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Everything posted by NCA-Paendrag

  1. Tomorrow would be perfect though
  2. Would loved to, but don't think I can make it.
  3. Most likely. I just haven't looked for it.
  4. Morning Lee, and everyone else. Sun is out and everyfing :-)
  5. Just watched the trailer for this. Looks awesome, but much the same though. Looking forward to continue the story :-)
  6. That good huh? Had it iny hands several times but never got it. I might get it after all. Loved Return to Castle Wolfenstein back in the day.
  7. Morning Lee, and erryone else!
  8. Happy berfday! 33? Still just a little punk
  9. Good day. Been absent for a while. Spent an extended weekend with the in-laws family. Good times with great food and drinks. Also had the first ocean swim for the season. 16 degrees C was a bit nippy
  10. I can picture the mrs face if I came home with a PS3 again
  11. How long has the "Next unread topic" and "Go to topic listing" at the bottom of the page been around? Just found it by mistake, but that is just great! Here I have been using Go to top/Arrow up all the time not knowing this! *let the public shaming commense*
  12. Greetings Earthlings.
  13. Good to hear! Care to share? Morning errbody!
  14. Good day FG, how the fuck are you? Sun is shining here Rich
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