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Everything posted by tronic44

  1. Well this is going well, the only people to reply are the people who are working on it. I'm happy to do one for just us 3 but definitely won't put as much time into it as a would a forum montage. I know people have clips up on youtube already but you guys need to tell me that you want to be part of this if i'm going to include you.
  2. It's been a year already?!??!? I plan on making another forum montage for this Xmas, can all who would like to be involved save/send clips. You can either upload them straight to me, message me and I'll give you my email to media shuttle them to me.....or you can upload them to YouTube, I'd rather they didn't come from YouTube but not everyone has the ability to do that and I'd rather people didn't miss out. Havent given myself much time this year and I'm mega busy at work but will work my ass off to get it out for Xmas. Id love a selection of clips from different games, so feel free to send me clips from any game. Also if anyone has any music they like me to use then please post them in this thread, as well as YouTube links. Much love
  3. It is! For too long us hackniers have been put down, stomped in the dirt. Well it's time we had the last laugh! It's time to rise up against.....ah wtf am I on about? Even I got bored of what I was typing. Nice one @GazzaGarratt Will look into clearing cookies etc
  4. Ahh I just didn't want to put any pressure on you as you're obviously busy with more important things.
  5. @GazzaGarratt to actually answer your question, I'm using safari on an iPhone....yeah yeah I know I know haha
  6. No worries dude, it's not a game breaker but definitely something that needs to be looked into.
  7. Also just found out that if I click the main logo, to take me back to the home page, it logs me out.
  8. Just came on here to post exactly that, I was because I wasn't logged in. Can we get that refreshing for people who aren't logged in? If your new to the forum and it looks like people haven't been posting for months, it might turn people away.
  9. I've whatsapp'd you the picture as can't stick it on here from my phone
  10. The last person to post in a section and how long ago it was seems to be broken on the home page, I'm on my mobile and using the web rather than app.
  11. Who's still going to be playing this game in 10 years time? Looks like you either have to fork out a load of cash or quit your job and dedicate your time to this trash. You've let me down again EA!
  12. No I didn't, was hoping you guys would of saved it as all the action came from ajay. We may have to replay though as I hear someone failed the drugs test.
  13. Because getting outplayed by a dude with a shovel is slightly embarrassing. It's not when you've all got one
  14. Mike Myers (if possible) Shovel & throwing knife only Sniper only Loving this game!
  15. Looks like I may be on after all, Lex was going to go to her dads today but is going tomorrow instead. She's more than happy for me to game though
  16. Actually another change of plan (sorry!!) can make it tomorrow instead, don't think I'll get to game today
  17. It'll be because we'll go back to playing the same bunch of wankers, rather than the youngsters. I didn't watch the game last night because I didn't think he'd play any of the youngsters. I might watch the Brazil game now.
  18. Electronic Aids Sports, it's in the game.
  19. I'm free all weekend, just let me know a time @Stretch616 @GazzaGarratt 👍
  20. Well I'm glad they done something about it but this really shouldn't have been an issue in the first place. Such a fun game but is slightly broken at the moment, tis a shame really. I havent played since the patch, does anyone know of any issues?
  21. Holy shit I haven't played this game in forever, really looking forward to getting back on and healing some peeps
  22. It was well good fun last night! I think we should explore all the game mode, capture the flag and HQ could be a lot of fun! And quick scopezing lobby
  23. I'd be well up for doing is co-op if you can, not sure you can though. I always end up playing the campaign, will be a shame if it's not co-op.
  24. @GazzaGarratt @Stretch616 When we doing this lads? I can hopefully do tomorrow night and over the weekend. If it's over the weekend then I can do it anytime, as I have nothing booked for once!
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