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Everything posted by NCA-Paendrag

  1. How is the reload time on the Karak?
  2. And I can't participate..
  3. Best. Thing. Ever. Perfect for your workout Dave!
  4. Awarded as a defense reward from Tier 3 Corpus defense waves at a 2.25% chance. Can be dropped by canisters in the Void. Can be dropped by General Sargas Ruk. So pretty rare indeed. I got Intensify about a couple of weeks ago I think. Wiki doesn`t say how to get it but from comments, Dark Sector Defense/Survival or Captain Vor. Makes sense as I have mainly played this. I also have a mod that enhances special powers somehow but can`t remember the name of the mod. Might be the range.
  5. Just keep her the hell away from this lot, or you`ll never see her again!
  6. I'm gonna be mia for a while. Don't know for how long.
  7. A guy at work did something similar to this and completed the test.
  8. You have to wall run and shoot at the same time?!
  9. Me, Chris and Matt did a Void defense mission the other night and my Dual Zoren tore them to shreds Or was it my Dual Heat swords? Hmm, can`t remember.. But yeah, my lvl 30 Braton will not suffice.
  10. Occupational hazard. Tragic nevertheless. Hope you`re doing okay considering.
  11. I wanna try the Hek. It has insane damage but only 4 bullets clip.
  12. I'm up for more Void missions. Almost entered one last night but was alone Could probably do Defense solo but the others are rough alone. I have about 20 keys I think.
  13. Nice. I started to build the Nami Skyla last night.
  14. I know. I just can`t get up there. I do sommersaults off it But very often the minimap is white as the wave is cleared but nothing happens. Had to quit the first mission last night.
  15. Defeated the Saturn boss on the first go. Randoms did have some skills too. Already have all blueprints for Ember though. Thoight I had upgraded Oberon but no. Have 625 health and around 300 shield. Getting some more mutagen mass and Fieldrons and injectors from infestation missions. Getting a bit tired of the bugs on some Earth defense missions though where the last infested spawn out of reach or cant be found.
  16. Donated the Forma needed for the cross connector. Nothing else I could do before other things are finished.
  17. I should have been online now if Netherland could have gotten that goal. Extratime now. Will be online after the game though.
  18. Think my average hacking speed is 11.2 secs but I had butterfingers at the beginning
  19. Just wish more people played this game so we could have more parties. Seems like stretch has given up on it. Even if he has a mod named after him And I must say that I was very sceptical to this game at first but I am enjoying the fuck out of this game. I just want to play it all the time
  20. It`s great to have a game to talk about and play with people again. Just sayin`.
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