lol "By the power of Grey Beard!" (Hershel)
I read an interview with Kirkman where he said they could only show the human on human violence so much, (but put some make up on someone and just do whatever you like.) So they could only show Rick biting into his neck for so many seconds, etc., but they said they went as far to the edge as they could.
By plotting out the seasons in the manner Scott Gimple has, they are able to plant all those easter eggs. And he even said the show reinvents itself every 8 episodes. So, while it didn't exactly do that from season 3a to 3b, now that he is running the show, I think we can expect that. So extrapolating, I predict that the Terminus storyline will run during season 5a, they will hit the road to Alexandria/DC in 5b, then they can leave a teaser for Negan in Season 6. I'm looking forward to seeing who will play him but there is still more story to tell before we get there.
They heavily alluded to Terminus being cannibals.
1. The Pile of bones.
2. When Michonne asked Alex, the guy with Hershel's watch, "Why do you let people in?" , he said the following "When people become a part of us, we get stronger"
3. The trap they set is what a Hunter would do leaving a Snare trap.
4. They're fucking with the wrong people - is what Rick said about the Hunters.
Also interesting of note is the guy that played Gareth was promoted to series regular.