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Everything posted by tronic44

  1. I just want to spend xmas with the fam, that'll be more than enough for me.
  2. You has the game?!?! That makes me happy. Glad you're enjoying it, can't wait for private games to start.
  3. Ive actually found it really easy, I never have a craving for meat, only cheese It's nice to feel healthy again, been way too long! It would be wicked to get you in for some VR, let me know when you're next in London and have any spare time. We could at least go for a swift pint 👍
  4. What is your ping? Your ping will be the main issue, if you're having problems. All you should need is around 3 down, 3 up and a steady ping. If your ping is bouncing about then that could be the cause but I'm thinking the game is struggling putting people into the right party. I've had awful connection almost every game I've played so far but my internet is about 50 down, 40 up and around 20 ping.
  5. Holy shit mate, i would! Looks like you've been seriously looking after yourself, it's amazing what some exercise can do, not only for your body but also your mind. I've been vegan (apart from the odd bit of cheese) for about 3 months now lost a load of weight. Got to shoot off but will reply back soon as wanted to write more!
  6. Hell yeah, I'm in! Not sure when I'll have it downloaded though :/
  7. Hahaha Have you had all the hangovers? What car ya got? Glad to hear the fitness is going well, you still playing footie? Definitley look into 7 Days, you won't regret it Also check out If you're ever in London and fancy playing some VR
  8. Jordie!! Great to have you back dude! How's life been treating you? I don't get much chance to game at the moment but will be wicked to get some games of cod in with you, really enjoying it at the moment, it's a pretty solid game. I'll normally jump on at around 8ish and will be around till about 11ish. Do you use steam at all? We've got a dedi server for 7 days to die, if you ever fancy getting chased by zombies Check out the survival section. Will be great to catch up dude!
  9. They're having a bad time! Speaking of bad times, the way that Utd are playing, I'd rather watch England
  10. I think a lot of people are surprised that's it not a load of shite, me included. Boots on the ground is all we needed really, connection and everything like that is obviously needed. Good to hear you're enjoying it!
  11. Im sorry to hear that dude but glad you're looking forward to the future and the new projects. Any idea what you'll look into doing next? I'll defo be on tonight, need some cod in me life. Hopefully we can get a decent party together!
  12. Server has been updated with the new patch and backed up.
  13. Haven't had any time for this recently but definitely want to hop back on soon! I might make an event for this weekend, hopefully some new people fancy joining us. I think we should just start building our slaughter pit, as we now have two solar banks so can have lots of renewable energy. Haven't place any down yet but looking forward to seeing how it all works.
  14. Sebba! It has been ages dude! I'm well cheers, lifes treating me pretty well at the moment so no....or not many....complaints. How's you been dude? I'm hoping to be on tonight, might have a play a quick game of rocket league but then want to get a few hours in
  15. Only played against bots so far but love the maps and the new game mode is well good. I'll write up a proper review once I've played online but right now I'm really liking this! Am hoping to be on tonight!
  16. I've been watching a few videos and i must say the game's looking like good fun.
  17. A massive thanks again to all who joined us yesterday, we played some insane games! Yesterdays stream is on our twitch channel, just in case anyone couldn't make it and wants to watch it.
  18. tronic44

    Doom VR

    I'll put it on the list of games to try, looks a bit clunky but past passed movement isn't the best idea in VR because of motion sickness. Like the idea but we'll see how it plays.
  19. Welcome dude, glad to have you on board. Enjoy your stay!
  20. Let me know any Friday you can make it, anyone's more than welcome to join us!
  21. Great win for Spurs last night, didn't catch the game but heard they ripped them apart!
  22. Haha so was the last one, don't know where the word client came from, it's drinks with mates who I haven't seen in ages. I should be able to do tomorrow night as long it's about 9-10, thought we were going to stream for longer this week but that's not the case.
  23. We'll be live streaming again tomorrow from 5-7 GMT, not sure what the theme will be this time, will probably be a mixture of games.
  24. Won't be able to do tonight, have to go out for client drinks, the next time I'll be able to do it is Sunday. Sorry life's pretty mental at the moment!
  25. Sorry lads, Sunday was the only time I've spent with Alex in the last two weeks. Had a wicked day but completely forgot about the rocket league game. I can play any night this week apart from tonight, Friday and Saturday.
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