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Everything posted by NCA-Paendrag

  1. Got a score lf 4086. Stupid randoms almost didnt make it to extraction or didnt want to.
  2. Donated morphics and cryotics. Nukor and Glaxion now being researched.
  3. Is it the Glaixxon you mean? Think I saw that on the Market. Supposed to suck, according to a guy at work. Freezes one enemy at a time and takes a while to kill.
  4. I finished three games last night and highest score was 2842. The longer you hold out and power them the higher score you get. The green emblem for extraction comes up after a while and you will get a notification that you dug up something (dont remember the name for it) Cant explain better I might be on tonight allthough my mate delivered Destiny just now.
  5. Isn't it the freeze gun you get if you manage a score of 3000 in the event?
  6. I have around 3000 cryotics so far. And also have plenty of morphics so see what I can do next time I'm on.
  7. And Kronen! Melee weaponon each arm. Supposed to be very good. Also a good whip included.
  8. I might borrow it from a mate that are wating for FIFA to get out. He`ll be busy with that for a couple weeks. Hopefully I`ll get a feeling for it after some nights. Took me about 6-7 hours of gameplay to get into Warframe and maube Destiny isn`t that confusing at start
  9. I might dabble into Destiny on Thursday to see what the fuzz is about.
  10. Just did all three. Loving Hammer Shot on Soma
  11. http://warframe.com/news/back-school-–-special-alerts-week Hammer Shot, Crimson Dervish and and Blaze
  12. Suits me fine as I plan on gaming both wednesday and thursday. Maybe friday too
  13. Ah. Can't wait to get crit damage on. Its at lvl 15 so no space for that or heavy cal yet. Still did over 17000 damage sometimes
  14. I went off to. Had time for an hour while the mrs watched a program But I bought another 1000p yesterday so can afford it in case
  15. You veterans might already know this but when you get over 100% crit chance on a weapon you get a red double crit chance that stacks on the yellow one. I have 125% so far on the Amprex
  16. I might venture into that. I have heavy cal though.
  17. Did the Bite reward mission. Would have had time to do the dark dagger or one of the other aswell but had to do it twice as we died on the first try. Was insta killed so wonder if there was gas or a Stalker. Almost failed the other one as the stupid randoms didnt get to extraction and I died waiting. One of them just ran around like a headless chicken so thank god at least the last one finally made it. There are also mutagen mass reward missions out.
  18. Thanks. Good to know I wasn`t way off
  19. Hmm, Bite is sweet but I already have linked health and I don`t need another kubrow. In fact, I am thinking of just scrapping him and put my sweeper back on. But thought you could have another one if you put the other one in stasis?
  20. If noe one else has one and post it by tomorrow I guess I`m buying one. What is the value on this? 15 plats?
  21. Anyone got a spare Critical Delay lying around? I better ask here first to prevent Chris from flogging me for bying again
  22. I said these kind of riders as I didn`t mean everyone. I would love to get a bike myself (chopper though).
  23. Radial Blind is the only usable ability anyways You can change loadout config with R1 or R2 (can`t remember which) when installed mods are highlighted. You must choose which one before you go to the navigation and start a mission.
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