5/19/2021 Workout
21 minute EMOM
Minute 1 - Wiper Press (65lbs)
Minute 2 - Hollow Rocks
Minute 3 - Rest
Thoughts: If yesterday's jack knives and ring hold stabilization movements didn't give you sore abs... today's workout would! (My abs are sore from yesterday)
I walked in and said, "WTF is a wiper press?"
Coach James said, "Oh, how I have missed your enthusiasm at 4:45AM. Don't worry. We will show everyone what it is before the workout."
I did my stretching and warm up, then as a group, did the stretching and warm up.
So, Coach James started explaining the workout, then he explained what a "wiper press" was. It's the wiper movement where you are on your back on the ground, your legs are up, and you move them side to side. Fine. We know what that is. The press part is that after the "side to side", you basically do a bench press with a barbell.
My reaction, "Now, you are just making shit up."
Everyone laughed. Sally said, "Oh, we missed your snarkiness at 5AM!"
I said, "Is it snarkiness if I'm just saying what everyone is thinking? And, I'm too asleep to keep it in my brain?"
He then gave us a few minutes to add weights to the provided bars as needed. He said, "If you go light, it's more of an ab workout. If you go heavy, it's more stabilization."
Me? I'll just do the 35lb bar. That's enough. For a minute a round... for 7 rounds. I'm good.
A couple of minutes go by, and he says, "Everyone good with their weights?" Obvis.. yes. We're all good. He then says, "LA! Are you good? I don't see any weights on the bar."
I put the 35lb bar down... then reached for the 45lb. Gave him a thumbs up. He gave me a stare-back. I said, "I guess I'm going for 65lbs then." Slapped on the 10lb plates, then he finally started the clock. Thanks, Coach James... Thanks... Not like my abs and upper body isn't sore from yesterday's stabilization workout... 😄
Got the workout down. The wiper press at the 65lbs wasn't as difficult as I thought it would be, but I did start failing at the 5th round. I will definitely be sore later tonight, and rowing tomorrow will be painful.
But, for some reason, I like being sore... so I guess everyone wins?