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Everything posted by spectre

  1. Creator Of Netscape Praises Bitcoin, Compares It To The Invention Of PCs And The Internet
  2. Thermoelectric Cooler Peltier I think this is a great addition, small, cheap and capable of making electricity in a pinch. Does anyone know much about these things?
  3. Door devil added to home security and defense section http://forevergaming.co.uk/index.php/topic/760-how-to-survive-the-zombie-apocalypse/?p=20444
  4. I added a shitload of items to the Master List. If anyone has an interesting MacGyver type use for any of those items, post it up. Also, if you see something I left out that can be added, post that up too.
  5. They will eventually, some follicles grow faster than others. Or you could just let it get really long and comb it over the part that doesn't grow in. Once you graduate, let it go for 6 months and you'll see.
  6. Kit mentality : Usage vs Investment added to Bug out bag section http://forevergaming.co.uk/index.php/topic/760-how-to-survive-the-zombie-apocalypse/?p=20344
  7. scratch that, I think its a girl that makes them
  8. This guy makes montages of tv shows and movies. Here is a small sample of his work. Spoilers obviously.
  9. super secret safe added to home security and protection http://forevergaming.co.uk/index.php/topic/760-how-to-survive-the-zombie-apocalypse/?p=20444
  10. Candle Wick To make candles, duh Tuna Can Oil Lamp added to list
  11. Sewing Needle + Coil of Wire (insulated will work) + Battery = Magnetize Needle for Compass This is my own idea, drawing upon what I learned about the process of induction. When you move a wire in and out of a coil of wire, it creates a current. Wrap the insulated wire around the needle and attach both wire ends to each end of the battery. After 5 minutes it should be magnetized and then you can use it as a compass needle. added sewing needle electronic copper wire Faraday's Law of Induction
  12. Good idea. 9V battery + steel wool - and you can take a 9V battery apart and on the inside are (6) AAAA batteries
  13. RUBBER BAND Plenty of uses, fastening, etc Here is a unique use for it added to list
  14. Piece of Tin Can added to List Uses Pick a lock Cut into an Arrowhead Use as Fish Attractor Lure Possible signal reflector
  15. Battery + Chewing Gum Wrapper = Start a Fire items added to list
  16. Your Phone as a Survival Tool - Infographic
  17. "Did you know, that instead of waiting for Police to scare off vandals or criminals in your area, you can download a Siren app to your ipad, hook it up to speakers and blare it for them to hear and scare them off." lol just read this really happened. http://www.thealpenanews.com/page/content.detail/id/526523/Editorial-A-modern-day-MacGyver.html?nav=5002
  18. First off, welcome to this thread. Next I am working on building a survival kit that MacGyver would have been proud of. Feel free to post your ideas on what I can add to this and then I will update the Master List in the bottom of this post. The plan is to make it as small as possible, perhaps to fit inside a Waterproof Box, like this. I won't list all of the items I have included so far so as to give you guys a change to post your own ideas. Just post up a Picture when you make an addition. Sort of like a forum game. Also, you can post up any Science type videos that MacGyver would proud of. The plan is to have a survival kit with links to all kinds of things you would be able to do with the kit included in it. Like this for example. How to cut a glass bottle, clean in half As we find new and interesting science experiments, we'll add the necessary items. Also, if you have some random knowledge, chime in like this. "Did you know, banging a metal pipe on metal causes temporary molecular structural alignment as all the ions run to the other end thereby creating the magnet" MASTER LIST Waterproof Box Yarn, 10 ft length Multi-Tool 2 AA batteries 1 9 V battery 1 12 V a23 battery 5 sticks of chewing gum Tin Can with top cut off (store additional survival items inside to save space) Rubber Band Sewing Needle - and kit Wire, Insulated, Copper - 24" Candle Wick Superglue tube Safety Pins Swivels, Fishing Toothpick Trick B-Day candle Valve Stem Cap remover Lip Balm Tube (store emergency money in) Ball Point Pen (parts - plastic tube, spring, ink) Dental Floss (cordage, dental care) Emergency Can Opener Pencil Sharpener Carpenter Pencil Heat Shrink Tubing Zipties Ductape Scissors (sewing kit) 6 color roll of thread Razor Blade 6" length of medical tubing (tracheostomy, use as straw, nasopharyngeal airway) Clothes pin Alligator clips Caribiner (use to attach box to pack on outside) Velcro strips, 6 " Pocket Socket Wrench, Survival tool Field Fix it kit Rubber repair kit Mini button compass Mini survival mirror Survival Finger Saw Mini bobber (fishing) Band-aids Cordage, fishing line, 20 ft Cordage, jute twine, 6 ft Cordage, nylon, 6 ft Handcuff key MASTER LIST - DID YOU KNOW Magnetism "Did you know, banging a metal pipe on metal causes temporary molecular structural alignment as all the ions run to the other end thereby creating the magnet" ...You can magnetize a needle to make a compass Light You can insert a candle wick into a can of tuna in oil to make an oil lamp Physics ...you can use a rubber band to open a door locked by a sliding chain, from the outside. Attach one end to the chain and the other end to the door knob. Open the door and it will slide the chain off. Fire ...you can use a piece of chewing gum foil to start a fire. Just fold up the foil and attach each end to opposite ends on the battery. The current flowing through will ignite the wrapper. ...you can start a fire by touching a 9v battery to steel wool.
  19. pocket socket add to Power section http://forevergaming.co.uk/index.php/topic/760-prepping-101-shtf-scenario-preparation/?p=20913
  20. They arrested that guy for advertising hits. It was the creator of the silk road, I believe. To get the site going, he grew an insane amount of magic mushrooms so there would be something to sell once the site went live and to attract other vendors.
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