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Just Cal

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Everything posted by Just Cal

  1. Console: PS3 Name: FG_Cal Time zone: GMT or BST or summat like that.
  2. I'll volunteer for writing some bloggies. I think you should save the shop idea for when the community grows. I know a lot of the lads here would chip in but it would probably go stale and you'd be left with merchandise for an unseen amount of time. 0.02 BF4 server sounds brilliant. Minecraft server sounds brilliant (although the last one kinda died ) I won't comment on DayZ cos I don't have that game innit? I can do that when I get home and give the details to chosen members. Although anyone can do that in the next 5 hours. Well, deliberately or not, you spelled feedback wrong. You see there, you spelled feedbak. Unprofessional and I'm very picky who I associate myself with. I know you have members here willing to help, Address the grammar situation and I'll be one of them. Grand Theft Auto V
  3. Fair play man! Congrats on the big 5! I've only spoken to Mrs. Diddums 2-3 times but she seemed cool as a cucumber. Also tell her I guess I was wrong about the Bonnie and Clyde ending in Breaking Bad If anyone can keep you tame(ish) she's a fudging keeper!!!!!
  4. I'll pop on Skype or teamspeak but my mic used with the laptop causes a horrible ring. I don't know if others can hear it but I sure as fuck can. Piercing. *My laptop internal mic doesn't work haha
  5. So.........I got a lend of my friend which allowed me to get the game last night at 12:30am and was playing it by 1:20am (thanks mostly to the walk home with the lads) Took about 20-25 minutes to install 8 and a half GB of data so that wasn't too bad. There's no boring tutorial here in this paradise, only an explosive one so you get straight into the action. The shooting feels solid and the snap to target is a godsend (dunno if I couldn't aim due to lack of sleep or what but it helped me xD) The driving..............takes a bit of getting used to but once you get to grips, you'll never be able to go back to GTA IV. I haven't properly met Trevor yet but Franklin would be my favourite character right now. Will post more as I progress through the game.
  6. So Here is where we post our 1st impressions!! I'll type mine up now, I'll be back.
  7. Only about a 20 minute install on the PS3 btw Gonna set up the PVR when I get home........
  8. I always bossed that mission, didn't really have problems
  9. A list of all cheats that have been discovered so far, more to come eventually. I know some of you like to complete the game first and I was one of those people myself until......I got GTA V last night. You can't use cheats while on a mission apparently (heard on Reddit) so It's not like you're cheating the story at all. I've put into a spoiler anyway.
  10. I love this game. Just pure sex. Driving takes some getting used to and flying with Franklin is hard haha
  11. Guess I'm waiting even longer to get GTA. Fuck money.
  12. Don't get it Tom. You'll get bored and sell it then give out about the game. Then me and you are gonna fall out hahahaha But seriously, don't get. If none of the others made you cream a bit, then I don't see what'll change maybe wait til the price goes down?
  13. Wasps. Dunno if it's a phobia but I freeze, shiver, stare then slowly back away. My breathing goes nice and deep like and I sweat. Fuck wasps. I fucking hate them!
  14. I have the 3 minute jet flying video. PVR quality, I won't dare upload it though haha. Looks beautiful, I can safely say my experience will not be tainted after watching it.
  15. In-game screenshot. Doesn't spoil any story content but if you want to keep everything a surprise, don't look. Draw distance is amazing!! Hope that spoiler worked.
  16. This game. This game will ruin lives, relationships, families and friendships (between gamers and non) I can't fucking wait. As you can see below in the comparisons, awesomesauce seems to have stained them.
  17. Father Ted was the first ever good thing to come out of Ireland, I'd highly recommend watching it d00d.
  18. Father Ted influencing GTA V? Oh yeah.....
  19. Too long man, next to Rich, Your voice is the most relaxing thing I've ever heard hahahaha Nearly always almost stopped me raging.....
  20. I'm 100% sober hahaha Mark knows I'm just joshing xD
  21. I like how the original suit is there. I don't like how they ditched it. I don't like this idea. This might sound a tad sadistic but why didn't Murphy get shot to bits? Why did we have to watch a sexy scene? I'm all for b00bs but this is Robocop. I won't pay to see this.
  22. I think it's for Todd's family. Motorcycle clubs always have a clubhouse. It has to be for them.
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