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Everything posted by NCA-Paendrag

  1. NCA-Paendrag


    Sounded like you guys had fun last night. Don't think I can afford the game just yet. Maybe at my birthday in mid march.
  2. NCA-Paendrag


    I'll have to check my finances. You can call me Brede btw
  3. Mobil version of this site is ace Didds ( and Lee) A bit funky writing but that's probably my autocorrect on my phone.
  4. NCA-Paendrag


    Nice video. Actually makes me wanna get this game
  5. Thanks bud. LOL, I have watched some vids of it and I might venture into it. Doesn't look too much like my cup of tea but I sure need something new.
  6. Anyone still playing Warframe? As for melee weapons I prefer Fragor Prime and Galatine Prime. Especially when you face high level Infested, above rank 50 and/or going for a long run. Me and a mate did an ODS and when we left after around 50 mins when our shields began to struggle, our weapons still tore through lvl 87 Infested like butter. Other fun weapons is the Ack & Brunt, Destrel, Scindo Prime, War, Tipedo, Kesheg and many more. Even Venk Prime is quite fun with the right stance mod.
  7. Haha You only drink orange juice from the carton. Everyone knows that!
  8. Thanks Jason. How about you? Long time since I saw a FB update from ya'll.
  9. Red wine works fine for me :-) And thanks :-)
  10. Hey Mike! Dang, I wouldn't have. known ;-) So you're under Commander Undies? You're what, a sargeant? :-)
  11. What the hell is wrong with wine at an Indian restaurant? :-) I'm not drinking anything carbonated to very spicy food :-)
  12. Overwatch eh..? Gonna have to check it out.
  13. Thanks a lot Lee :-) Guess it's me just treading lightly after my sortie :-) I really hope there are some good games coming out this year cuz the last year has been awful. Had my hopes for BF1 but the beta put me off. But am having fun with Warframe so no worries :-) Are anyone in here still playing it? I saw the Warframe thread still alive.
  14. Hey Didds! I was referring to my bitchy whining in my ppr and the way l left. I'm not gonna dabble into that shit again. I popped the question after only a beer and a glass of wine. At an indian restaurant even :-) Was pretty sure about the outcome as she has nagged me about it for several years ;-) Thnx Dave, good to see you too :-)
  15. Thanks! You should really download Warframe! Awesome free game and loads of variety in playstyles. I prefer to kill Infested with melee weapons and build them to see how much damage I can muster and how long I can stand against high lvl enemies. And the fun of ranking up new weapons, often over and over again. And not to mention you can play with people from afar without very noticeable lag!
  16. Really? Or you pulling my leg? :-) Guess we didn't talk much with each other last year though but I remember your forum name :-)
  17. A message from Jsin that some members moved to a new forum for some reason not stated. Live has treated me well. Not much new though other than I'm getting married 29th of July :-) Gaming wise I'm pretty much only playing Warframe after I got in the groove again from a long break. Borrowed the last COD from mate last week and deleted it from the hdd after an hour. Much expected though. How you doin?
  18. Don't underestimate the power of goldfish memory ;-) Why thank you sir!
  19. Hi, so I have been thinking alot about you guys lately and miss this place. I might have burned some brigdes last time I was here but want to give it a go. I'm Brede, to the new guys btw. And was somewhat surprised to read the message when I logged on today. Thought again..?
  20. I don't mind Combine. But I never get to play Exodus anymore. Every time it gets voted the game crashes when its about to begin. Every time. Starting to wonder if they deleted the map file or some coding in it.It has happened the last 8-10 time. Also the spawns should be adressed as there should be more than enough places to spawn on most maps than behind me.
  21. I haven't had these kind of lag issues in the past other than a game here and there. Usually been pretty good but when I get this shit several nights in a row I tend to wonder. That said, a friend of mine had zero issues last night. But he sometimes lag when I don't. Idk, but it's frustrating as hell.
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