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Everything posted by Drifter

  1. I have a couple and can give my feedback on Lenovo and acer, but as said above...whats your budget? that will help.
  2. More work done today. It is pretty much for the most part done new. All that's left is to do a few details things and route the cords better, then fill with water and move the group of frontosa and FX5 over and it'll be done. Really excited to get the fronts moved into it soon. This one has become probably my favorite tank I have owned to date.
  3. Been down in the shop doing some late night work on the aquarium and been on a Bon Jovi kick all night...
  4. I got it about 3 months ago and I bet I have played half way through the campaign and maybe 1 hour total online multiplayer. I'm probably gonna sell it to recoup a bit of cash from it. To me I really think the game is the worst yet to be honest. I just can't stand the futuristic style of it with the flying crap and wall walks and the goofy exoskeleton stuff in the campaign. I long for the days of a boots on ground good ol fashioned round of MW2 to be honest. Just my taste though because I know a lot of people like it. Not me though.
  5. For me I don't feel there is actually a time frame, it's just more about how much I enjoy it more than anything. Case in point is something like Battlefront compared to BO III. I got both at the exact same time, Battlefront I really enjoy the hell out of playing, BO III I honestly hate with a passion and am considering selling it on ebay.
  6. Looks too much like something out of Tron to me. I've always been a 60's Muscle Car type a guy though
  7. Moving along really well now. Have all the painting and shading done so all that's left on the background is to seal it tomorrow and then it will be ready to install permanently into the tank.
  8. Sleep is overrated burned the midnight oil and spent the past 7 hrs carving away on this. Actually got all the carving done now tonight. Will be dryloking and painting in the morning so way ahead of schedule now. I really wanted this background to have some impact so I did some pretty massive rocks in some area that are as much as 5" thick so it is really going to have a lot of depth/3D look to it. I'm very pleased with how this one is looking.
  9. Finally got caught up enough with customer work that I have time this week to get back on my own tank. Was able to get the background laid out and roughed in today. Now onto the carving stage next. Hopefully will have this tank up and running with in the next two weeks is the plan.
  10. When looking at that auction on ebay there was this one that showed as well as view similar items http://www.ebay.com/itm/MASSIVE-Super-Nintendo-SNES-Collection-Lot-CIB-Games-Empty-Boxes-Manuals-RARE/262306179766?_trksid=p2047675.c100005.m1851&_trkparms=aid%3D222007%26algo%3DSIC.MBE%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D35624%26meid%3D778431f515234115a3511a90a23e2144%26pid%3D100005%26rk%3D2%26rkt%3D2%26sd%3D262301460864 $8500 ????!!!!! HOLY CRAP!
  11. Not a picture, but this is great :lol: It's like diddums at a rave.
  12. The cloudiness is due to not being cycled yet Tommy. Here's a good article explaining about cycling a tank before adding fish http://www.cichlid-forum.com/articles/cycling.php Since she already has fish then it's too late to cycle it properly now, so I suggest getting a bottle of this https://www.tlc-products.com/startsmart-complete/I've used it before myself at times and it will get the tank safe for the fish and clear with in days. Always best to cycle a tank first, but if that's not an option then the Startsmart Complete will work for you.
  13. Recently I have been working on a website for building 3d aquarium backgrounds for a side business in addition to my rod business. This is the 4th background order I have just finished for a customers tank today. Hopefully have some time this week now to do my own for this tank.
  14. $900 just for shipping?? That is fucking insane man. $900 you can ship a car across the country. I could see $200-$400 shipping, but $900? No way. I'm gonna wager a guess $500 of that is just for his time in packing. Huge collection though, that's insane.
  15. Oh man....That's one where you look to make sure no one see's you then you laugh lol
  16. The Boss! Always wanted to see him live, that will be a good show. Who's going to be with him?
  17. Finally went and seen the latest Star Wars movie last week.....can we talk about what happened in it, or would that be a spoiler?
  18. Wait till you see my rendition of Dave in assless chaps riding a unicorn while paying a harp.....I'll start that auction at $1 BTW the image of that stuck in your head tonight = Priceless
  19. Painted this abstract version of a Stormtrooper for my Nephew back at Christmas.
  20. Never heard of it before but looks pretty cool. Also looks like it might be a bit too fast paced for this ol' man though
  21. They pretty much are all. They did a nice job with the upgrades. And tons of them as well. Gotta love sticking some random dude with the harpoon and flinging him back over your car when you retract it lol
  22. Finally got this back at Christmas. Got pretty in depth into it and really enjoying it quite a bit. I agree Bart, that right hand drive was hard to remember for the first day of playing it lol
  23. Thats why I asked...I am a HUGE Breaking Bad fan, best show ever on TV IMO...I "like" Saul,....but man it just seem so slow moving IMO. They need to pick it up I think.
  24. I've been looking, is there still a Battlefront forum somewhere? or did that get axed?
  25. Ah okay, learn somethin' new every day. Never heard that before. Well this is my 1337th post...so I AM elite with this post lol
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