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Everything posted by RenFengge

  1. I have to go punch a few more vex for the sword lol @TurboR56Mini has the sword!
  2. Hmm... we haven't ran it yet.. You okay with that?
  3. Ah! Always nice to having another NYer/someone in our time zone! @TurboR56Mini and I are typically on after 6PM ET during the week (if we play during the week), but only for 2 - 3 hours. Sundays are our usual major game day. Hope to catch you on!
  4. Welcome! Feel free to ping me if you want to join me or @TurboR56Mini while we play. We're usually on together (we're married).. Always nice to have a third from time to time. Always happy to help too!
  5. I hold a terrible grudge against EA as I have seen them destroy every studio I have loved. Studios that have made cult-classics. Honestly, how do you kill the studio that made SimCity and reduce it to just Sims? So, I have to play Cities Skylines now? It's a great game, but... Don't get me started on the 90's studio Bullfrog and their demise shortly after being bought. If I find the article that lists every single studio that died under EA, I'll post it.
  6. I'm an RPG player. The first game was definitely very RPG. The second game did annoy me a bit as it took some action/FPS cues with the god damn ammo, but that was okay, and I ended up really loving the second game. The third was just fantastic, but I will admit that I played it after the "fixes", so the story was near perfect for me and my characters. Also, I think the third was fantastic only because it was the culmination of the whole story and not because it was doing anything else. ME2 holds the trophy of being the best of the series for a reason. I definitely understand how it can be difficult for non-RPG people to get into it. I mean, @TurboR56Mini is your standard FPS gamer, who really only played sports games until I introduced him to the other genres. He could not stand the pace of it. It will be interesting to see if BioWare adjusts some of the mechanics in the first one to really pull new players in.
  7. I am so excited for the remaster! Hopefully, they remember what made their studio great before EA came to destroy it like they tend to do with any studio they acquire.
  8. Nothing I truly want comes out immediately at launch. If I were to score a PS5 at or around launch, I would probably get: Godfall Spider Man: Miles Morales Obviously, I would be on Destiny 2 as well.. but that's not a new thing.
  9. Yeah. It's easier for us to be on from Friday after 5PM ET through the weekend. During the week is rough. I'm in very busy season for my company (because, I swear, this place can't plan ahead.. also COVID as I'm in healthcare), and Carl... Lol... Lately, I'm surprised if he leaves his computer before 5PM. Sometimes 6PM.
  10. Would we LFG the rest of the raid party if we don't have enough people? If we start 1 hour later, I might be able to convince @TurboR56Mini to join.. It's just really close to the end of our working hours.
  11. I'm going to pester @TurboR56Mini about this.
  12. I think this is a great start to figuring out how we move forward. Thanks for really thinking about this.
  13. Yup. I have a Switch. Almost finished Zelda, chose not to. I have Octopath Traveler and Animal Crossing. Haven't used it lately tho. I actually have it for my work commute lol.
  14. Those walks around the office... man.... those were a majority of my steps every day. Now, I'm lucky if I break 5k steps a day lol. As for going back in full-time... I wish I could say I was optimistic and say it won't happen, but I'm not. Remote working won't be mainstream until those who run the companies stop valuing physical face time and seat time. Just because they can't handle messaging apps like Slack or Teams, they can't understand how collaboration works without people in an office. I will tell you that the leadership in my company went from thinking during COVID "hey, remote work is great... we can hire people not in our immediate area" to "employee X moved to a random state? I guess they aren't our employee anymore". How about it in your area?
  15. Mabuti! No. I was born in the US (NYC). Went every summer to Manila (sometimes with a stop in Hong Kong) until I was 16. I lived in Manila for about a year in 2002 to take care of family. Came back to the States and now live in Connecticut. Hope to see you around!
  16. Thought I would pop in... Back at the working out and trying to not stuff my face with delicious breads every day. Sore from Friday's HIIT, so I'm continuing my "rest" while Pew-pewing. 😄 Just in time for tomorrow's HIIT... If I'm going to have to be upset about waking up early to start commuting back into the office by the end of the month, then I might as well start getting used to it by going to the gym...
  17. Hello! I wanted to say hello to a fellow Filipina gamer! Welcome!
  18. Hello! I am itching to get glowy armor after seeing @TurboR56Mini 's glowy armor last year, which is much cooler than this year's. Anyone up for being our third in running a Pit, a Nightmare Hunt, and suffering through a Master Nightfall Ordeal? Not even going to try Trials... maybe when I feel like punishing myself more. We're on PS4 and in the NYC (ET) time zone...
  19. Reading book 5 of the Red Rising series (essentially book 2 of the second trilogy).
  20. Need to finish the Legend of Acarius quest too, Collier. It's just sitting in my quests taking up space...
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