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Everything posted by tronic44

  1. Event Title: Overwatch Time Yo! Event Author: tronic44 Calendar: Overwatch Calendar Event Date: 02/07/2018 08:00 PM to 02/07/2018 11:30 PM Fun times ahead gentlemen Overwatch Time Yo! N.B. If viewing this via the FG App, please visit the Calendar event via browser to RSVP. Thanks.
  2. Group games for me would be... - Overwatch - Cod (multi or zombie) - GTA - 7 Days To Die (PC) - Drive Club - Killing Floor 2 - Pay Day 2 I fancy some OW tonight actually, will make an event.
  3. Happy birthdays both!
  4. I’d honestly watch a video on the level and what steps need to be done. You want to try and do as much as you can without killing the last zombie of a round. There’s quite a lot you can show and teach people whilst playing but when it’s frantic, it’s sometimes impossible. I don’t have a set time for using the box, I just see how I’m doing with the starting weapons. You definitely want decent weapon before going down to the salt mine.
  5. Not sure how that happened with no football being played?
  6. Good stuff, I'd rather wait for a game that works on release, than get one that doesn't work for the first 6 months. gg Rockstar!
  7. @phil bottle We stream at 1080p....or i/60 at work, people used to only stream at 720p as Twitch didn't have any auto quality detection so it wouldn't play for people who had shite internet. All should be good now though! Looking forward to streaming some zombies!
  8. Glad there isn’t any football this week 👍
  9. Great POTG and great thread!
  10. You can also download the whole stream straight from Twitch, then upload to YouTube....in fact, you might be able to upload them straight to YouTube.
  11. Completely agree with Phil, they done a great job with the new WAR map. They zombie map?....wow! They’ve done an amazing job, we even managed to open the pack-a-punch without any help! Thought we were opening a lift to take us somewhere new I think it’s worth the money just for the zombie map but that’s probably just me.
  12. Don’t forget to download the video from twitch and stick it on YouTube! Maybe cut the tour out and make a video just for that?
  13. I love the idea of a group of us going on travels and exploring! Jeez i love this game!
  14. If we can get a load of new people ready to play, then we can start again and save the old world like Crispy suggested. We'd still be able to load back the old server, it just means that we're all in the same boat and maybe make some videos from Day 1. It also means that the new guys won't be chucked into the deep end at day 100+ or what ever we were on When Alpha 17 drops, we'll definitely need to start again but i think it might be quite nice to start again as we've already got everything possible.
  15. I see he’s bringing them good luck already That’s a harsh way to start your life at a club though. Cech made an absolute howler last night, the ball was bouncing but you expect someone like him to do better. Wonder if Mr Aubameyang is having second thoughts?
  16. Great work guys!
  17. Looks like it could be fun, have always been interest in the Yakuza games. They just don’t look that well made, I could be wrong though.
  18. That sounds good to me. Looking forward to being able to buy the FG bondage kit.
  19. Dave’s got it spot on, always move about. I try and move about to the extreme so no one really knows where you are. Will have another one coming out with just Junkie, where I shut Genji down for an entire game It much easier since they included the second bomb, I tend to use that when deep in the action. Also putting a bomb between you and someone like piggy not only knocks him back but you as well, so you can put some real distance between you and the other team.
  20. I’m down, let’s do this!
  21. I’ll post some more screen shots when I’m on my laptop but the last time I checked we were looking good it was only followers we were down on. Think we’ve only got 9 so far which isn’t great baring in mind how many of us there are.
  22. Name: Fucking Hot Healing Chick! & Junkrat Clips Category: Competitive Date Added: 2018-01-27 Submitter: tronic44 A load of random clips. Fucking Hot Healing Chick! & Junkrat Clips
  23. Welcome dude, hope you enjoy your stay.
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