch tonight. My hopes are up.
  24. NSFW? hahahaha I'm even tempted to check out the hot soapy bollix xD
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