Alright people
I have made it my duty to get a list of each of us that plays Overwatch, along with a list of characters you feel you can play as to a good standard on competitive. We need to start getting better to compete with other teams of 6 players and I figured this would be a good way to start. I will combine everyone into the one post so its all in one place
Heres how I want it to shape up:
PSN name - Self explanatory
Competitive rank - Obviously this will fluctuate a lot depending on play but just a ballpark figure for now will be good, if your rank changes drastically post it on here again
Characters - Post at least 3 characters you can play well with on competitive, also in order of who you are best with (Number 1 being your best)
Plus any added explanation that's useful would be a bonus
So for me it would be:
Rank: 2800
1. Junkrat
2. D. VA
3. Fucking Hot Healing Chick!
4. Lucio
5. Soldier
6. Hanzo
7. Symmetra
8. Orisa
Easy as that