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    IRaMPaGe reacted to GazzaGarratt in Happy Birthdays!   
    Happy birthday Big @Stretch616 !! Hope lots of ale is consumed now you've apparently hit the age of maturity 😃🥳❤
  2. Like
    IRaMPaGe reacted to J4MES OX4D in MW3 Remastered possibly getting bundled with COD2021   
    I dunno why they just didn't focus on expanding MW for the next 3 years. They had highly polished game, excellent visuals, a huge amount of work went into the animations and people overall enjoyed it even if their original design philosophies around doors was a bit flawed. Cold War was a downgrade in every respect, Treyarch as per usual didn't bother supporting the game much post-release and instead reverted to their tiresome plan of giving us the same old maps we've played in every one of their games from the past decade. 
    Raven are doing a good job in killing Warzone where there's people even cheating in official tournaments so I think they are very much in a huge mess especially with people growing increasingly tired of the franchise and Battlefield finally making big strides. Soon they'll be focused exclusively on the mobile version and that's it. 
  3. Like
    IRaMPaGe reacted to MrBiron in MW3 Remastered possibly getting bundled with COD2021   
    MW2019 was decent underneath but ruined by piss poor maps and lack of Dead Silence + super loud footsteps made it impossible to rush. Cold War sorted out the footstep issue by giving us Ninja but the maps were still piss poor.
  4. Like
    IRaMPaGe got a reaction from MrBiron in MW3 Remastered possibly getting bundled with COD2021   
    I've played a lot of both MW19 and Cold War.
    MW19 looks better and more polished. Animations and movement feels smoother. Maps were dogshit, loud footsteps. It says something when I played Shipment most of the time, the most broken version of it we have ever seen. Better than most of the other offerings. MW used a lot of recycled maps also and the ones they made were horrible for the most part.
    Coldwar, rough launch and clunky movements and not as smooth as MW overall. Less appealing on the eye. Lack of content at launch. Heavier SBMM imo that MW began with. 
    Both have many flaws, I think CW was forced too quickly and needed more time. MW19 should of had a longer cycle and CW could of started better.
    MW19 campers are no joke tho. I like the gun battles and playstyle of CW. People actually rush etc.
  5. Like
    IRaMPaGe got a reaction from J4MES OX4D in MW3 Remastered possibly getting bundled with COD2021   
    I've played a lot of both MW19 and Cold War.
    MW19 looks better and more polished. Animations and movement feels smoother. Maps were dogshit, loud footsteps. It says something when I played Shipment most of the time, the most broken version of it we have ever seen. Better than most of the other offerings. MW used a lot of recycled maps also and the ones they made were horrible for the most part.
    Coldwar, rough launch and clunky movements and not as smooth as MW overall. Less appealing on the eye. Lack of content at launch. Heavier SBMM imo that MW began with. 
    Both have many flaws, I think CW was forced too quickly and needed more time. MW19 should of had a longer cycle and CW could of started better.
    MW19 campers are no joke tho. I like the gun battles and playstyle of CW. People actually rush etc.
  6. Like
    IRaMPaGe got a reaction from J4MES OX4D in FIFA 22   
    It sounds ridiculous, I played old FIFA as a lad it was a different game back then before money was spend. I had FIFA 94, 95 was the first one to have indoor football. I stopped playing in the early 2000's. But a free to play FIFA tickles me. The last game I ever expected for that format.
    Your are right they will milk ze cow dry.
    I wonder if they will drip feed the best players slowly over time and hold back content.
  7. Haha
    IRaMPaGe reacted to phil bottle in FIFA 22   
    Meanwhile PES, now rebranded as Efootball is going free to play, which is hilarious. Will we have to purchase players I wonder? 😁
    Also on a new engine, a dedicated unreal engine I believe. 
    No word on game modes.
  8. Like
    IRaMPaGe reacted to GazzaGarratt in Issue When Logged Out   
    Maybe I need to create an OCD FG Medal for us weirdos that love this place too much 😄
  9. Haha
    IRaMPaGe reacted to J4MES OX4D in Issue When Logged Out   
    If I stay logged in then I look a rite tit cos people will think i'm on here 24 hours a day instead of the 20 that I usually am😎
  10. Haha
    IRaMPaGe got a reaction from J4MES OX4D in Issue When Logged Out   
    When you clear your browsing history, cookies and cache it logs you out of most sites as well. Usually it causes you to reset your password as well. My question to @J4MES OX4D  is what other filth have you been looking at? 😂
  11. Haha
    IRaMPaGe got a reaction from Diddums in Issue When Logged Out   
    When you clear your browsing history, cookies and cache it logs you out of most sites as well. Usually it causes you to reset your password as well. My question to @J4MES OX4D  is what other filth have you been looking at? 😂
  12. Haha
    IRaMPaGe got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in Issue When Logged Out   
    When you clear your browsing history, cookies and cache it logs you out of most sites as well. Usually it causes you to reset your password as well. My question to @J4MES OX4D  is what other filth have you been looking at? 😂
  13. Like
    IRaMPaGe got a reaction from J4MES OX4D in COD WW2 2?   
    I personally think that they will wait till we are in another major lockdown before there will be a trailer or footage. Also I don't think they have anything worth showing because the game will be so incomplete or barely built.
  14. Like
    IRaMPaGe reacted to J4MES OX4D in Coronavirus   
    So let me get this straight, people can go to nightclubs with no restrictions now and for the entire month of August in which wave 3 will hit but for September, club goers will be required by law to have a double-jab vaccine passport to gain entry!?
    The nightclub sector has been ignored for a year and a half and now all these knee-jerk decisions are being made. They could've easily been given 6 months to trial a gradual and controlled re-opening to at least garner some income but now they've seemingly been given 6 weeks to rake in the cash while cases rise significantly and then more business-threatening restrictions get enforced. 
    Talk of football fans in venues of over 16,000 needing a vaccine passport too. Funny how nothing to this tune was mentioned about Wimbledon or Silverstone with both events having over 300,000 visitors but anyone going to Sunderland v Morecambe will have to jump through hoops to get in.  
  15. Like
    IRaMPaGe reacted to J4MES OX4D in Coronavirus   
    140,000 at Silverstone today and people being pinged so much that companies and critical local services are being forced to shut down because they don't have the staff to operate. Oh well, at least people got to watch noisy cars whiz past them in the unbearable heat after paying £385...
    It's amazing how sports have suddenly become immune to Covid yet if I walk past someone who was recently in contact with someone who suspected to have covid, I have to stay insidee for 10 days.
  16. Like
    IRaMPaGe reacted to J4MES OX4D in Coronavirus   
    What an embarrassment 
    PM and chancellor U-turn: They now say they will isolate after uproar over 'stupid' plan to avoid staying home
    NEWS.SKY.COM Downing Street had said Mr Johnson and Mr Sunak will be taking in a pilot scheme whereby they will be tested daily and so do not have to quarantine - but that plan has now been scrapped.  
    Basically Johnson and Sunak tried to get out of mandatory Isolation by creating this seemingly overnight 'pilot scheme' where they didn't have to isolate for 10 days because of regular internal testing yet the normal public have to isolate for 10 days no matter what. Another example of one rule for them as and when they please and another for everyone else.
    Third wave peak expected in late August and there doesn't exactly seem to be much fanfare regarding freedom day tomorrow or any concrete information regarding that either. They are basically just making up shit as they go along whereas other countries are now making moves on bringing back some restrictions and curfews.  
  17. Like
    IRaMPaGe got a reaction from J4MES OX4D in Coronavirus   
    Yeah is hardly encouraging. Obviously not wearing a mask or socially distancing in appropriate manner. People are already being complacent long before now. Another case of double jab invincibility. Wonder if he went to Wimbledon? Probably.
    Another 50k+ new cases on the daily. Is it actually going to be freedom on Monday? Or it going to be like when as a kid your friend had chickenpox and you were "forced" to stay over and get it.
    I just feel sorry for the people who haven't had jabs or both. And even more so the people who can't handle it due to underlying medical conditions that work with the virus to cause fatalities. Either way it doesn't sound good. I myself am needing a 2nd jab, no word yet so far. Only been about 4 weeks since I got my first.
  18. Love
    IRaMPaGe got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in Upcoming FG Summer Updates! Achievements, Push Notifications and more!   
    What level is "Prestige"? Joking, but really cool ideas and things getting implemented here. Most people enjoy a grind or leveling up process.
    It's exciting to have new things added and for people to achieve.
  19. Like
    IRaMPaGe got a reaction from Antpool84 in Upcoming FG Summer Updates! Achievements, Push Notifications and more!   
    What level is "Prestige"? Joking, but really cool ideas and things getting implemented here. Most people enjoy a grind or leveling up process.
    It's exciting to have new things added and for people to achieve.
  20. Love
    IRaMPaGe reacted to GazzaGarratt in Upcoming FG Summer Updates! Achievements, Push Notifications and more!   
    We're alive....and free hopefully!!
    The last few months has been hopefully more uplifting for you all as we enter many places nearing the end of some/most social distancing rules and also with the fantastic run the English side were on throughout the whole of Euro 2020 (in 2021, still can't get over the name not changing!). We're also entering holiday season for many of us across the world too and I think it'll be good to get some fresh air and experience some of the places we haven't been able to the past 18 months.
    That being said, there's a few things upcoming at FG to keep an eye out for as we go under some significant changes I've wanted for many years.
    I've wanted some form of an FG Gamerscore for a while as an incentive to make things fun and interesting when you come back to the Home of FG, as well as having fun online in FG Games. With the next software update, we'll imminently have a new ranking system that links to points. Some might remember I tried a while back but didn't quite work as there wasn't enough resources at the time. Now, we can take advantage of some cool updates that are all integrated with the Home of FG. A sneak peak of how things will start to look are below. This is something that will help us all realise there's always been way more to FG than just a few forum posts. 'Levelling Up' with FG can actually be a real possibility which i'm super hyped for!

    With brand new ranks and levels to chase, come Medals to earn. You could argue its similar to Triumphs on many games we play mentioning no names *Desti..cough cough*. These will be things that you can earn that will give bonus points that goes towards your overall FG Gamerscore. Some will be very basic, like opening post, creating topics, and just by visiting FG everyday but some might make you look across FG, creating interesting stuff for all to see, maybe in Videos, Quizzes, Polls, etc. Equally, I want to create Medals to earn that are a part of the joy we bring online with us all. We have some featured FG Games already and would love to expand on this over time. For example, we could have some that relate to our GT Sport league races, FIFA Monday Night Football, Destiny Raid Nights and of course, any games we play on FG Fridays. These are supposed to be cool things to chase for fun and show off between us all and the more we can make, the more exciting it will be to interact and get around all the games we play together. These will also show on your profile and I intend to have a page where you can find descriptions of Medals you can earn. Please be aware though....there will be hidden ones you'll have to find! Maybe checking other people's profiles over time will help you work out what's achievable!


    Push Notifications to Mobile devices
    This one makes me happy beyond belief. I think one thing is noticeable that many like to be nudged by a pop up on their phone if they've been tagged or quoted somewhere or maybe even if they've received a reaction. It reminds us that FG is around as it can slip people's minds sometimes as we have our normal lives to deal with. Notifications can be switched on so you'll need to accept to receive push notifications for your mobile, once live. The only restriction i've been made aware of is (as usual) is Safari on Apple devices. I mean, you should be downloading Chrome anyway these days, even on Apple devices because Safari kills souls over time. More details to follow on how to make sure you get all the notifications!

    Homepage link for mobile devices
    In conjunction with the notifications, you should get opportunity to add FG as a homepage on your phone. This will make FG look and feel exactly like an App would and far better than the Tapatalk one we had in the past. You can then also see notifications linked to it, like your apps do. I really want as many of us to take up these so you don't miss out on any FG action and it helps me not have to nag/nudge/annoy the crap out of you on other platforms!

    In other news.....
    We also have some amazing FGFGF news we can now share as some of you already know, which will highlight how important you all are to continuing to donate to the cause of making people smile and feel good. We have GT Sport Summer Season starting this week and want as many to turn up each week to enjoy the fun and learn where we can FG Fridays will be back up in advance on the Event Calendar so we can all make sure to nudge your best FGer and get them to get online where we can - the aim has to be a huge 20-30 plus lobby of all of us on the games we now have to offer (Fall Guys, Bomberman, Among Us, Battlefield 5, Wreckfest, GTA Races, CoD MW Remastered) Raids every week on Destiny for anyone that wants help and just all round general fun running more and more of them More regular Quizzes to play!  
    There's probably more (there always is!) but i've probably worn you out with the essay as usual 😄 All i'll ask is to be patient with us over the next 4 weeks as you see things subtely changing and there may be some down time as we update many of the applications and software we have behind the scenes. It'll be all worth the wait i'm sure!
    Let me know what you think of the updates, and if there are any medals/badges you wanna see we could give out drop the ideas below, you never know as we have LOADS to make!!
  21. Love
    IRaMPaGe got a reaction from RenFengge in Coronavirus   
    @Diddums A very well written and true post. I work in retail on a shop floor. I lost faith last year in March on the original lockdown.
    Simple rules like distancing and following a one way system between aisles so people aren't making face to face contact. Folk be strolling in the aisle the wrong way, "Oh Sorry Mate Didn't know, As They Grab Their Shit"
    There was fucking markings on the floor and tape everywhere. Even individual boxes for distancing. Some people queuing patiently at the top of the aisles to get supplies for their families. Some arsewipe cutting in. Jumping queues and playing dumb at the checkouts. Don't get me started on restrictions.
    People would grab their quota and comeback later for more, and or send in their spouse and double up on limits. Hearing customers boosting to someone that they have been to 4 or 5 shops already and have an online order coming later.
    I even heard 2 woman chatting about using baby formula for having with their tea and coffee in the caravan holiday during travel bans. Because the marvel had run out.
    The country up and down is fucked up because of the unreasonable people that reproduced and taught them to be cunts. 
    I missed out on all 3 scans for my baby last year. Yet 6 different households were able to meet at the pubs. 
    Some people haven't even had jabs, others still waiting on a 2nd. People have given up and sick of it all.
    Can't blame some of them, look at the people making the rules like Matt Hancock, Boris, Dominic Cummings. That bint of a Scottish healthy secretary. It starts from the top. Idiots and terrible role models. 
    I want to believe the world would be a better place. It's just not!
  22. Love
    IRaMPaGe reacted to Diddums in Coronavirus   
    The hoarding thing was some next level cuntery. In a display of stupidity not seen since humans were still tadpoles, everyone decided that fuck everyone else, their needs are more important. What the fuck do you do that you need 600 rolls of loo paper? How thick do you have to be to think that a) people haven't been wiping their arses without bogroll for thousands of years and many still do, every fucking day, and b) that we're going to run out of the stuff? I mean, I've not even finished high school and I could've told you that had it gotten to that point, people would be cashing in like motherfuckers to make the stuff. A literal gold mine of arsepaper. Oh, of course bogroll is only domestically manufactured because nobody's gonna pay for a shipping container of a product that only achieves about £5/ton but no, we're all gonna run out and we must buy all of it as much as possible and fuck that old lady in the aisle who's clearly struggling and needs it more than you because China's having supply trouble. I ended a lot of acquaintances because of that, and I think I unfriended about 100 people on Facebook because of it too. Selfishness is one thing, being as intelligent as a retarded crab is another, but both combined? Get the fuck outta my life, ain't nobody got time fo dat
    Anyway, I can rant for weeks about the absolutely dismal state of us as a society which acts to remind me more and more every day that not wanting to bring kids in to this dumpster fire of a planet isn't such a bad thing after all, but here's a thoroughly entertaining video on it:
  23. Like
    IRaMPaGe reacted to MrBiron in Coronavirus   
    It's precisely because of fucking BumbleCunt Johnson that we're in the situation we are now. We were well on track to have everything opened up but that prick REFUSED to put India on the red travel list because he wanted to brag about making a trade deal with them. He let the new variant into the country and rather than trying to sort it out he's basically just said "fuck it. Do what you want because we don't care any more". I have nothing but hatred for our current government.
  24. Like
    IRaMPaGe got a reaction from J4MES OX4D in Coronavirus   
    @Diddums A very well written and true post. I work in retail on a shop floor. I lost faith last year in March on the original lockdown.
    Simple rules like distancing and following a one way system between aisles so people aren't making face to face contact. Folk be strolling in the aisle the wrong way, "Oh Sorry Mate Didn't know, As They Grab Their Shit"
    There was fucking markings on the floor and tape everywhere. Even individual boxes for distancing. Some people queuing patiently at the top of the aisles to get supplies for their families. Some arsewipe cutting in. Jumping queues and playing dumb at the checkouts. Don't get me started on restrictions.
    People would grab their quota and comeback later for more, and or send in their spouse and double up on limits. Hearing customers boosting to someone that they have been to 4 or 5 shops already and have an online order coming later.
    I even heard 2 woman chatting about using baby formula for having with their tea and coffee in the caravan holiday during travel bans. Because the marvel had run out.
    The country up and down is fucked up because of the unreasonable people that reproduced and taught them to be cunts. 
    I missed out on all 3 scans for my baby last year. Yet 6 different households were able to meet at the pubs. 
    Some people haven't even had jabs, others still waiting on a 2nd. People have given up and sick of it all.
    Can't blame some of them, look at the people making the rules like Matt Hancock, Boris, Dominic Cummings. That bint of a Scottish healthy secretary. It starts from the top. Idiots and terrible role models. 
    I want to believe the world would be a better place. It's just not!
  25. Like
    IRaMPaGe got a reaction from Diddums in Coronavirus   
    @Diddums A very well written and true post. I work in retail on a shop floor. I lost faith last year in March on the original lockdown.
    Simple rules like distancing and following a one way system between aisles so people aren't making face to face contact. Folk be strolling in the aisle the wrong way, "Oh Sorry Mate Didn't know, As They Grab Their Shit"
    There was fucking markings on the floor and tape everywhere. Even individual boxes for distancing. Some people queuing patiently at the top of the aisles to get supplies for their families. Some arsewipe cutting in. Jumping queues and playing dumb at the checkouts. Don't get me started on restrictions.
    People would grab their quota and comeback later for more, and or send in their spouse and double up on limits. Hearing customers boosting to someone that they have been to 4 or 5 shops already and have an online order coming later.
    I even heard 2 woman chatting about using baby formula for having with their tea and coffee in the caravan holiday during travel bans. Because the marvel had run out.
    The country up and down is fucked up because of the unreasonable people that reproduced and taught them to be cunts. 
    I missed out on all 3 scans for my baby last year. Yet 6 different households were able to meet at the pubs. 
    Some people haven't even had jabs, others still waiting on a 2nd. People have given up and sick of it all.
    Can't blame some of them, look at the people making the rules like Matt Hancock, Boris, Dominic Cummings. That bint of a Scottish healthy secretary. It starts from the top. Idiots and terrible role models. 
    I want to believe the world would be a better place. It's just not!
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