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Everything posted by spectre

  1. Mossberg MVP patrol added to guns http://forevergaming.co.uk/index.php/topic/760-how-to-survive-the-zombie-apocalypse/?p=20443
  2. DHS = All Powerful - apparently. reported jan 29, 2014 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OalSqRV7ySs
  3. California drought will cause California to cut water to residents - added to current events http://forevergaming.co.uk/index.php/topic/760-how-to-survive-the-zombie-apocalypse/?p=23175
  4. I'm thinking of a way to put this in the bug out bag and have them available to reuse. Maybe a small container with the extra crystals that starts the process and a heavy duty ziploc bag, maybe even double bag it just in case.
  5. Reusable hand warmers, now this is pretty neat.
  6. It's times like these when it pays to be a pirate. Argh matey.
  7. Ben Affleck was bad enough, now this douchebag? Fuck no. Of course, I'm still going to watch the movie, but not at the theater. Nope. lol nice star trek reference.
  8. yep pretty much here is a good one
  9. Ugh - disappointed. This movie is really shaping up to be a stinker. Jeremy Irons should have been The Riddler.
  10. The Survival Rifle by TNW firearms added to guns section. I want it. http://forevergaming.co.uk/index.php/topic/760-how-to-survive-the-zombie-apocalypse/?p=20443
  11. added Sniper Rifles to Guns section - Its a very good read so don't miss it http://forevergaming.co.uk/index.php/topic/760-how-to-survive-the-zombie-apocalypse/?p=20443
  12. The 10c's of Survivability - Explained and Overview Sorry this is out of order, but if you are using the OP menu for navigation, it doesn't matter. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ttRFIvsuf4A
  13. I can't stand him either but unfortunately, the fact this made it to 100,000 signatures, just shows everyone where the people's focus and concern is; and I can think of plenty of things where their attention should be directed. lol @cyberninja - he said "Canada will send him right back"
  14. I've been trying to wake my Dad up for some time now. He's finally coming around. He actually called and told me about this documentary that was on History channel last night (although I think it was made in 2011) When I first woke up back in '07, Michael Ruppert and James Kunstler were two guys that influenced me at the time. Sometimes people don't wake up unless the message appears in an official capacity, AKA, a documentary broadcast on television. If you have family members whom you're trying to get to see how the world works and where it could be headed. Share this documentary with them https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X5e_gPJ2t9g ps, the Death by China documentary has been censored and removed.
  15. Sexcoins are for coin operated beavers. lol, I thought the Unobtainium was hilarious.
  16. WHY PREP? REPORT: 17 CA Communities May Run Out Of Water In 60 Days... ADDED TO CURRENT EVENTS
  17. THE 10c's OF SURVIVABILITY - SPOTLIGHT COVER How to make a Browse Bed from a Wool Blanket - ground cover to protect against heat loss by conduction
  18. Scientists recreate plague that kills in 24 hours - added to current events http://forevergaming.co.uk/index.php/topic/760-how-to-survive-the-zombie-apocalypse/?p=23175
  19. The 10c's of Survivability - Spotlight Cordage Part 2 - Knots Jam Knots
  20. I see news stories all the time about bitcoin. I hope you don't mind if I keep this thread up to date with the news about it? From 'Ripples' To 'RonPaulCoin'; There Are Now 83 Cryptocurrencies In The World
  21. Well, he recently released some very private personal information to the community. I think he might have had second thoughts if he knew that would be broadcast all over facebook for his friends and family to see if he hadn't told them yet. There is no excuse for this mass spying. Sure, we can boycott the companies that do it, but we still get tracked anyway; even if you don't have a facebook account. A disturbing trend of spying is when the Government enlists the citizens to distrust each other and spy and report on each other. Guess who was guilty of this during a time in our recent past history? One of its main tasks was spying on the population, mainly through a vast network of citizens turned informants, and fighting any opposition by overt and covert measures including hidden psychological destruction of dissidents (Zersetzung, literally meaning decomposition). It also worked as an intelligence agency abroad, the respective division Hauptverwaltung Aufklärung was responsible for both espionage and for conducting covert operations in foreign countries Answer - the Stasi Now consider this situation as it applies to our current times. Oh, and don't forget this Obama administration urges federal employees to spy on each ...
  22. I don't like all their songs but so far I dig Elephant Riders, Abraham Lincoln and the Regulator
  23. Beware when a Government institutes Capital Controls.
  24. I'm getting rid of my phone as soon as my contract is up and I'm building one of those pre-paid, solar powered phones for emergencies only. I want to live off the grid in the mountains of Alaska though so I might be a little extreme, lol.
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