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Everything posted by LordBaguette

  1. Mine is contructive criticism
  2. Glad you joined we needed more diversity
  3. Will be on tonight
  4. i wish had this from my perspective, especially at the end
  5. I dont have high hopes for any game anymore not after the last couple of years. its a shite way of looking at things but i mean this is EA for fuck sake
  6. Name: Overwatch Sleep Category: Overwatch Date Added: 2018-01-18 Submitter: LordBaguette Funny win via sleeping a D.Va who was about to ULT Overwatch Sleep
  7. Sweet nice one. I’m gna do a separate in depth post about that system and why it works so well when I get back
  8. Yea i feel like we should have saved a couple of those games as a blueprint
  9. There are various tier lists out there but I feel like this is one of the better ones Latest character tier list: http://www.tentonhammer.com/articles/overwatch-tier-list
  10. in other news I have edited my list as it was out of date
  11. theres no room for language like that on here
  12. No need to be dramatic
  13. This is my thread?
  14. Mike youve had the game about 5 minutes
  15. Link to the end of a the winning round of a 3v3. She was flying in to ULT me off the point
  16. Hi all Interesting discussion below about what till be going on in Overwatch in 2018. Including the Blizzard World map, new heroes, e-sports, PVE and more https://www.pcgamesn.com/overwatch/overwatch-this-episode-60
  17. Morning So we have an issue with new people playing Overwatch. Mainly the fact that obviously at first they have to get to level 25 to play competitive, and then obviously the issue of them not being a high enough competitive rank to play with those who are over 2500 for example. So we need some kind of contingency for those (like Mike and Matt) - I am pretty sure they rank up slower on quick play when they play with a team of regulars as the system thinks they are being carried but I need that confirming They will also need to pick heroes based on what we need in the team by visiting the heroes post thread
  18. Well thats my yearly forum visit complete x
  19. I wanna join but be with Mike or Misneach because we will wreck everyone
  20. wasup mofo
  21. I agree. Mercy should always warn she is about to res as well so people are ready. sometimes ill be scratching my arse cos im dead i get ressed and die straight away
  22. Alright people I have made it my duty to get a list of each of us that plays Overwatch, along with a list of characters you feel you can play as to a good standard on competitive. We need to start getting better to compete with other teams of 6 players and I figured this would be a good way to start. I will combine everyone into the one post so its all in one place Heres how I want it to shape up: PSN name - Self explanatory Competitive rank - Obviously this will fluctuate a lot depending on play but just a ballpark figure for now will be good, if your rank changes drastically post it on here again Characters - Post at least 3 characters you can play well with on competitive, also in order of who you are best with (Number 1 being your best) Plus any added explanation that's useful would be a bonus So for me it would be: LordBaguette Rank: 2800 Characters: 1. Junkrat 2. D. VA 3. Fucking Hot Healing Chick! 4. Lucio 5. Soldier 6. Hanzo 7. Symmetra 8. Orisa Easy as that
  23. I have watched this on an off it seems to be up 24/7 so might be worth watching. Some insane players https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=si_8y_aWZoI
  24. We should probably list somewhere who each of us can play as to a good standard
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