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Everything posted by LordBaguette

  1. LordBaguette

    Winky Woo

    Will dance for money

  2. All I can say is FAL
  3. So this trailer actually looks amazing. For anyone who’s played you know how good the games are. The books too. His voice is spot on also
  4. Only 1 thing and 1 thing only will stop loot boxes and that’s change the gambling laws
  5. Best week so far but I’m still doing shite
  6. Welcome Elliott. May you find peace and solitude away from angry men
  7. I’m in. Shall we do prizes?
  8. I’ve got it. Literally the gameplay is the same as original. Just has the nitro kart maps and characters added and skins etc and updated graphics and online
  9. There’s like 50,000 gaming streaming channels that are all copy and paste 17 to 28 year olds screaming whilst playing a ‘relevant’ game
  10. Also not sure on the platform
  11. Looks super fun. Good for FG Fridays maybe https://www.facebook.com/1108649879165653/posts/2773809072649717?s=661010453&v=e&sfns=xmo
  12. I mean technically star lord isn’t an avenger
  13. Amazing trailer. My body is ready
  14. Not sure if it’s been posted but worth a watch. Future of VR looks good!
  15. Mike bell?
  16. Our diddums died 😞
  17. Well done lads! Deserve it the most
  18. I just completed this quiz. My Score 80/100 My Time 65 seconds
  19. Honestly next year and beyond looks absolutely amazing for games, especially some PS4 exclusives check out below
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