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Everything posted by Drifter

  1. Exactly. And the sad thing is I honestly don't know if we will live long enough to ever see it change back to a time of respect and value for others lives. Mainly because society has made these type of people over the past few decades worth of no values or morals and letting people think they are the center of everything, and no one else matters. It's something that has taken place over the past 25 yrs or so and it will most likely just get worse before/if it ever gets better. Sad indeed. Did he have a family (wife & kids) at all doc?
  2. Smallmouth boxes should be restocked enough now so that I won't have to tie anymore before I leave. Should be able to just tie as I feel like it in the evenings at the cabin after each day on the water.
  3. As of this mornings weigh in I'm 254lbs now, 145lbs total weight lost. I like the above picture as a comparison. The fly fishing vest on the left is one I just bought last week and is 2xl. The one on the right is the one I have used for the past 7 years and is a 5xl.
  4. Starting to pile up now.
  5. Sorry to hear that. It's really a shame when you hear of someone whom has dedicated their life to protecting others killed in such a senseless manner by some lowlife.
  6. Been spending a lot of time the past few days getting the boat ready as well as tying flies. Been tying up some deer hair mice as well as pike flies tonight.
  7. I was really thinking the stewardess and co-pilot the whole time till the end. I even suspected Julianne Moore at one point lol
  8. Yep I thought they did a real good job in that movie of keeping you guessing who was gonna be the bad guy till the very last second. Usually it's easy to tell by halfway through most movies.
  9. Be sure to practice safe ipad sex...use a surge protector.
  10. Was a nice morning weather wise so took a break from building rods to go hit a local creek and pond with two good friends this morning.
  11. Since losing so much weight I'm having to slowly replace pretty much all my clothes. Needed some nice shirts for vacation/fishing so made this design and just had a hoodie and T-shirt made by a company, should be here by Wednesday next week. Gotta sport my company name on vacation
  12. I'm pretty much strictly a non fiction kind of reader these days. The few main books I re-read a number of times (usually every couple years) are... 1- A River Runs Through It 2- Into the Wild 3- Sinking of the Edmund Fitzgerald
  13. That would be useless, James would Seek & Destroy you. And while James was committing Battery on you as he shouted Die Die Die my Darlin' you would feel Creeping Death praying for The Day that Never Comes. Then as you Fade to Black you would need a Hero of the Day. Then the One thing left of Palle would be The Memory Remains. Okay I'm done now
  14. Trademarked logos are legally not to be duplicated. Even if it is not 100% exact, most trademarks state the "likeness" can not be used without written permission. So you may have issues with the company that you want to print it for you. If they do print it then technically you would be doing trademark infringement by having it made and wearing it, but far as anything coming from that, I wouldn't hold my breath that anything would happen unless you pass James Hatfield on the street and he says...HEY! lol
  15. Sometimes some of the best work comes from simply doing something and changing on the fly. When I build something I usually try to have a basic vision in my head, but I always make lots of changes through out the actual hands on process. My honest opinion is if I / you / we try to do something exactly as the original plan in our heads then we lose something in translation and the end product suffers due to lack of creativity. So just have a basic idea in your head but don't be afraid to adapt when you go to put it on canvas.
  16. All good points I think you guy have really hit the nail on the head for the most part. To add to that...I also feel that now a days it is all about the money. Don't get me wrong Hollywood has always been about the money, that's why they make movies in the first place, but the fact that it is all about the money is even more prevalent today. Case in point, you use to hear about actors turning down roles back in the day. If they didn't think the film was going to be a good one then they didn't take the role because they did not want their name associated with a poor film. Fast forward to 2014 and think when the last time you heard of actors turning down roles. It doesn't happen much these days because it's all about money. Then you have what you guys were saying with special effects and bad scripts. They really go hand in hand. IMO scripts are rushed and poorly written because they think they can make up for a poor script with adding a bunch of special effects. The SFX may dazzle the younger crowd or the easily entertained, but anyone that is looking for a good well written thought provoking movie will see right through the SFX crap and see the movie for what it really is, just another cash cow...(can anyone say "Battleship"). There are some good movies out still in recent years...."Into the Wild, The Grey, The Hunter, Flight" those were all well written good movies with very minimal SFX. But there is for sure a lack of good movies out these days as compared to the past. There's a new MJR theater that just opened last Friday and I looked to see what was playing there on opening day. They have 16 screens in there and yet I could not find a single movie that even remotely interested me in the least bit to go see it. That's pretty sad if you ask me.
  17. Definitely give paint & canvas a try Jay. If you can do that on a computer then you obviously can envision it in your head so no reason you won't be able to transfer it to canvas with your hand
  18. Watched two movies while working today. Predators (#3 the one with Adrien Brody) and then watched The Ghost and the Darkness. Been awhile since I say those so popped them in today.
  19. Lillys are late this year but blooming nicely now . . .
  20. Weigh in the morning showed 259 lbs on the scale. First time I have been in the 250's in a LONG time
  21. Sad but true words there. I feel the same way, I really hate to see the way our country has shifted to one where the skilled / learned craftsman have become a dying breed in the wake of mass production in the name of cost. Going back as little as 30-40 years ago there were still the self taught and skilled craftsman & women thriving in the country. I remember a number of tailors and other specialty type shops all around the neighborhood when I was growing up in the 1970's. Now almost every single one of those are long gone and a new business turns over in the other spots every few years. Hard to say who/what exactly is to blame for that happening. Be it the global economy these days, high prices of the cost of living where people can't afford quality products like they use to, the internet making it easy to access extremely low cost products and have them shipped right to your door, or a combination of all those things. Seeing how much things have changed just in our lives it makes you wonder what will be left 30 yrs from now.
  22. T minus 19 days till I leave for my annual 16 days at the cabin in the woods fishing/hiking/boating all along the Au Sable. Can't wait, I go on a lot of fishing trips through out the year but by far this is the main one I live for and look forward too all year long. Nothing but woods, river, fly fishing and hiking along the river, no phone no internet no neighbors to annoy me, no traffic no schedule, hell don;t even need a watch, just the open air and sights and sounds of the great outdoors. It's like being a little kid again and counting down the days till Christmas Eve
  23. I've been listening to a lot of Ludovico Einaudi lately so I just bought a full CD of his recently off Amazon music downloads. Listening to this right now which is quickly becoming one of my absolute favorite songs (guess "piece" would be the proper term since it is all music and no vocals). If you have never heard of him take a few minutes and give this a listen. Even if he is not your style of music I think just about anyone can appreciate the beauty in this piece.
  24. CAT, Wolverine, buster brown, some elves in a tree, whoever they are made by, they have the CAT name on them and they are made of kryptonite lol
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