I thought it was a great episode. I agree Michonne was a little too happy, but we gotta see her lighten up eventually. That is most likely to happen in one on one situations. She is probably an Introvert. I did think the Carl and Michonne adventure was stale. Their first adventure was far better when he tried to get that picture of the family.
I think the guys that Rick ran into are the Hunters from the Comic Book series. If they aren't the Hunters, we are sure to still see them again. They wouldn't have hired this guy
to sit on the porch and talk off camera for just one episode.
The fact that one of them saw Rick (jackoff #1 on the floor) right before he passed out, and also that Rick killed one of them (jackoff #2 jacking off on the toilet), should get this group out looking for some revenge. We haven't seen the last of them. It was great tension not showing their faces except for bits and pieces just how Rick would have saw them.