Name: COD WW2 - Big Tings Category: Call of Duty Date Added: 2018-01-03 Submitter: tronic44
Unfortunately these are the only clips i have.
COD WW2 - Big Tings
Name: Overwatch - Intense Match Category: Competitive Date Added: 2018-01-03 Submitter: tronic44
Probably the most intense match i've ever played.
Overwatch - Intense Match
Do you mean quality as in making it look less compressed or the content because i can't make these guys play any better? I add a bit of sharpness to mine to make them look less compressed looking and disable resampling, that's about it though.
So currently it seems like anyone with this issue is in a country who doesn’t have many people playing ranked. Sounds like bullshit to me, have you tried contacting sledgehammer directly for an answer?
Haven’t played rank myself but would definitely be up for it if we can a group together.
That’s ridiculous if they’ve stopped some people from being able to play, i’ll take a look into it and get back to you. You’ll probably have to wait for a new update but we’ll see.
I agree, spend Xmas with the fam and dish out the goodies on Boxing Day or the day after that. I’d even suggest doing it after New Years, the prizes are there and the moneys in, it’s not going anywhere.
God damn it, really thought Spurs we’re going to a better job against Citeh, they were Utds only hope
In other news, lukaku scored....bout fucking time, he better keep scoring!
The server has been updated with the Valmod expansion + bigger pack mod.
Please download the 7D2D Mod Launcher from , download the correct mod (mod section on the left hand side) and follow the instructions.
You can then join the server with the normal details. Give me a shout if anyone has any troubles or if you'd like to join in the fun, drop me a PM and i'll shoot you off the links.
Happy surviving!