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Everything posted by spectre

  1. I just thought of something. I was rewatching the Rick arc, which spans episodes 4x9, 4x11, 4x15, 4x16. In 4x9, Rick and Carl go to Joe and Joe's Barb-Q shack. I wonder if that is the same Joe from the Marauders gang? Remember the note, please do what I couldn't ~ JOe.
  2. Coverage Round up - lots of good reading here about the finale and what's to come next season Episode 416 Post-Mortem interview with Robert Kirkman from TheWalkingDead.com Interview with Robert Kirkman & Scott Gimple over at the Hollywood Reporter Robert Kirkman talks Season 5 and beyond with Entertainment Weekly Season 5 Spoilers from Robert Kirkman & Scott Gimple on TV Guide Post-Mortem with Robert Kirkman over at TV Line The Walking Dead Postmortem: Are the People of Terminus Cannibals?
  3. Easter Egg In episode 3x12 Clear - on the way to get the guns, where Morgan shows up, this guy asks for help, on the way back, he's dead and they grab his back pack. Then it shows back up in Terminus. I looked at the end of 4x15 and its Glenn who was wearing it when they arrived at Terminus. I love these little touches they do, it really adds to the replay value and makes the show really dense.
  4. lol "By the power of Grey Beard!" (Hershel) I read an interview with Kirkman where he said they could only show the human on human violence so much, (but put some make up on someone and just do whatever you like.) So they could only show Rick biting into his neck for so many seconds, etc., but they said they went as far to the edge as they could. By plotting out the seasons in the manner Scott Gimple has, they are able to plant all those easter eggs. And he even said the show reinvents itself every 8 episodes. So, while it didn't exactly do that from season 3a to 3b, now that he is running the show, I think we can expect that. So extrapolating, I predict that the Terminus storyline will run during season 5a, they will hit the road to Alexandria/DC in 5b, then they can leave a teaser for Negan in Season 6. I'm looking forward to seeing who will play him but there is still more story to tell before we get there. They heavily alluded to Terminus being cannibals. 1. The Pile of bones. 2. When Michonne asked Alex, the guy with Hershel's watch, "Why do you let people in?" , he said the following "When people become a part of us, we get stronger" 3. The trap they set is what a Hunter would do leaving a Snare trap. 4. They're fucking with the wrong people - is what Rick said about the Hunters. Also interesting of note is the guy that played Gareth was promoted to series regular.
  5. Good point on what can be shown. My question is, if Breaking Bad can say fuck once per season, why couldn't they use it? I'm guessing there is a difference between 'fuck' and 'fucking' Did you see that guy that got ate who they couldn't save was from the comic too? I'm really happy that Scott Gimple is running the show because he puts as much as he can in from the comics while at the same time really developing further. For example the Marauders were developed a lot better than in the comic. It would have been even more dense if when Daryl met up with them, it was in the house with Rick and that Len dude that got the arrow to the eye, was the one getting beat when they woke up Rick. They already were playing the out of time sequence during the first part of the back half. I really encourage everyone that enjoys the show to marathon the whole season because there are so many easter eggs planted along the way. "Look at the flowers, Lizzy" was said in episode 2 when Carol killed their Dad off cause he was bitten. Also, you can really see the whole grand story/journey of Rick which was what the theme of the season was. Can the survivors come back to their humanity after the things they are forced to do to stay alive. And now we know the answer. Nope, no they can't. It was a big turn in the comics for Rick and its a big turn in the show. We were getting frustrated with Farmer Rick, even Carol said so in episode 4 "You can be a farmer, you can't be JUST a farmer." So Carol was forced to take up the slack for Rick, and of course she made poor decisions because of doing so and not having any experience; killing Karen and David for example. Then Rick gets his ass handed to him by the Governor because he wasn't in the right frame of mind. He runs off with tail tucked between his legs to heal and new Savage Rick emerges from the cocoon. Even though Carl was getting on our nerves, we now know he has Rick's back and he's also second guessing himself as being a monster and enjoying the killing. That was a good piece of development. They ended the season on a high note, even though the situation is bleak. That smirk on Rick's face directly from the Flashback to the same smile when he says "They're gonna feel pretty stupid once they find out..." was priceless. Lastly, when it did that flashback before he said that, Carl's hat fell off and Rick put it on Beth's head saying "There's a new sheriff in town." This is obviously foreshadowing that Beth will become something more perhaps even helping them get rescued. I have a feeling they are steering Beth onto Comic Book Andreas path. That would be awesome. Good stuff. Here is the rest of the Panel to Screen comparisons
  6. That's good to hear you are making a back up plan. There are various stages to it. In my mind, the Worse Case Scenario is if you become a refugee or otherwise have to leave the safety of your home. That's why its important to have a bug out system and location/rendevous point ahead of time. In my mind, I think you should get this situation planned out first. You want to plan for the worst and then work backwards. Once you have that down, then start prepping your house, food, etc. The OP has all the links organized for ease of navigation. I'll be posting my updated bug out bag system soon so stay tuned.
  7. They missed on purpose so they could funnel them into the trap. Just like Rick was talking about the snare trap and how it funneled the animals in. So they have a pretty good set up. Draw people in from way out, make them follow the rails, right into the funnel trap and bam. Feed them a plate, make them comfortable, pounce. Now they are bait for the next group. There were the letter A pasted all over the doorways they were herded into. Sorta like a sign to help the snipers funnel them. Kirkman on next season http://comicbook.com/blog/2014/03/31/the-walking-dead-creator-robert-kirkman-teases-season-five-and-beyond/
  8. did anyone see the pile of bones at the end?
  9. you messed with the wrong people holy shit best ending ever
  10. and it mirrors ricks explanation of the rabbit lured into the trap from the beginning of the episode. AKA the bad guys are the hunters from the comics. Well, we guessed that right but that was a good reveal.
  11. most intense yep. Every scene is weighted. I love the haunting of Hershel. They are showing the mirror of morality to brutatlity; hershel vs rick. And can he come back from it or will Hershel's way totally be lost. Hershel is even haunting the episode with his pocket watch permeating the situation. If you recall, watches have been a theme. Carol gave Rick her watch. Hershel to Glenn. Rick to those 2 hippy survivors.
  13. I just have this overwhelming sense of dread. Anyone else?
  14. Maggie's dead. Here is my proof. (logical deduction that is) Either way, can't wait! I'm tired of Glen's whining, sure wish they would kill him off. Funny Shit
  15. How to make your own bullets from lead tire weights scavenged from tire businesses added to Guns / Bullets sectoin http://forevergaming.co.uk/index.php/topic/760-how-to-survive-the-zombie-apocalypse/?p=20443
  16. that's cool, thanks man. I put one of those take down henry survival .22 in my go bag, it disassembles and stows in the buttstock, which is waterproof. My bug out bag is a pretty complete system, everything you would need to last 3 days and beyond. If walking dead were real, this is the bag I'd want. I'll post up some pics once its finally finished, just adding the final details.
  17. The Survivalist Depot I am just starting to get things off the ground. I wanted to offer my first product at a discounted price to you guys. I'm selling these on ebay for 24.99 but I'll let them go for 19.99 to anyone that is interested here. It's a great kit if you go camping alot. PM if interested and I'll update more here in the future.
  18. I'll try my best dude, but its hard to have a discussion without there being some kind of spoilers. I agree with Deterioration, you are missing out. Its actually even more rewarding trying to guess where they are going to take things after I read the comics. I hadn't read ahead until the episode when Hershel died. During that break, I read all the way through. Things are way different from the comic for sure, but some things are page for page. And when you know what's coming, those little foreshadowing moments make them even more sinister. For example, when the helicopter flew over way back in s03e03. Comic fans knew the Governor was coming. I posted this before but here you go, if you ever want to read them https://www.youtube.com/user/thewalkingdead08 I'll include future theories / predictions in this spoiler tag and I'm actually posting an interesting theory video in this right now. Theories / Predictions / Comic Speculation
  19. Great episode. I have a huge sense of Dread going into the next one. I have a feeling that Terminus is the home of the Cannibals. It is now apparent that Joe's group are not the Hunters. Which in my opinion makes them even more interesting. Joe isn't all bad and they even killed off one of their own. I'm thinking Joe wants to put the most loyal people into his group. A liar does not a loyal man make. If comic readers recall the Marauders, that tried to take Carl and have a little anal raping, Rick rips out one of their throats with his teeth. I have a feeling that in the previews for next week, Rick's mouth is all bloody and so this scene will play out. Only its going to be one of Joe's gang that gets the throat ripped. Meaning, Joe's gang is being modeled after those Marauders. Here you guys go, I put the image sequence together for you
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