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Everything posted by tronic44

  1. I'll chuck the video in the video section, once there's a cod section to put it in. Is quite a long video but hopefully should be fun for people to watch.
  2. Could someone create a Call of Duty section in the video section please, might as well throw Frontnite in there as well. Cheers.
  3. There's never anything, the mega cheap items are normally made by companies I've never heard of. People scrambling for a £200 tv made by a company okishvision
  4. A massive thank you to everyone who joined us tonight on twitch! Doom VFR is fucking amazing, don't listen to people who are complaining about the movement, they just need to get better We'll be back to random VR games next Friday, then the Friday after that is a Fallout 4 special!
  5. Yep, im guessing that means everything's shut down
  6. Holy shit! So fucking hype!
  7. It's been way too long, we need a good session on this and still need to make our tour video. So much to do! Since the last update, we've made the new slaughter pit but I think it needs more work before testing it out. Looking forward to getting it all set up and working!
  8. Hype served with a side portion of hype! Even if it's crap, nostalgia will get me through it
  9. Thought i'd post the thumbnail for this friday, as you can see our photoshop skills are on fleek
  10. Excellent! I should of picked up project cars over the thanks giving period, 80% off! Didn't though so may have to wait till it comes back down. What other games did you guys play?
  11. Also can we add to the list a copy or two of 7 days to die on steam, if there's enough monnies.
  12. I've chucked in a few quid.
  13. That's exactly the reason why i like it, they've still included the crazy work-it-out-for-yourself Easter egg but having the step by step one is perfect. It tells you what to do but you still have to figure out where you have to go. Waves of zombies are fun but it gets old quick, this is genuinely difficult, which i likes
  14. They'll be nothing soft about it
  15. As Doom VFR is released this Friday, what better way to celebrate than a Doom VFR special! Please join us from 4pm GMT, for what i can only imagine will be a load of laugh's and screams. As always everyone and anyone is welcome to join us either on Twitch or at the studios, if you do feel like popping down then shoot me a PM and we'll arrange it. Thank you to all who continue to support us!
  16. Maybe we'll make a lag montage....lagtage
  17. I'll get people staggering in footage, this might be a long project to work on. I'm not too fused about when this drops as I've got an idea for a Xmas video but that involves us playing more 7 days
  18. I'm very disappointed with the lack of n00dz also.
  19. I was interested to know how far people had got through the main Easter egg, i call it Easter egg but it's not really? Also i wondered what's the highest wave people have got to? Phil and i managed to get to the point where you shoot generators down from a zeppelin that's flying around, i've recorded our run and hope to chuck out a quick edit very soon. I think that was also our highest wave, which was around 23 - 24. Absolutely loving zombies in this game, the only let down is that there's only one map. I might actually buy the map packs just to get a new zombie map, that's how much i'm enjoying it!
  20. This is exactly what i don't want from cod, i like the hecticness of it all, not running around for 30mins without seeing anyone! They nailed it with WAR, absolutely love it. Work on that more, not the same idea that everyone's doing!
  21. I thought the field of Hudders had them but standard shitty dug one out at the end. In other news Utd are still playing like wank.
  22. Might have to pop up yours at some point and we'll make some SC videos!
  23. To be realistic, this won't be done by Xmas. Like Crispy, I think we should take our time and make something amazing for everyone!
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