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Everything posted by NCA-Paendrag

  1. BO3, Need for Speed and WRC are the only games I might look into.
  2. Totally agree, but seems like this is the new standard and I don`t think they will ever go back but one can hope. That said, I was expecting a lot more jumping and wallrunning than this. But when the douchebags get their dirty hands on this game I guess we won`t see the end of it. But remember that it was alot of crap in the old COD`s too. Let`s not forget Painkiller, Last Stand/Second Chance, Commando etc.
  3. Mhm. As long as it has HC with no respawn timer I should be content.And a lot of weapon challenges, decent pistols, smg's s and shotguns.
  4. Graphics looks pretty awesome. Not as much jumping around as on AW. Seems like a bit bigger maps, at least those two. If only the connection would be as good as this lan test thingy I reckon this vids are. Most likely gonna get it.
  5. Those norwegians actually have made some funny moments
  6. Ah. Thought 45 was a bit high. I had killstreaks on when I got the bot lobby ones. Seemed like everyone came on 45 but maybe not.
  7. Dna bomb kicks in after 45 kills. Current online streak is 17 but tested it on local play and have 4 dna bombs there. Maybe it requires fewer kills online but think its the same.
  8. I use a buffed version of the KF5 with extra damage and fire rate. Hipfire ftw :-)
  9. They nerfed the Bal? About friggin time. Now if they could nerf the Mors aswell...
  10. I really like the KF5. I also have fun with the SAC-3's. Dual machine pistols. CQ obviously. Almost everyone uses a version of the Bal.
  11. Dont think Im gonna waste money on cod dlc this time either.
  12. Only pussy they will ever encounter is themselves.
  13. Is psn down again? Tried to log in with the app but got an error message.. Edit: Also tried via playstation.com and they posted a maintenance message. Djees.
  14. Just checked the playstation app on the phone and I saw 15 friends online. Gonna ditch gaming anyway tonight. Probably wont work for me anyway.
  15. I am still offline. Getting tired of bot killing too. Just had a 125-4 on Detroit with machine pistols and a 66 killstteak. Gotten two dna bombs.
  16. They need to fix this. I am running out of story missions on cod! Even took me four attempts to reach the main menu without freezing on the press x screen.
  17. http://www.gamespot.com/articles/playstation-network-currently-down-update/1100-6424401/?adbid=548141843012009985&adbpl=tw&adbpr=356323185&emcid=social_20141225_37937197 Allthough I get a timeout when trying to log in on playstation.com.
  18. I just want to rip their fucking heads off and take a shit down their throat!
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