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jordie1892 last won the day on May 18 2021

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  1. I've really been enjoying this game, just wished there was a more structured ranked system for online battles. Some of my collection below:
  2. I'll leave my notes here, have probably missed something... Arn the Bear was saved by Matt with a Spare the Dying spell. The Party headed back to The Swan in Slema, where people were surprised to see them. They learned Baum and Lavender teleported to the swan, stayed for a few days and then left. The party met Azum, who informed the group that Baum is a wannabe sorcerer who has zero magical powers. He collects magical artifacts to gain power. He has collected at least 3 artifacts including the Dragon Heart and Giants Spine, by tricking groups into helping him retrieve the artifacts, then betraying them with a Stop spell. The next artifact Baum is going for is from a Drider, which will give him the Darkness spell, as well as levitate. A gnome called Ceryni from the thieves guild beckoned us over. He gave us information and direction son how to get to the Drider. As part of the agreement, the group each promised a 3%share of their treasure. As Azum had no treasure to offer, he instead fought a man who owed money to Cervni. Cervni gave us the following advice: It's dark, so dark vision is very useful Everything is trying to kill you and eat you If you see drow you are already dead. Just run. It goes deep, chances of finding a way out are slim. Leave a trail After shopping for some essentials, we headed to the Underdark. We were given the instructions: Walk for 1 day, go right at the fork, walk for another day, go right at fork, walk for one more day, go left, circle the city of Menzobaronzon and find the dryders We entered the Underdark, holding a rope as to not get separated, then left a trail until we came across a cavern. This was about half a days walk. In the cavern we ended up fighting a giant crab. The fight generally went very well, and we did a lot of quick damage to the crab, however a huge thunderwave spell from Cal did huge amounts of damage to the party, particularly Azum, who got sent flying and left with only 3 hp.
  3. I just completed this quiz. My Score 53/100 My Time 200 seconds  
  4. Money should be sent 🤙🏽
  5. Staying up late at 9 years old to watch The Miracle of Istanbul… Outside of football, I remember watching GB beating the Americans in the 2004 4x100m final felt very special when it happened.
  6. Count me in!
  7. I think my list always changes depending on my mood, but first that come to mind would be: 1: Pulp Fiction 2: Interstellar 3: Grand Budapest Hotel I could probs make a top 100 and still be sad to miss films out
  8. I really enjoyed Watchmen. Always thought the opening credits to Bob Dylans 'The Times Are A-Changing' went extremely hard...
  9. Prickford and Killmonger are club legends…
  10. I’ll only be able to jump on occasionally for the next few months, but will be back to normal from March/April sort of time. I always wore no 8, as did my father before me 😂 Prefer playing in the middle - CDM/CAM/ST… CB if we’re desperate.
  11. I moved to Australia a couple months ago!
  12. I’m 9 hours ahead, so will have to get up in the very early hours for the draft. Friday or Saturday definitely makes that easier for me!
  13. Gutted I won’t be able to make these, would have jumped right in if I was home!
  14. I played just before the dragonflight update. Really enjoyed leveling a few characters, and just exploring the world. Think as others said, it does get a bit stale after some time if you're not running with friends. Also found as a very casual player, dungeons were quite intimidating when you're not with patient players, which could be alleviated if playing with friends. I'm not looking to get into it seriously any time soon, but would have been fun!
  15. I just completed this quiz. My Score 40/100 My Time 241 seconds  
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